1591 Amend Zoning KWU PETITION For - _rezoning from "l." to -'!.Ii!'_- Loh 39 , 40 and a po~tJ.on_- ~--- LQta J1- &_)8 on Kirwin--.!y~o......J,R- Gda.o-Q-Í k~ I .iJ. n- -- ---- , ~ted to the Board of Commissioners and read ---.!Ir, _~t,i~__19~ and referred to nun Cit1_~_~l!g - 0:>~i88i~ REPORT n -- --- ----- ---______m_--- ----- ----- __nu__- ------ -- - ---------- The within Petition was filed in my office this ~-~ ----- _day of April ------ 19_----25 _~~'..J'et~J,"son --u- City Clerk CONlCe'OA", "CO',. """ .. ,-,. ty L F, r i :>al1na, ~(jBe.. II,) rm.. HONURABUo ßOAiu, 0Ji CMI1S:.;IONER.:S, CITY OF SAUNA, KANSAS, Fi18dl April 251 1955 PLTl'rrON NUM~- 15.91-__- ,}ENTlEMEN: ~e, the 'lOdero1glleà., residents and prnperty owners if. th~ ':1 t~ '~l ~11J&, K.an8ßB, -10 h"!reby petition }'our hCll1orable bcdy for the. rezoning of Lots 39 and 40, and such portions of Lots 37 and 3UI !'-S no~ pi1ra~ed b~ t he City ~f Salina, Kirwin Avenue, Grounds ot Kansaa Wesleyan UII1,versJ.ty, Cityof alira, S'"aJ..ine Q,unty, Kansas, boom "All to "BII Zone. ~'llEL RY: Verner C. Smith anl Pearl E. Smith TruBtlñg'that thë- prayers of the petitioners wi 11 ce "rantea, lie 81'e. Resrectfully, - - -- - - - NAMio.:- , ADDRES¡' _._LOr_~_- - ADDITION Verner C. Smith 1301 Lewis j ----- --,..- --~-- ----,- - t -,---~-------,-- Peæ:~_~_" SID.i th 1301 Lewis Option t buy ---------0--.-- ----,-- ----+---........------~------- n- - - - -, -----, ----+-- -----,--- Elizabeth Fox . 130 £ast Kirwin - -- -- - - -- ---------t lOwner) I ------ ---- - -- ..- --., ¡ ---t---------,---- I ----- '-- ------+-------~ - - -- - -- -----+---- . --- -- ----'-- ---t-- -- I~ I ----- --- - ----1--- - ------ --+- - ------ -- - ----- - - ¡ - - ---- I --1--.--- - -- -- .. ------n ! I Ii I I ! : i I I I ¡ - -- --,-+---- --- - --"-- I - --, -=,-1:'~=--~ _-~+--i---t-:-~~:---~- -- H_- - --+-u---,----,I~---+-- -- -- -- - - --l------- ----+--+- - -+- -- --- !' - ----- ---- ---- ,---- -- -- ." ,-- - -.- --.---- -----+-- -------- ,. --- - ---- - - - - - - ---, - --+- -+-- - - - ---T- --- I --,,-------,- I -- - ~---~-- I T -, - -- ~- - ---+ ! ---+--- --- -r-- - -------+- - - - ~- -- -~- - - í --~