Selling Benches FILED ~,l':....- ._".1 PP.OP05A1 fEB 1 \::tl/r~ :'C I'm: HONIP.~ C'm .u1l 'n!.> ~d~sal.'llnRS 01 ~ CITY C? ~ S/.1I3'.1 Th8Ilndoulgned., dolngb'lneu na;:llIl'JlCilAD'.--i.:'."I,,!::;G COlP,\.Il"t, respectfully rOlll.ete the ~'qor "-lId City CO'Ildni,onere ot'theCitya!3allllf1taeon51dertr_e!ollo.dna:&ction: '!'h..t the l;~ni"".rlI ~r&JIt to the ~Utt"""".. .. frM.hi... Md contract from the Clty o!' 5lll1n~ for the four'll""" of phclng, lU.1ntllin!ngMd crreuting'benehe" \.it~. the right to sell and ~hc" adverthlllg or: MH b~llr,.h"" th!'!l'lgh~t the City of Sa.llnll ot loeal bue Itope or e!J:"llu loec.tlon.., eo de~1r.n8ted by U:. Cl';:tCo3l'iuleMre, ':'hat the [rmoM.. be <iulgn..ted to run rer 8P8",1011 of not 180s tn..n ten (10) Y8!lJ'8 CO'ml8nol"'l hit?: the date crt the B>:ecutlon af tia .contre~t tl18eed. here'oiJ.tb, s.>;d. tllr.t in OCIl8!de:rotion of the prevH1,me, the petitiollau be ob:l~".ted to ';lly to the City of S!..lin8 h-enty (:>0) ~Jle~ of t~.8 gT~n ncdpts fro<' all srUu el'ttBing,!,~ee on o,''!''-''""'-~nthollitYOf Salie. You.l' peti .. -. 01\11 t~ the ~t. . i<Wl. of the Co.tmininnen that if the u'luu ';.~ -::~ the City 'I!' Salim. 10 "rr.nted thAt they lmva entered... oo,~tr~o. ...D:llin.. <iIlti-ts~ Club "AFriendo! the :&IY', of s,..lir~, l\nnM' til"!Onll.te i.en (10) peroont of the grou noeipta f~ol! ,r.In of dverttein(; t'p'Oce on 8ltid _ b~nche8 to the 0...1.11 SaUna (\]lHd.~t Club 'A I'l'hnd a! the Boy" to bell'edb)' thenf.". oharH...!lle dYeo p\lrp'BlU only, btUevLng th.e.t in thh w;I they o'n mae t/. sontribution to the !!en~r,l wlfl\:'e of the <mtl!-~ Ca:nl.D!ty. YtlU1' oeU tioMn rospeotfully invite a.H$nUon or the CQl::11liuio::en to n.e :ollo..lru; hctel 1h&t th~ !leU tionere dUiro, ,;nd o.:e pre'Yred ",on the Il.p~1'oY.u of t~e City IlOfl'lC;iuione7e, to "l"oe ten ber-chee in th8 City of 5-<.1:80 vt-::hin the next n~'~-::y d",}"', "nli to plMe ellM. tutt!::er bench.. s." the d_,od '.'ill ~e:'lll1t ~l\ t.'le t'\Itu~e up to an eetir.lated 000 b~ohee or lIlorO ..1tti.: the next h'ell'" NnH_e. T'f.nt 1'I.1~ boooh" an of It. COlIt in exeeee ~f iKo..jO e'\C~ ""d t;rO to ',Je conetruded of re1nfo1'e~d eono70te ~ootln~", 01' ende, flye .nd 000 'l.uuter i~el\o' tlJ.iek, ..1.Ul ee~te eoneidh-i" cf ~!: loolLt':e "euurlng t'o'O ine"o~ by dx inches and osk board :!~ "u.!l1j; two tnchn by fo'.ll' inchee, Tho ee,-,te cr benc":ell. ..-i~l :,.-ye R solid hc\; end will be aixfeetloDg. 'l'hes.dv"",Ufd_ngp,<ne11etobeaHt.chedto the '!!"ck of the htr.lch lIftlo.l\On-p1'ot",d.~n~ bolte, e: t~oI'td rneonito, .hie;, l\li,;ortieing p<nd ~y .:'0 ~a"lly 1'OO'l'".ood Or cll..ngtd"e no.dell. t'h~ concrete bue, :>I' end~, of t:,o blUlch will be ,>doted. e.bettleehio g1'-'l' .nd the wood..n "attion will be ;ainteda forut iresn. the &dverthin~ ';I<'n01 ,<ill b~ in S'~cb colore as 40eig- ndedby tho ad.vert1eer. Undorneot:_thof.entpartioneftho ,,"-to ef the bench there it to 1:8 ~~',oed." piece ,,:r 09:: l="er two -no! one half !nehn "'l.ll"l'C, runnin,; tl:.e len~th of tho ben~h, heh-e."7I t"'e caner.te to<>Uns~, or er:.18, on .1oiUeh the follo..ini; ltth:riiig ,fin ".."1lel\l" 's.ua, "O)':i 'F orTh.'1" '{i:l AI', ?me:': SA-U,', or tllleh other civ1c 810;':~1l 0.5 the City Ce,.rr.\U.onsn fI'Sf liui~~t!. .., PRQF05J\1(CO!l'TIlroLD) the tot1tl r~'l'Jlred e~pit"l invesbent '.'ill be. e~proxi"'lltdy 'lO.~O.OO 'odrlch IUIIl '0/111 eOTe; the CO!t o! b"nehes II.! dooorlb!~ ebon, and n.... Ild".1 tt"".l co.t of 5o:ellllu"roes..lng o~\lt--mel1t, l'icl:: \l~ or trude, fut~re steel:: of mQBOlIl h~ plo..elng or benehu, :;.;J.ll.~.::.J.~~~~::ebes, l1eeMee, ll!r.'llt!, taeu, lneurMou Ilgd:ut public Ihbi"i"y l\lId -doJ"'_a.~'e b')i'ilpel't';l!en!tTlB and ,,<ivert1aln;; o<>;ly M~ t:3e p~"tL~-l 0: nl.-,(U'tloirol: d8Bit~lla. '!'his a:nount of ell-pital 1B new ~v'\i~,:.b"e to "eUtioners. 1t.'l.t theaAvertiel!\Il; tobe e'lJ'rled. on ths"oench"8,.,Ulbeota his:h 'l.u3.lity both in lJUbj~ct !!ntto" d8Bl~n 'lJld ,ortrqsl. Yeur p~t1tlcnen aTe ~ble l\lld nrep>rod tn 0::8r the lo,rgeet aelection r4 dni.;:ne "va.Ue.b:e 1n tte 5<mth....t l',.Ild.U8 we~"red to offer theu dediJll8 IilId acI'l't]'EBinl; in aB mmy colere u dnlred by tho advertiser". including th~ u~e or l~lnou. ,e1nt ~~ ae '~COTC~lJ 1.0:. . :r"", tbu.fore. Wll, the undllr'tened, ru,ecttully r.'l.~ut thn.t tho C=iealon of the r.l~;.' of 51'.1'.11". t.u:. IJ\Ich action n.l. O;l'ropriRh to gr,nt to ~.t1t1cr..rB e,ld fpllc~lU u deocrl'J.<I a.ll....e. T.n "_Ct,::;, .'l.J'r;J~'?1~BG COHl';Jr[ --- - - . 'i' Cmr:'llAC~:;'OO 3tl5 I3Tm' l.lIC!WS 'nlh A€:ro<>ll1J1t ....dO end enta~.d in~o tl:~" do,y of 19M. by a.nd ...h'/Jell th~ city of 5<\1i;', lLl!IllIicirlll oo:"Oorat1on of 5,,111'. COll~ty, !::ello."', herolll,,:ter called City, e!l1 !o.e':1h L <ell, doill,,! Nain.." u 3elll'./JI'\ch Ad1",tillin.~ Co, tlerMnatt... c..Hed e':mtr~~~, _ ~ - J1'i':>..:~5t:TI!; -~- :'l-...t eddJ'luti.eheve ~:eed&" fol:o"., ~t for and in c~no1der"tio~. of ~h~ ~re_ntl henin- .u'ter O"olltionod M<l. tho otl1~~tione &""U!!l~ by the Contro.ctore, the CIty heub)' 3rfUltl to Contl"!l..Qt~ro the un of... !,ortioo of tho .treatl tzld .idevnD:::. "" her~ir. r~cvil1ed for, for the p"-!,!,oee of ,:,l~.cinJt b/Jl'\~~,el..t bUD "tor>e ",-t~n t". ccrnonte li!'i~. ll! the' Q1ty ef :k11n" ee~..e<111~' ~'Qd boa tr~"port~t1^n ~"et!1tl"e, ~'It a "'"'tod of ten (10) y/Jou fr:.' the dete ot thl! ClIlltr"et, IJUbjeot ,,"wever, to ~~e o'oltB~tion/J wli o.'ndltione Mr~ll1l1!t~r etdo~. -~- '~"ntrqo~o.re hll~.by e.gr~' to l~";~',: ...r.~ "'"!nt'~." "~l^ ~tn~ b"",ohlO at loe..tt :.ne "'ll:orJVe~ by fr.' =, t,;. Y.~lwt~n lllLill 1Ja. ,top benot.n tc b' inotll11d M'i .",,~r,t~!.M~ in accord".llo<l '..'1t~ roecl- fic<,tlonl her.to ItttMh~d "_,~ r".~ho~ ':7.hi~1t .\', 'nd. ~,<1. "Jt l'oreat. " ~....t in.t'lll't'"n eJl.d ,...intrIl.noe o~ e~i~ b',1, etop: buno~.'1 ah-11 enn~l$1: a: ~mtr.ct~n Il~~15lLin- "11 :.'.t,., t~ole, 1l~1\- 'IlOCO, ll2-te-:bJ. .n~ t:",.~~m'~,t~o" tor t'".o otr.5tNo:.1'n, 0","- elation and t'ALnhnnnoc, 1_' ~1: ~,i~ k-nohe~, In M~or&;.nce .-.~th tr~ er~c1!io't1on. "~~"..e~~:r the ~'t.y !:1I-,,"~t!T, attMha~ "a .cl~ 'Lxh1btt,\", -,- ~e ContT"ll:tC:-1 ~"'>l'ao, on~ '.re obH~...t~d t.o co~,,!nOe ,"le1.e~ ing 3'1i' benehe..:o.t "'VFmr"~ l<>erUO"s ,it',in nint)-. (~1 d'l,Tll :r~ tlle date of till! o""trt.o~. .~. !'he Cnntr'otore M-r.b:;r n€r'Je, an~ lI"~ obl1F"ted, to ;ro.le- c'~to 1t.'\1d . OF" ...,d to ol~c' heno~".e.t ';-ro..e~ looationo \dtll Teuonoble dillger..ce, 'n~ d.thin ninty [""'1 ~.'IP' :rr,", thO d.~ts of tbh cont':'"ct to ,,1M" not l'tu ~h!Vl ten rIO) b~nch"" "t ep- rroud 10<!~ti~l\a, "'.'1d. to pl.<ll' f'-lr~,er benoClcs, 80 the <\ean1"" "d.vort1einB will por",lt, UJI to M a.,~ntu,-,1 uUrde of t>lO lllm~- 'l'Od. (::'00) bench"" rIr mor~, C01l'1'fI....::~ j'(P. 3'J3 Bm m::'!!':s (COll'l'!JlnD} -e- ::to Contr"-ttDr. hereby ~nd~1Inl~y o.nd hu~by It':ree to ,we h,=le~~ the City or ~",11tJ'. frc" ,,11 lo~"e~ or d:\m>l,p;u ari"i!\il O\It cf. or reoult1n@: fNJ/" 0.11C',ed injur1e~ eith~r nn.J. or ,,"8@rted. Ql&1aft ."",n1nst it th&t ~ight '~e oeoau1oMd by t.he &11eg~d ~r fwt ~_~~jtc.it;..~r thal=..M::~nt8 n:v,..nte. or ",=10y""., :rr.e Contnct';';l'"l'Jrtli!!"a;p-ee t6~1f"ll'l~Jt-&11"""!>!lHMll1t"pl"l>-- rlahns Q! the 1..",. 'llId l:uil1i~ end Co~.truet101:l eode~ ef tlle Cit:!' or W1~l!. IIld the Shh 0: K'J\!IoI<~, "Jld 'w'ith l1lY roguht1cn. !or the prutetticu nf e=k~~, ...t.iel: ",q be :pr~Jlg~tod by the Qove~!Il:f!nt of the united st,,,~"O, .."d .h'l.11 :pro teet ~uoh W<:I~k .1th 0.11 neca~o..ry l1ghh, b~:r'l"i~l"". "'_f~",~uds, !lIld 'o"lJ"ning...., ... !l:!I,)l b~ ~~'!uir~d by t!'.e C1 ty I'M9...j"r end th~ ord-1rt""eU md reffU- l~tl"n. or ",id City. .,. ::tt Contraetore -.gne, u~~n ex~e"t1~n or tl:lo eontr",ct. and befer~ p1~.ctlli 'lll:r beooh"8 on t~.~ ttr _,cto ef )l.)-rk \I'l,Y8 of the Ci t:r Dr Sc;J.lm, to d"",031 t '.1 th ~ho Gi ty Gl".,.k of 3~11ne '" p~lie1 of lnffiltMce, frem titre to t1;T'". in~lJr1nl! 1Uld. indelllll1fyin~ ',he C1tyClerkogninlt on;,le1" "'ld:'011i~ 4hoeityo!SIIlinR h.!tl"lll.u frO!" cJJ.Y Md. l!.11 ob~", of flUih o! eUl""J ndun, 'o1U1 re"P'-"'t to Pu.bl1a !1'.blE~J, ...,d, or, p1'O",erty ::li'."lM"0- artein~ by rea.eon of bul Ita; ben"~.ea e~~oted or 7.1~~~~ in UM by oontl'o.c.t- ot~ lj'\I',~ ~r."-,'v..' 'r "-.t~ 0:"'''' or ",,'_t. ',il~ '-I,.ttr cf ~~t leu tlwl :-We~ty ;>h~ 1":'l""a"'1~ D::/l:u" (H,OIX.OO) for d~h eonr....-e. 1U1/!. IM-t add Jlo:ley 8~.'l11 re<!"1re t:;~ lnlurer t~ :0<1 Il.E e08tft of def<:ndtni .1IY !llle\: u'. t er ol<li~. !loe c~ntr~.ot~u ..;n~ to, ..t ,11 tiTl'OI, kee~ tr_e )rO-~1u:'l p-~1 ul'~n 8,ud in>"~Cll~e ~.olicin or ~.h. ler" of .hl~ ~~on:. ..Q. ':'!l..t th, Cl t] l'1'n""," B~~.E ~)1l'rove the locot1on8 o! '11 -.eno'he~ t be ,ll\l:ed ',.y !"e""m d t.-in ,<;X"lI:. '.n/!. the oor.oe .holl -Je ::.l~aed IT. th~t "'BTt or the ~t.rHt ~r.D'~ u tho ,puklll(:, ...nd in meh Il. '"!Inner ".! :lot t~ inhrferll '<lith tht pUlll1c uee nf lllld'_ i.t:~.t~ and 1I1~el.~JkB, Dr .~e not. I., "~~~'e <Nt ha~..,..1.:lUo "~ d..=~~OO~ a-m1!tl.'n the:o.ir.. 'r.~ l.~e C"'"_tr<_etou IY!ree to ronon .1'';:; ~~ne'!l ,Jeed at 'Ill ,,""r":~(' loe~t1o", in :"'_~ rul<l.entiM "ee. Hon e! the el ty after t~n "..Y" ~')"t ~t~n !'i"Hee eo t,o de by t~.e r.ity lan!F.er. 'I'e8 Contr"c~or" ,.1ao It"':ree 4ho.t uron :""MVsJ. ~f 1\1I)' a\1e~ b"n~'!1 th/lt thoi' '.:iJ.~ r"CJo"'~ "-'1)' .,,;.ne'hor8 tor 8<Ud. blllleh. -",4 ~utore t'!lft f,1'oun~ to t.ho cond1tl:>n It '0"'8 in 0'1'10:" to He 1n"tO--i1..ti~n. Tl'e C,ntrodQra furt'Mr f"",--rM not t-. eell any l',d.verthinz to be pl"e~d on ""1d .,enr.he8 01. b"!l.1~ of, 'o1th my ot,teeH"m.!l!" lIt!!.terbl d.n'"-~ in .-:ecd feith, te ~" 1elet~riou" tc the Pl'blie .re1f'9.u, by t'he J:>,.rd rJ: G~i~don" 01 uH o!';y. 1 C'o..--.rRJ.C~.CI!\:;c5 STlZ'I>l'lftlJI;;:) (C(l"J'i'I!lI1.J) .^'. Cont:r'"ctore "lft'~~ to Hnd ~hOJ'_e-lv~e to I>!lJ. ""<I :!.he City ....n--s to r~di'G !or nl~ t~,e 'foro"~id ~r1vUogeo Md ri'1'!1to herein I:r~ntod, tv"nty (20) f.or cad of tho ,~rooo reeei"th "received fr'R" toe u~o ~f .~,1 "en~!1ee ~er nll pIl.r:oooo.. !hilt oitthel,tlrd13"ofoN;lll"",nt!lfollorit>s,tftepiw:l_tof-""1b_h or 'benohu, QI'on any atreet, in tho City of ~~1i,"" tlul.t th Con_ tr"etor will pit)' the C1 ty. ~t ~.lin~ K'-"8~.. "".ld percentage of tho oOlloohd !':rou ~ecolpta for t:," p;ooeodir:g1OMth, end t!ul.t :uot!l.lld r1noContr'.otO>'; booh oh&l: be l'"_,jntainodln the City, &Ill!. oh8.11 s,t lI.11 ti,""o 'be open to ~n""ect1o" ,~d ,,,,dit by BnY iluly=tboriud ..,.nt of the City. -10- :;hat tile prCI".,.a1 of contr:;I.I:'.n! ~ hento ..tte.ohedllnd .,ade II !lift hereof. 'U!d 1rko~ "L1Chib1t E', lllId Contr"otora hreb'; obli!!: h Ilnd bind ther.oelNa to fully pn-fom, 10 all ru- Jl~et, tho l'I'opo~pJ. ,., de tlleref.n, in adM ti 'l1 to the obl!r~t1on8 Jlld eonHtlon. heroin ...bo"e ~"t oat. III ;/!'fi.!l':3 ..~JCi', nlO Ci ~y o~ SUin", hB.II o..uud thE in.trW'IHI'lt toba slgnad in trh:1cate, inih lV'1'le M4 on ita behrl!b)' th.Y:eJ'or 'llI4at'""tcd'oy ih Cl.rk, vitll. the Cor;>onh 5_1 of tho (llty of S.-H"., d~'e~e~ t;,eretc. !lonaIltS"l1n....KAA......thi. "-Y,r 1"5<1 City of SP.l1l1". A':'T.;5'1' lIonr &:1l 'il.';:f:;-' A!l'(,::t~!d!ll~ OOITAlt'{ C1tycllll'Jc. 6. - 0 r . Front v;aw I TXAN~POH/A~/(Jly 8~",cJy .--.... , , I I:rvJ) \lIE....... (-- I .-- r;-- , . " - - - . -----J . - , I , I , , 1-4" -( :'. r~ /' t J . , , '<' - ;.' .' .s/r,p~ J'j.II.,J ',Iv " , - T :( , '-, :,v !ol , 1 , , , :~"~J '.J.: , '.. . l~ : : - ,,, I ,,' I ,r, \- -)\, -,'~ -) ~ ,- END ~Il"'" SUI(l).~':111 H, I, . concrde tlllch lnl p... I /, ,!d TI'A Ivl POR rA T 10", 9ENCrl -