1636 Amend Zoning Pacific Add PETITION ForRezoning to Di8t.J."iSt.--"J_~--- Lots 7,B,9,lJ Bl~.l!.!-_- Pacific Addition --- --- --- .u --. -- .----- P ntec1 to the Boerd of Commissioners and read - Jul;,'2§~L_____19~ and referred to -- _Ci tl_Pl-~n¡_Coaai ssion REPORT .--.- . -- ---- .- -- .------ ---- ---------~-- ----- ------- ---- The within Petition was filed in my oFfice this 26th day of Jul¡: 192L.. -------. H. E. Peterson City Clerk CO"OC",'TEO.."" "". ..,.,. , .. ." . ,. . -., ~ >811na, KaI1salo --, 10 THE. KI)NORABU; MARD OF cm.mSS"!CliERS, CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS. GEltTlEMEN : C?~'ïb3¿ We, the undera1gned, residents and prrperty owners 1r. the (,1t~ 01 ~1ua, KanSB.8, do h~r...by p~t1 tion your hl"nornble bc'ò.y for the riO-zonil1£ of 10 LS 7, 8 J 9, and 10, -11ock r:, lacific a~'di tion to n,,: i. ty of ";alina, fro!". 20ne " II to lone "1"11. granted, ."e are, Resrectfully, - -- ___NAM!!: -- - - ----p-- - ADDRES5 WI' BU< ADDITION - - -----'------ ---- ------ - ---'---------+-- --'-- ----.--+----------- ------ ..---------- ---+-- I . I --. ---'-----, ~ : . - _0-- -.- --- --~------- ~ -------- -----+-----f I , : i -- .- ---_.----t-- . I I I : I -+---- -- ---- --------- ---- . -- --- --- -- ------ ------ ------~ I - i ¡----- I , ---~ I I - -- ~~--~:=-- :q---t=- --~=~-~--~- ------=t==; I -_u_, -4------- 0- -------f---+----t----- I' I -~----+-- ~-- ----- -- ------ - --- ------- ---..-- ---- ---- -- ---u- -------t------- --- -_.. -- --....,.. --- - I -+--+-- --- -r--- .. - -+-+---r --.;--- --.- -- I - t- --- -- .L.- --+ - - - .-+-- --- . I ~- I - - - -r-- I --~- , -- -t-o -- - j -- J- ,. -.. ,,-. ;)e.l1ne., Il.aI1sa:. TO 1'BF. RI)NORABU; AOARD "F Cffi.:M1SS1CNBRS, CITY OF SALINA, MNSAS. GElITLE!ŒN: ¡"iled: J\Ùy 26, 1955 PETlTIQII NUW3ER 16.36 We.. the undersigned, residents and prrperty owner8 1r. the (.1t~ 0% ~1ua, KanS8.ll, '10 h'!r"'by p"-tit1on your hl"nornble bC'dy for the rezoning of Lots 7,8,9 and 10, Block 17, Pacific Addition to the City of Salina, frol1l Zone" " to Zone "1"'. ~lLEL BY: Vernon L. Peatling TruBtingthat the prayers of the petitior:ers wilJ be ~ranteQ >Ie are, Respectfully, ------~- ADDRES~ -.l:!!L --~- ADDITION ----....- - -- -~_.._-_._--- --------- - -------.--------+--- -------_._--+---~-----~-- - ._-- -. -----. --- ----+- I . I - - - - ---- - -- --;- ---.. I I I ¡ - ----t-+--!- -- - -- - -- - ---+------ ~ i j I . I ! h____- -------r------f I I . , i I -- - -------t--- ! I , ----.--- ---- -- - ---- -- - -- --- - -- _.. ---- .. --- ---- ---. .. ------~ I --- h___-=t f i--- I . - -------- -----~- I --1 --- l I 0 , --- ~~.=-- -------------'-1-t-----r--'------- -- --- --.----. -! -4---..----- ---- I , I -- ---- - --1-------_.._---- I ,---+-..--..-- -- . I - -.. ---4------- -- -----4-.--+- --+--- -- - - I, ¡ -- ---- -- - -- --- -1-------_. --h - ~ - - --+-- - -------.-- - .. - - I -- ----+- --- I . -- - - "---.. :--t----- T--- - -.; -- - -- - - -- - -t---- -+- ---+ -- I -. t- - - -1"-- --- -. ....- ---+ I --J ¡ I I .,..- ---t-- -- - - -T-- - - j --J-