4.1 Human Rights Day !-:=-==~~~~~~-~~~=~~~~~~~ I } ... -¡: .j i 1 It. : r f, '~ t ; , "', .j t ' ¡ t of 1 ¡: [ ~- Ðíe City of Sa{ina~ gcansas 1 1: , ::', r -1 ':' ; î :; - 1- :; ,t ~ i '.", ~ ,"" ; ¡ i! <WJ{T.'R:£!AS recognition of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the ¡; : 1 ? t ~~~~~ family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the I \1 ¡ ~. f 'UJ'J/E'l{<p2lS disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous ;' r : t acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind, and their! [ : I advent of a world in which human beings enjoy freedom of I ',: 1 ! f I speech and freedom from fear and want has been proclaimed as the! ..; , , "f ' : highest aspiration of the common people,! :: (l1lJ-fE/R.~.5t5 it is essential, that human rights should be protected by the rule of _I, ,;,~~,',:, ::;",:, r '- law, and a common understanding of these rights and freedoms is ~ ¡ "', - of the greatest importance for the full realization of this pledge, ¡ ; 1 i,,';': ~ ; ,j , \ ' ! I;;;' <WJ{tL~ on December 10, 1948, the United Nations proclaimed that day 1 :;, ~ ¡ ',' HUMAN RIGHTS DAY, we ask the citizens of Salina to join us in j ~ : L:-.:~ reaffirming their faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity ~~ , and worth of each person and in the equal rights of all men and women, iÎÌÌI-. .~ I t ~;' -1 ; ¡ i { j ¡: ;-, I TJ{'E~g:O!lt'EJ I, Debbie Divine, Mayor of the City of Salina, Kansas, join with the Salina t ':~ i :" t' t -~ " , " ~ Human Relations Commission in proclaiming 1 i -\ l : I December 10, 2005 I ;i i " I 1': t' and ask the citizens of Salina to join us in keeping this proclamation constantly in mind, through J,: i ~ l; the teaching of respect for these rights and freedoms, and the implementation of progressive III t: ~;~~:~~:~: to secure the universal and effective recognition and observance of this day in IT! ¡ 1 I' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have I!.' I -, . t -', ! ¡ ~. .' ~ereluD£tohsetc mt] h£ ~ndl andKa.cðused. thbee ' ~:i I,':; Jeð 0 t e itt] 0 Jd iDa, nsas, to - ,': ! t ' '-' " ~ '~ affixed. this 5th dat] o£ December, 2005. -! ~~ ~ r, 1 '~!, I , . ~ ~ :~ . .i~ :~ 'j , f ; :; , J. - , , ¡ f 'i'- , J ,:' ¡ ! - Debbie Divine, Mtujor I; ! f ':; : ï -,:t- i ~ -~ ' ~ >, , ! ~ . ',H,' =,. ,. - - ~ MO' -, .." ..o 0' '0' '. -0- -m.. . .:>~--- .-:.--:- ,:_-:~,.:~~.=,.."..::.'::::_:--::--: : . ::-- -:---"--:" .J .' ,is ¡ .. ' , , t" "'."--0', ,.'., '. ,-,"" -,---,,",,'~"-="--"o"~""'-'--~" ,", ",., --','"" -,....""...",,- ,~...~,,--,,",-; ","ow --",'""-,..,,.., '","" '-.,".~--'",-"...>".-~,-',-'o~,,~,->'_.".- -,~,'- -"">.,,.-< "-- ..~' ',.,., , --'."""- "---"-"'~'--' -,",-":,,.,.,-...,.---,-, ~--..--",'" ",-N <,.."...",",C...... "._"""~";-"""-'~"-""" 'N_"".,'-",,-~- O"'_,,'~'--','- ...-.""" .._~~"""".,,, ",""'~...,",d...,,--., .. --"~"'., i