09-21-2005 MinutesSALINA ARTS & HUMANITIES COMMISSION September 21, 2005 The monthly meeting of the Salina Arts & Humanities Commission was held at the Smoky Hill Museum Community Room at 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, September 21, 2005. In attendance were David Cooper, Trent Davis, Randall Hardy, Luci Larson, Rachel Loersch, Linda Moore, Chelsey Mueller, Cheri Parr, R. Abner Perney, Linda Smith, Paula Wright and Ted Zerger. Staff Present: Sharon Benson, Kathy Burlew, Carrie Carpenter, Brigid Hall, John Highkin, Glenda Johnson and Karla Prickett. Also in attendance: Carmen Wilson, League of Women Voters. Absent: Marilyn Benyshek and Peggy DeBey. Smith called the meeting to order at 4:34 p.m. Smith - transferred facilitation of the meeting to new Commission Chair, Luci Larson. Larson complimented Smith in her role as Chair this past year. Highkin also complimented Smith for a year's worth of counsel and on her role as Chair. Larson called for introductions of Commissioners, staff, and guest. A special welcome to new Commissioners — Randall Hardy, Rachel Loersch, and Ted Zerger. Larson also welcomed Chelsey Mueller as the new student liaison. Larson — need to establish a date/time for new member orientation. Larson requested the new members and Burlew discuss after the meeting. Focus Time Highkin read the SAHC mission statement. SAHC has two entities — we are a City department with a Commission appointed by the Mayor and a 501 (c)(3) not-for-profit corporation incorporated in 1990. The Foundation allows us to solicit and accept charitable donations from individuals, foundations and corporations. All staff members are City employees. We receive the following cash amount from the City; $40,000 for the Horizons program and $30,000 for community programs. Public private partnerships include Horizons, and the River Festival, the strongest use of having not-for-profit status. The department also serves and important advocacy function for arts and artists. Staff and the Commission serve as a major component in the on-going establishment of the Community Art and Design Program. Highkin mentioned roles and responsibilities of Commissioners will be discussed at the new Commissioner Orientation meeting. A board packet will be given to each new member. Minutes Wright motioned to accept the minutes of the July 20, 2005 meeting and Cooper seconded. Motion passed. Wright motioned to accept the minutes of the August 31, 2005 meeting and Davis seconded. Motion passed. Smith reminded the City Commissioners will be voting on the renaming of the Oakdale Stage at 4:00 p.m. on October 3. Staff Report Cooper asked Hall to describe what she does with Make a Difference (MAD) and Business Art Partners (BAP) packets? Hall — MAD is the fundraising from businesses who select levels of donations to support Horizons, Arts Infusion, and the Festival. BAP is the fundraising from businesses and individuals who supports the Festival. 30th Anniversary Brainstorming Meeting Highkin gave a brief summary of the 30th brainstorming meeting notes. Highkin discussed the proposed Art Car parade events which may incorporate school projects and bicycles. After participating in an art car parade in southern Nebraska, Highkin says it's interesting to understand the culture of the art car world. Perney commented on his "adventure" to Houston, TX, where the SURF art cars participated with over 250 cars in the parade. He mentioned other events are usually there for kids to get involved. Perney and others participated in the car shows downtown and neighborhood tours the night before the parade. Highkin — discussion raised the issue of the annual salary reimbursement of $30,000 from the Festival to the City. Highkin talked to City Manager Jason Gage about the reimbursement being waived for a year to help pay for 30th anniversary activities; an option Gage did not rule out. However, at this time Highkin recommends not doing this. In the context of discussing a proposal for the River Festival to commission a permanent sculptural piece for Oakdale Park, Hall described her family trip to Chicago, specifically Millennium Park. She particularly noted the outdoor symphony hall and the wall of water that has video images that spout water through their mouths. Interactivity was visible at all times of the day. Zerger — these are projects of public space. Hardy — Terry Evans [former Salina photographer] has an exhibit in Millennium Park. Benson spoke of the discussion of entertainment. She has researched headline entertainment between $10,000 to $50,000. She gave examples of $50,000 entertainers and suggests that to make a bigger impact in reaching our community we not spend the higher end for big entertainment but instead have events happen throughout the year (an example: Scary Stories). Benson reminded everyone that we do get the Stiefel Theatre rent-free but have to pay technical costs and a per -ticket processing fee. Larson commented on the quality of shows that have been at the Festival and likes the variety. Benson — the quality of entertainment that we have had is setting our standards high. Parr feels we have had great entertainment throughout the years. Highkin — where do we go with this? Davis commented on the Motown Revue being moved in to the BiCenter in 05 due to the rain. A lot of dancing took place inside that probably wouldn't have happened outside. Hall noted that when Sam Bush played chairs had been set up to the front of the stage. To avoid this we should designate the area in front of the stage as a dancing spot. Loersch — were people in front of the stage in chair because of the possibility of rain? Hall thought people were there for a concert. Davis personally said he probably wouldn't have danced outside [for Motown Revue]. Highkin said that the move inside to the BiCenter was magical. Hardy reminded everyone that the Big Band Dance is on the other side and commented that lots of people enjoy the dancing. Prickett for the 25th Festival anniversary the Community Art & Design Program and Implementation Guidelines were introduced. The focus of the 25th Festival year mirrored the interest to visually improve the entryways to the Salina community. The bridges into the park featured large scale installations. The Community Art & Design Program includes projects from temporary Festival installations to large scale CIP projects. 30th Anniversary Festival projects will continue to celebrate "public art" experiences with added emphasis on Festival Year Round opportunities in the Salina community. Horizons Material from the Salina Art Center final report regarding "Speaking of Art" was distributed. SAHC staff will try to get a copy of the SAC'S DVD to share with the Commissioners. Benson gave a brief description of the Salina Community Theatre grant "SCT's Internship 3rd Year." Smith commented this grant is a perfect example of what Horizons should do for an advancement grant. Benson said SCT will be buying land to develop a children's stage. It was a great outcome of a three year advancement grant. Developing artist Judd Patterson (and biologist) submitted a Sudden Opportunity Grant. Benson asked Prickett briefly to describe the project. Prickett is serving on a selection panel for the new exhibition space at the Salina Public Library which is designed to showcase local and regional artists. Patterson's work was selected for the first round of scheduled exhibits with the panel's recommendations that he concentrate an exhibit on one of his photographic themes rather than several and look at a consistent presentation in regard to framing. The panel suggested checking into a Sudden Opportunity Grant through the Horizons Program. The grant could provide a great learning opportunity for the artist in terms of exhibiting professionally. Benson noted that there is in the budget $1500 for Sudden Opportunity grants. Judd is seeking $426.28. His mother has been involved in the framing. Larson — questions? Hardy — is the work for sale? Prickett — yes, all the work exhibited at the Library is for sale. Hardy — expressed concern that artists getting grant money and then selling work means that they make a profit. Benson — every artist who has had a grant has gained money. Zerger commented on Judd's passion as a biologist with the subject matter in his photographs and his enthusiasm in recent community presentations. Benson - on regular grants we have a community component and expressed Judd's interest in speaking about his work. Smith motioned to approve the Patterson Sudden Opportunity Grant and Parr seconded. Motion passed. Horizons Gathering Horizons will be hosting an informal gathering on October 9, 2005, 3:00 — 5:00. Benson and Highkin have been working with DeBey and Benyshek to plan the gathering. The gathering will be at Christ Cathedral with food and drink. This is an opportunity for Horizons members to meet and visit with Horizons developing artists about the projects. Highkin reiterated the gathering will be informal in a pleasant setting and will not be a fundraiser. Invitations will be mailed next week. Horizons Developing Grant Review SAHC received two applications this year for the Lana Jordan Developing Artist grant. Benson had talked to 10 people who were interested in submitting a grant. Benson commented the process takes about a year — the number of applicants is small but people in their career can't take the time to get the grant done at this time. Dale Cole and Mindy Graham grants were introduced. Since there are only two grants Benson suggested we could meet at Commission time in November. Evaluators will be contacted soon. Lori Brack presented workshops in July and received a good response of 20-30 people. If the two developing artists' grants are awarded we would have $5000 leftover. Benson would like to develop a committee to discuss other opportunities for entry level artists who could receive mini grants. Parr ask why we had 2 people submit grants out or 25 who attended the workshops. Benson explained the total who attended the workshop included developing artists and organizations. Something that could also be discussed with a committee is to simplify the process of submitting a grant. Highkin ask for volunteers to discuss options of Horizons mini -grants. Davis, Larson and Cooper volunteered. Burlew will set the meeting. The staff suggested inviting Lori Brack to come to the October commission meeting and talk about the procedure of the Horizons grant. The Horizons Developing Grant review will be Thursday, November 10 at 4:30 p.m. Museum Update Dee Harris's last day was Sept. 7th. The City's H.R. department will be working on search for a new director with SAHC, utilizing museum job search and website sources. Search committee will do telephone interviews in mid-December. Two candidates will be brought here for interviews. February or March is being looked at for a start date. Points being emphasized include the position being a City employee (and a not-for-profit position in which the Director is responsible for fund raising salaries). The salary is comparable or above for similar -sized museums in the region. Highkin is filling the Museum Director duties for the moment. Gallery Renovation has only a few major projects left. Staff plans all the work to be done by the end of the year with a late March opening. Open House will be Nov. 6 with downtown open house event. Staff is really active and doing well. Santa Fe Day will be held on Sept. 24. Since the absence of the Museum Director A&H staff has stepped up and helped tremendously. Other Art a la Carte, Connections Collections and Calendars were distributed. Benson reported the money from the USD 305 is on its way and will be used for next year. The money helps support Arts Infusion. Larson closed meeting at 5:45 p.m. /kab