1670 Paving Delaware PETITION For fl!'9ng D~Ji~_frQI!L~ve. to_§t¡¡P'ler _Av_e~ ---- - ~--------- ---~- - ~---- Presented to the Board of Commissioners and read ~.__lJIYL___19-55. and referred to __~_~ger REPORT ----- --- -------- ----------- - --- ----- ----- ---- -- _n ----~---- --_.- ___on - - ---- --- The within Petition was filed in my office this _12th. _____dayof ---- --_.__O_:t.o~r_--- 19----55 _JJ..E. l'eteraOIl City Clerk 0<"",""'° "~CO_, TO THE HONORABLE BOARD OF CC~~SSIONERS, CITY OF SAUNA, KAIfSAS GEN'l'LEMEN: Saline., Kansas Fi1...d: Oct. 12, 1955 PETiTION NO. 1670 We, the undersigned, residents and property owners in the City of Salina, Kansas, do hereby petition your honorable body for the paving with concrete on Delaware from East line of Iron Avenue to Stapler Avenue. FILED BY: Walter Glendining Trusting that the prayers of the petitioners will be granted, ve are, Respectfully, NAMF. A ImRF. RR r-. ~ 'RTK I I I ADDITION Walt Gl d ' er en emng liO s. n..1":If""": ¡ I I joseph E. Velt!aan -- 1--114 s. Del aware i , Jo-har Dairies l~.A.L.) 1]00 Ea5t iron I 1---=-- -¡ Katherine Beineke 1220 Last Iron ¡ I c. A. Ballance 120 S. ùelaware R. R. ilcAda:ns 124 s. Delaware W. J. Triplett 1222 E. Iron Av ~. R. E. 1214 E. Iron Ave I Hav1ovi tz E. E. Cassel 121\ S. Delaware I 0 R V"np,,'t 1216 E IrOil Ayj. I I ---- f-- - C-- _.