1599 Paving Roach PETITION '0£ _~~Il~H°.a.CH S~~T£rom- Kirwin to Clanin --------- ----~-- -- -------------- - -------------- Pre8ented to the Board of Commisaioners &rid read ---3~____19~ and referred to __Ci t}' ~~~~- REPORT --~--- ------- ---- ----------- ------ - - -- -------- ---------- - ------------ The within Petition was filed in my office this 28th day of AprH______- 19.....22 H. E!_f~L~ElrSOn City Clerk <O.sOCOO^HD ,"O"'-"'" .- '" 10 ~ HONORAB~ AOAi~ OF CC~1IS~IONER~, CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS, GENTlEMEN: ;)8.1.1na, MIIsa~ Filed: April 28, 1955 PEl'lTION NU14BER 1599 We, the 'JIlders1gned., residents and prt'perty owners 1r, th~ Cit.) 'JI ~ltJa, Kansas, -10 h...reby p~t1tion your hl'Dorable bC'dy for the gra:ling and fBvirg with t1'Io-ineh hot mix&! asphalt over a roekst;abilized base, on Roach between líirwin and Claflin Avenue. ..'lLEL BY: Harbin Qmstruetion, Inc. Tï=üBtIngthat thë prayers of the petitloners will ce granteC1, <Ie are. Respectfully, N~ ADDRES& ~w.~ Q;;;, t~õn,- 'L;e-:-- DyÙfllùulL Ha.r~n- _---,--801~, !!!,p~~~- 1-7 I - -~-~--- Wymore AdditiQ,.n- -- --- ADDITIOtf 1 - -------'----------4---- ------------+----+---,--~---- ----- 5161 518 E. Kirwin. I i ! D. -1.. Sampson.. h____+_------,-- I 8-16 I i-~----~ I ! i - - -------t---- I I I I i ----------f- - I-I I P -'------+------- I I I t- - -------,-+ -------~-; : ~- = -~:::- ~:- - ~ j--I~-~-=-~=~-~= ---- - -+-----------'=c~u_-+-- -- -- -- : , I - I ; --i --------- - ----t---+ - - -~- -- -- j ; Stanley D. Fisher - 15~ Roach ,- - -- --------+---- 17,18 -- --+-- "---+- - -- ---- ------+ Cl~_en~ Co lk>!m! Jr. - ----,-- ---- - -- _n --- - --- ---h -- --- ---- --- -- --- ---+------- __h ---- 1 n It I ~ ------- 1 n n ------- I ---- I ---+--- - -- -- ----- ---' --- --'----- ---- -- --- -+- h- - - - - - -~---+--- ---~-- -- - --.. --- , - -- --f--+----- ~--- ----- : I -- - ~--+-- -r- n- - -- ~- -----.-r , - --r- , - --+--- -- - -r-- -- - -r-- -- - / <--