1427 Opening Franklin Ave
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To the Honorable Board of Commissioners,
City of Salina, Kansas.
January 22, 1954
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He, the undersi€,ned, residents and property o\mers in the City ot Salina,
Kans88, do hereby petition your honorable body for the opening of' Franklin
Avenue from Shawnee Avenue East to Hancock Street.
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Respeotf'ul1y ,
(statement on other side)
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::> alina, Kans as
January 22, 1954
To the Honorable Board of' Commissioners,
City of' salina, Kansas.
We, the undersigned, res iden ts and property
owners in the City of' Salina, Kansas, in our petition
to your Honorable Board f'ar the opening of Franklin
Avenue from ::>hawnee Avenue East to Hanoock street,
did petition for the following reasons.
1. Most of us have children of school age,
and at the present time, they are unable to attend
Franklin, South Park, and Lowell Schools, without
ei ther walking Eas t oñ 'Ifepübiic which has no public
sidewalks, and which is now a through street, or by'
walking down the Bypass to Crawford and then East
on Crawford. For this reason, and for the protection
of our children, we request that Franklin Street be
opened up as a public thoroughfare..
We are most anxious that this petition be
given a great deal of consideration, far your body
is well aware or the dangerous tra:ffic existing on
Highway 81, namely the Bypass, and then too, the
only access to town is either by Republic or via
the Bypass.. We are sure that if you check the City
plat ~ that you can 1'ead:lly see that we are in great
need for Franklin Street to be opened.
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