1632 Paving Duvall Street PETITION For _!'~'!i~ DUVALL S11U-.þT__- f'rol1_~~J~~d to- Have~ ---- --- ------ ---- Prelented to the Board of Commissioners 8Dd read -------"~~_26tb __19--55 and referred to Ci.!1_~e!_____- REPORT ---------- -------------- --------- -- --- ----------------- ---- - -------- ---- The within Petition was filed in my office this ~st._-----______day of July_____- 19.2.2.- H. E. Peterson ----- -______n-- ----- City Clerk CO"W,^TEO 'oc-" -CO" .. ,.. -- -- tom. RI)NORABU; ;lOAIID nF crlt-!M1SS'!CNERS, CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS. GE1ITLE1Œlf : >811na, ll.ansal: Filed: July 21, 1955 i:£TI TION lrowaBl 1632 WE:, the unders1gned, res1dents and prrperty owner8 ir. the ('1t~ 01 ~1ue., Kansas, do h~r...by p,,-Ution your hl"norable bNly for th"! concrete paving or DUVAl.L STREEr from Crawford street to Haven Street. nLEL BY :~.!~zel1Ð - Trust1ng that the prayers of the petitioners will be granted., ;(e are, Resrectfully, ------~- - ------- - ADDRES5 wr BU< --.--- ADDITION Don ~eis 662 Duvall Eisenhower I K. So StO!lt 657 Duvall . 7 4 n - -.---------------+-- ----- --.----+--..-+-- -----~-- - .'---- Joro!!. _Chaltas _. i 663 Duvall ------+-- n J¡¡.11!9f! ~-~s_!1\!!,-_--+677 Duvall i: ! n ---.--- Vesta 14. Fisher I 672 Duvall ~_-.L- II _. I -- I --¡--r- _ù~m!b~':l- -- - ---+68I~v~ I i j n !lana~_p~~=~"!!~~J?uVal2-_~ I ! II . 668 Du all .. I II _~oe- F~~~inde~~~ ¡ I Carl J!.oze!!!- -- - '669 Duvall I - ----'---- ..------- II Howard D. Ferguson - -- --- ---- 649 Duvall ---- II - -- -.-. --------~ I -------=t- i f---- I . - -------~ ----7-!! --- --- -. "'--- ----_u.--.---.-t-t- ----r---. -. --------- ---'- - --- -------- .- I +--------- ---- I I . I -- ---- - - : -.----..---- , ,-----f--- -.'-- -- . I , . - - ---1..----. -- -------t----+- --+--- -- - - i' ¡ ----- ---- -- --- --- .. --'---r-----. --0. -. _h. -~----i--- --~- --- J , I -----T --- --on ------ --+--t-'-----i------ . I ---;-- - -.- -- -- - --+---+--- -+ ; t -r-. ----.;..-----+ ~ , +--+- ! , --t--- -. - .-t--- - - r-- - . ¡ --