1642 Amend Zoning Section 14 PETITION -For ltesomn¡ certain p~operty - f~o~ ,"þ.~~o. - _"F" - - ------_d ----~ _d_- - _d__- Pr. ,'1ted to the Board of Commissioners JUld read A~~~___1922- and referred to Cit,. Plamdng Commission REPORT ----- ------ --------- ----------- ---- ------------ ----- - ---------------- The within Petition was filed in my office this _2~ day of A~t ---- 19...55. _HL:E:. J'e_terllLD - -- City Clerk C"""""" "C".' 'n" '. ," . ~. -- ,- ~a11nQ, M[¡S81: TO 1'BI!. ßl)NOPABIJ!; AOARD OF CrMnSS!CNERS. CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS. GElITIEJIEN : Filed: August 2, 1955 PETITION NUM.::.ER 1642 We, the underøigne!i. residents and prf'perty owners 1r. th~ C1l~ Of .:)~1U8, KanslUl, do h~r...by p~tltion your hl"Dorable b<'dy for the rezening from "A" to ifF" of that certai n træ t of land lying and situate in the :/orth Half IN/2) of the Southwest Quarter ~sw/4) of ::Jection 14, Township 14 South, Range 3 \'fest of the 6th P. AI. J-n Saline County, Kansas. described as follows: I.See original petition) nLEL 8Y: Fr& k Busboom, Salina Building Compa. y, Inc. Trust1ngthat the prayers of the petitioners WilJ be I:!;raate<1, we are, Respectfully. N~ ADDRES5 WI' -~- ADDITION Silir;Btri~g Q;lJIpmy~'ïnc.- ~Iink Busboom (See description on original petition) --- ----'-----.--..---- I - ------------ ----- ------+-----+----- --------- ---.----. -- --+- --- --"- -------+ i I I ¡ - ----t-+-+ - - --- --- --- ---t-------- ~ I i u u- -- -- -------1- --+--+-! ! -----; i-! -- - ----.---+-- ! I ---. --- --- -------- ---- - -- --- --- ------- --. -- -------~ ! --~~~=---1- ----4- ~ -r -=: - ----~~=--t~-----~-~=- t' t---+--------_. r I +--- . --------- h ---- ---+--------- ,---+----- -- -- - . - - --4------- -- ----+--+- --+--- - - - - I: ¡ .- --- -- - -- --- -r------ - -- -- -- -----+----i---~- -------- -- ---~--- -- -. - i --t---+--- --- -i---- . I -- . -t--- + ---+ --i-- - - -- -- í ( --- -- ..i..-.--+ - -- - --t-- --- L-L I ---r-- I ¡- . -......- .. - / -- ...