Amend Zoning KWU
Board :)1' C-,rnmi::;sioners of the
; Cit¡ of Salina, Kansas
;¡ Ci t:/ Hall
'i SaliLa, Kansas '
'I Gentlemen: I
¡'I! The undersigned has filed a Petition for the re-zoning of \
\, ~i:E~;i~:~dA~~i~~o~t~o s~~:e~1~~ ~~e s~r~~~s S~ii~~e c~~~~:::;:;anl
~ from District "D" to District "E". I
'I The purpose for the P.~ti tiJn for re-zoning 1s to permit the I
1\1, operation of a skating rink in a brick and tile building located I
cn said real est;te above described.
¡"II If the City ,-,1' Salina authorizes the re-zoning as aforesaid
I requested, the undersigned will propt:rly close and insulate all
!i doors and windows on the east side of said building for the pur-
l! pose of the eliminat:.:;n of any n:;ise in the use of said building
as a skating rink and if such measures will not adequately
:\ eradic5.te any such Loise the undersigned will close and insulate
all openings to said building, except entrances and exits. In
\1 addition tnereto, the undersigned will provide such ventilation
'i and air conditionlr.g of said building as required.
Ø?~ L~--
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