1609 Annex Surveyors Plat 11 , - " .t PETITION ~,-~= , Fori.n_cl\!8~on in Qit.y lirni t~_<L- , --_Ì:~a_~- of land betweeE__Qui_~,- - ~~_Ro~cl)J- _oxtende4 s.Qyth from J~!ou<h...app. 1_647.6 fE!o~ p/"nted to the Board of Commissioners andread_..- - --- -- -19- and referred to - ----~Çit7íXlIDn1..ng~9mmill~ REPORT ----- -- - --- _u- ------~-- ---------- -- -- ----- ----- -- _____n ------ - --------- The within Petition was filed in my office this --~--~-- .-----day of -~Vay--- -------- 19_55..- H. E. Peterson ----- -- City Clerk «"O",,''O """ - ~ >8.1ine., M[¡Sa" 10 THE. Rt)NCRABU; AOARD 1'\10' COMonSSICNERS, CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS. GElITŒMEN: Filedl by 16, 1955 1'1!.'T1 TlON l\'ù'UiJm 1609 We the unders1gned, residents and prl"perty owners iT. the ('1 t..) ot ;)~lu&., KanÐ&s, do h~r"'-by petition your hrnorable broy for the ADMlTTA..CE into the incorporate City limits of ~alina, Saline County, Kansas, all of the following described reaJ. estate: !tat rortion or iarcels of land known as Surveyor's Plat 11 pl~s such other portion of the ì¥2 pf the ¡,E4 of :>ection 2$, Twp. Ih, South; Range 3 of the 6th P. M. in Saline County, all of which lays lÜthin the following described tract collJllcncing at a point at the intersection of Roach & Cloud Streets and running on a line due South frOtll said point 1649.6 feet, thence due West 01). a line 1320 ft. to an established quarter section ~ ~~~e North on a line ló49.6 fto to a point. in the center of Cloud St, ~~Xtb~p(iSi'à~èrè' Of- - \I\è-"- pet! tiðMt~:.. W!¡Uj, J¡è.x ~x~ thence due East on a line 1J2O feet to the point. of bef?nnlng. .....~..t€,~ Paul Be Adrian, Agen --- ----~- ADDRESS LOr Bll( ----- ADDITION C. Co_Holm, Sro- -~~c,¡+~c;i__- I ~~~,C. Holm, Sr. 400 E. (;loud -------~ _.,--- ------t----.+- -_._-~-- - "'.-- E. ~ 0 Galmstrom ' 500 E. (,1.oud ---- -------- i ----,,---- --~ Edrthe Gahnstrom ; 429 .£;. Cloud : I '--------------¡ '--'- I I ~o - E. Gahnst~m ¡ 500 E. (;loud -~ ~. - J~_Y~r~~~~~- - SJ2 E. Cloud I I . u-+---, I I i ~o,~~n~lrles__- Route 2, Salina I I - i . '-~ I : ~Jg~ DL~s~- ----t--- . i I Duk~~~mpson___- - ' Hays, KansaS i ,--- --- ---- - -. --- --- ----, - ------- ---' ---- ------ - -- ------+--i i i I f------ - ---- -+ -----7-; ¡--- . -- -=- - --= :~ ::- - : :-.- - t=t- -+=--:-~~ ~~- ,- ---- _.---1-----, - --- -., I : -r---+--- - ._- -- : ¡ , . . .-4-------. -, ._---t---+- ---f------ i' ¡ ----- --- - ----;-,._- _._-- - -- -~---4--- --~- ------ ---;._- -t--t-. --- ----;---- . I -- , -t--+-- -+ -- -.. -+- --- T- ~- ---+ , ! I i , .--+-- _u- ,_. r. - -....... - -- L