Bi-Ctr Smoking IssueC I T Y * 0 F Date- May 17, 1996 CITY COMMISSION STUDY SESSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: Monday, May 20, 1996 TIME: 3:00 p.m. PLACE: City-County Building; Commission Conference Room 107 ESTIMATED LENGTH OF MEETING: 1 Hour The following have been identified as topics of study and discussion: 3:00 p.m. - Bi-Center Smoking Issues 3:30 p.m. - Citizens Open Forum CITY COMMISSIO~; CITY MANAGER Information Note: The Salina City Commission meets from time to time in study session. These sessions may be held before or after a regular Commission meeting, or at a separate date and time. The purpose of a study session is to allow adequate time for staff reports and Commission discussion and review of specific public policies and issues. All meetings are open to the public and news media representatives. No formal action is taken at a study session, but matters reviewed at a study session may be acted on at a later formal City Commission meeting. ',/,~'li~/.~, ~ '~ ? ''~,~",N ',~ '~'//'.~ / ~ · ~!',' ~'~ \. ' '.:' ~ ~ 'j ~ Study Session FolloW-Up 5/20/96 STUDY SESSION AGENDA ITEMS Keith Rawlings presented alternatives for outdoor smoking should a smoking ban be approved for the Bicentennial Center. The six alternatives involving construction on/ around the Bicentennial Center were shown via plans developed by Aaron Dailey, of Architectural Services Plus. Discussion ranged from nuances regarding the ban itself, to practicality of the different alternatives. Impact on the Center's clientele was addressed, and a representative from Tony's Pizza addressed their concerns about how the ban would impact their annual employee appreciation evening. Staff will come to a decision regarding this issue and schedule it on a future commission agenda. CITIZENS OPEN FORUM ITEMS · None OPEN POLICY TIME · none REQUESTS OF STAFF - (Study Session or City Commission Meeting) · none HANDOUTS · none MCA - May 21, 1996