1604 Paving Gebhart Street PETITION For - }'aving m.BHART S'l'RtÆT_f!'o,,- __Ç¡ol).dJ,o Charlot-lie ---- ---- ---- ------ - PrwMnted to the Boerd of CommÏ88ionen and read --~.Y_lJt1L____19--55 and referred to ,.--__-Cit7.J4an.ager - - ---- REPORT --.---. . -- ------ --- - -_..~-.- ----- -. -----.- -----. ------ ---- The within Petition was filed in my office this 14th -. - ------day of Jla.Y_Ud_- 19---55- - J:I.- £...r~:l'~~N - ---- City Clerk 000$0°'""'0 .. CO" . -", 'v >-" ,..... ,alina, ~lmBa~ 1 Q rm. HONORABu. AOAreJ ('\1<' CO!.IUS:.;ICNER", CITY ')F SAUNA, KAlfSAS, ìYIe da ~ 14, 1955 l'i.TITlON NO. 1604 1EtITLEMEN: We I the 'mdere1gned, resident6 and prl'lperty owner6 1f, thE< l'1t~ 'JI ::m-1 IJ& , KanBII.B, .10 hÞ.r"Jby petition your hl'norable bC'dy for the concrete parlE\: ot Gebhart Street frOIl the south line of Cloud street to the north line ot Charlotte Avenue. ,"HEL BY: Carl Ta,ylor TiüšBÌÏgtEãt thë-prayers of the petitioners 11111 oe ~ranteQ, <Ie are. Respeetfully, NAMJo: ---- ADDRE::>& - LQr_~__- ADDITION ~~(;ar1_li~- __~846 ~~æ:~-- I -. ~a. Carl Tal10r 1849 Gebhart - ------- ---------4---- ------------+----+--_._--~-----_._- n9yd 1.>.. - ~~~~L - --i-_18~L~b~- --.4---+- ~8. G. L. Lowcry : 1B18 Gebhart . I - -- ----- ---------t----- ----, r ~ ~s!- !'!-1L-J~~son 1814 Gebhart ---r----t---.----!-- itr~. g._~ ~!I~ro~---t--~~~~~~~~ 1- I ! MrSLlJ.. 'tf~ly~r I 1J!2Q Gebha!:t----4 ¡ ¡ I - I 1j~ r,;. Q!~!!dorfL-+~21 GeÈhart ; ¡ -+--- -_.- E,~_~eheL~~~!'._~84J~~'¡art- ; I -- --- ~-~'~ou:oo 11833 Gebhart b .---- - -.- - --+- - --------- ¡ - ---,-- -- -----.--- ---- - - ------ - --- --- -_u- I --._----- I -------~ 1 I -T .' I -- ~ - ~= -=t-: _u ~: -- =-- :+----i- --t -~-~ ~ :--~~ ---. - -~u_-_._----+~---+--- -- --- -- . I : -i -h-__- ----+--+- - --1-- -- -- i ' - - -- -- --- - no. - -. -----4-- -------- --, --- - -- -- ; ----t- - +- - . - -- ----;- - - - -- -- - - ~ I -- - ~--+--- J -- -.. - --- T I -.- - ~- ---+- I --f---- --. - ,..-- ~- - -.--- - - t