1691 Amend Zoning VanTrines Add PETITION For - !lezonlr,g Lots - 10 & l~_!!~. )J Vanl'rine's Add. ft.'9~_-,~&1I t() -~C_'" - ------ ---- P/~~nted to the Board of Commissioners and read _lloy.29t.tL...__19--5$ and referred to - Ci tY_!'1a!!ninLc;o.'JID' REPORT --_u --- - - Un_' ----- ----- -------- ------ ---- ---- --- -------- The within Petition was filed in my office this ---23rd_~~___- __day of ~Jl~em~~ --~--- --- 19-55 - ----H.. _$.. - feterIWI'L- City Clerk OOSSOC'O'HO ,'c","'"", --" -, Salina, Kansas 'TO THE HONORABlE BOAIID OF cctOOSSIONERS, CITY OF SAUNA, KANSAS GENTLEI.!EN : Fild: Uovember 23,1955 PETITION NO, 1691 We, the undersigned, residents and property owners in the City of Salina, Kansas, do hereby petition your honorable body for the rezoning of Lots 10 and 12 in mock 3, VanTrinels Addition from Zone "B" to Zone "e" to enable Rodney Helstrom, a s contract purchaser of s aid property, to construct a two-story brick apartment building to contain eight (8) apartments, nth a plot plan as hereto attached, FIlED BY: Rodney Helstrom Trusting that the prayers of the petitioners will be granted, we are, Respectfully, UIIM];' TNI' 'l>fli' T. A. Wi tham 846 Highland Ave! lOl neT) I 818 E, I lCc Rod;-;ey Helstrom Kirl1in Av~. ntræ Purchaaer) I --+ , I I -- - -- - ---