For Sidmralks _QlLstreets in
s. 1:0. ;;'alina
Paaeated to the Board of eo--~
and rad ,J'8b. 19.Q.
aad IÚtrmI to
City )ian-V
The within Petition was filed in my oflice
day of
ChaR. .to. Bankm-
City Clerk.
, '
. "-""",,,,"-'"
Salina, Kansas
To the Honorable Board of Commissioners,
City of Salina, Kansas.
Gentlemen: - FEB It - 1952
" ; 'or t" i .......
"~e, the unC:ersi~ed, residents and property o1"lJ\ers in the City of &Q.tWla,. .
Xt>.nsas, do hereby petition your h:>norable body for the
(1) lor the OOD8t.ruot.1on or a ü4ewalk on MIlt. aide ot CuinC7
fI'a8 the eout.b 1111. of R8publ1c Avenue to the north line ot Cloud
(2) For tbe construot,lon or a sicS.-lk on the 8Outh a14e of Beloit. Awau
troa the .at Un- of C1u1ncIT Stnet to the ..8t. l111e ot SuaB1.. Dr1.wo
ud tJoolR the aouth UDe of Beloit to the 8Duth 11M ot Lot 10, Øloù "
S1InB~.e Ack11t1oa on SunRi.e Drift.
(3> For t.ho oonatncUOD of . 81dewa1k on the 8O\It.h .ic18 of B8pIIb11o AY811118
11':8 the ..1It line or !).dnOT Street .*0 the East UDe of a_me Stl'Mt.
(J.> For tho oonat.ruct1oo of . ai4ft8JJc on the 8Outh a1M of )(1,....pðU. fl'O&
the lino of ~C7' to the west. line of Norton.
( S) FO1' the conatruct.1on or . dc1ewal.k on the vest. 8148 of Horton froa the
8Outh line of I'dnoeapo118 t.~ the north Une of J8III8ll.
(6) For the oon8t.ruct.1oD or a d~ OD the south e1- ot Cl&tUD fl'O& the line of ~~C7 St.reet to the east 11- of P'ourt.h 3t.~.
('1) 'or tbe oon8t.l'uot.1on of . sid8w.1.k on the north 81M of J...u b_lI8
trOll! tbe vest liD. of Qu.1r1c:r Street to the eaat. 11M of Fourt.h Street.
(8) For "he constl"l-::t1on of . sidewalk on the eaat 0148 or Fraat. fl'Oll
the 8outh line of Cl'&wforcl to the north line or S.plJbl1e.
(9) tor conetl"llCtion of a 814nalk on the north 8ide of Baba fltrMt 111
frvnt. or Lot 18, Bloc11: 2, Colle.s Vi- Addition.