1638 Imp McAdams Road PETITION For _P~v1ng IðcADAl!S HOAD frOI!l . Pearl Ave. to Lewis Ave. - ---.- ~- Preterlted to the Board of Commissioners and reed ---~.ug. 21~L 19..5..L and referred to -~___Q!t1 _~Ber --- ~ ------ REPORT ~----- -~ ----~--- The within Petition was filed in my office this -~t - - day of A~t- - - . -- 193.5. _.H.E. Peters> n City Clerk ,'"soc,c.", "-,, - .-..., >811n&., tC.SfJsat 10 l'HF. RI)NOMBU; ~OARD nF CfJt.)nSSICNER5, CIT'1 OF SAUNA, KANSAS. GElITUJI.EU : Filedl August 1, 1955 !E.!E2N NUMaR 1638 We, the unders1gned, res1dents and pr"perty owners 1r. the ('it.> of ~lua, Kansas, <10 h...r"!by p'"-tlt1or:: your hl"norable òt'dy for the surfacing or McAdams Road from Pearl Avenue to LeWis Avenue, With concrete. ~'llEL BY: T. A. UncI( Trü5tIngthat thë prayers of the petitioners will be granted, <Ie are.- Respectfully, ------~- ADDITION Ho1'f'ma.n Replat T. A~I.I;lnck___- - _~415n~~ .r.;~S1f~z:th I 1 2. Hageman Pai'k~<!~ --' _T ~- ~!!}-m:I:: - ---- 415 _\!~ ~~~rt':!_-+-...?_-+-~.._- ~~ - ~-- - - ------- , ADDRES5 Lor BlK ---- T._!.Tfi:!1~~k__- i US W. Ellsworth -~ 2 1'. -~- Y.J_lck - ------t 415 w. Ellswo~~-- ill: 2. I I - I .J'heo. Beineke i 833 J.lcA~RO~RikOr Addition - ;l3qb~~~_.. u - - _-+82.I~A~ -~ i II II - - . . I I -- ------ -----r------1 ¡ ¡ -- - ---'--1--- I ---------1-- II II II II ,--.--- ---- ---- ----- - -. --- ---- ---' - ------ .. -------+-t- I - - ---=t i f--- I , - ------ í -'----7"-'! 1 - -- - -- - -- -- - ---- -----------J=-t-. - ---+- ---.------' - - ------ - --- --------- ¡ +---------- ---- I I . I ,- - ~---~~~-=-=~~-~-~-~i.--=r~-=--¡-~-----~ ~- I, ¡ ------ ----- --- -- -----t------- --- ---- --+-----+-- --~- u- - - i . ------T --- ---- -----.. -;--+-----,--- --~-- - - -- -- -- - +-+----+ -- ___h - . t- --- -- -'-- ---t-- I -1 ! I I I - - -t--- --- - - -..,.-- r-- - - r-.' .. . j -- >--