1453 Boat Ramp Oakdale Park . .' .. ,.. th. und...atIDed .UD.atl7 petltion th. Ct" C~18. . on... ot th. ct" ot Sa11' a,. to .apv.o.. aDð be.. 1N1lt a pu1»l1., 18&11 boat .aap to tIl. Saolq 8111 1\1.- IIa Oû4al. Pan. .. reca..' th18 "_11..' . 011' ~ ... Una 1. OM ot the taa '" t Il'O8l81 . pol'a and ho1»~ IIa .erl.a. . !be a._bel' ot boau aDd DlOto... alr.adJ 0WIHIt aDð operated 1»1 Salina people baa 1M..... tHMAdoua1.F d.. EaDapo118 wa. built aDð i. 1I1c....iDC ...I'J .... C ft. .tr.teh ot wate. in the park 18 tin. tor bH8k in, tI7 out aDð C.ttU¡ aoaWltaae4 to a .... aport. due to the leak ot wind aa4 .yea. D the d..... to the 1Nudta ot the .iY.. .., pl'1.. '-l.F owned boats 18 DO 80", 11' .. 8Mb, .. the OG88eroW ope.ation 1'1" exbt,1ft¡ on thi. atl'8toh ot wate., p1u the dua¡. to both boats and baI'1k -, þuttiac th.. 111 .ltbOQt a .aap. I !he nota. Du1a..... baa been abated - outboart aemataoture.. until it DO 1once. uJ.8u. An4 t1nal1J the 008 t ot .\IOb a ..-p would be 88al1 111 ..latlOD to the D". ot people ulna it thl'OUp tb8 ,...., whl8h tut baa beeB aooeptecl 111 II8D7 plao.. - the bullcUq of pu1t110 napa. Tbe above petition was TOted òn in open meeting 'I:1r .THE CENTRAL KANSAS FISH AND GAME ASS'N. INC.- We pledge our full backing rœ- tb1s petit1oo b.r signature of our officers and board of directors