1643 Amend Zoning Eisenhower Ad PETITION :Forrë~~~ng certain- p.roper!':L~n- - ~X._l.L _J:.i_senhower A~"--J:rolll_-- -_-"l>-~o- urn ----- .----- -,-- ---- " Pn. .red to the Board of Commissioners and read -Aug. 16t1L- -- .19-55- and re£erred to Ci tl~~~g~88io~_- REPORT ------ --'--- . - -- ------- ~--- ------,- -- -"--- The within Petition was filed in my office this lOth______-_-__dRyof Augu,ß__- ------ 19_---55 - ---, H....E&..J>eter50ll---_- City Clerk co""'""no ,^c""'" .. ~" , t t. - -... TO TIŒ. RI)NORABU; AOAM n}' C(¡1.M.1SS1CNER5, CITY OF SALINA, KAnSAS. GEllTlEMEN: ~alina, ~naa" Filed: August 10, 1955 PETITION HU'.Milirl 1643 ~e the undersigned, residents and prt"perty owners ir. the ('it.) 01 :>a..lua, Kansas, do h...r...òy p...tition your ht"norable bC'dy for the Rezoning from "D" to "F" the north 125 feet of south J93 feet of that part of mock 1 in EiserÙlower åddi tion to City of Salina, Kansas, and the north 12$ feet of t. he south 268 feet of that part of mock 1, in Eisenhower Addition to the City of ~alina, Kansas. Phone 6565 ~lLEL BY: Ben Huser & Wilbur Steed TrUStIñgthat the prayers of the petitioners will be grantec1, ;fe are! Resrectfully, --- ---~- - - ------ - ADDRESS LOr all< ----- ADDITION ~G. ß1ser 725 Sheridan Tract Eisenhowor -~---------- ---------- Wilbur Steed 716 McAdams Road Tract Eisenhower - ---------- ------ ------+-----+-._----~- - ----.- Enoch B. Harris 529 E. Beloit n-- -------- - ----+- -._-- ----- -----t i I I I j - ----t-+--+ -- ---- ---------+----- I I I I . I ! ------- -- ---+------1 I I . ; i I -- - - -- -- --t- ! I I I ------ ---- ------ ----- - -- --- --- --- - ------- ------~+-i I . . I I I f--__n --- - --------+ ----_J-_; -i --- .... ~:--- - :+::--~:=- :i-t---t=. ~~~~-~--~- -t---------X~---+-- -- -- -- . ¡ , --4--------- ----~--+----+----- I, ¡ ------ --- n- -- --- -. no. -- - - --- -- -----~-- --- ---- -~---i--- --~--- -- --- -+- --- ---t--+-- -- - --;---- . I -- - ~-+--- -+ - -, -- - -- -- t -- - - ~- --+ I I i , ---i---- -- - - ;--- -.,..- - - <-- - - t h -'--