1590 Sewer Jones Add
For8l!1!ez: to servo certain ~_0~5- on
_?_~<! &._Jyd in Jones Ad<!¡ anø-s~rt.a1n
_].j)J.L~ILlrdanð, 4th i-'l- Û!'it~!É~
.J'Q1'II1si~~r ~alilla,
Pre.nted to tl.e Board of Comminionera
and read ~.- 2§t~~- _19-2i.
and referred to
~ty ~!ge1"- -----------
-~-------------- ------~------
- - ------ ----- -------
--- ----- - ------------
The within Petition was filed in my office
this ~iL__u_n__n__day of
Aprj.~__- 19---55
____li._E. PTŒSOtL
City Clerk
co""'O>HO ,.", .,,". -. ."
:>811m~, I\aI!BIH
10 Ih"fo. HONORABu. ROAHù 0J0' COl.2.uS~!CNER6,
Fi1edl April 26, 1955
PETi TI°i!Jij~bl:R 1590
\{e, the '.mdere1gned., residents and prt'perty owners lr, the: \'ll~ ()I :Jb~llJ&.
K.anea.s, '10 h~reby petition your hl'noreble bedy for 1ItI8t a Sanitary Sewer to serve
Lots 1,3,5,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16, 22,24,26/28 on Third StreetarKi Lots 5,7,9,11,131
15,17,19 and 27 on Seeond Street in Jones Addition; ~nd Lots 1 and 3 on Fourth
Street and 2 and 4 on Tlùr<.l Street in the Original Townsite.
~'lLEL BY: Virgil J. Ri.,charda
Trüšïlñgthat thë prayers of the petitioners will oe granteC1, ole are.
- - - _ADDRES&
-- LO1'_~---
Virgil J. Ri.ehards 502 N. Third 2/4,6 3rd St.
--..--- - ----'--- ---, --- ---- I --
Lawson L. Jolmson 500 il. Third 2
- --------------...........- ------ -------+-- --+-_.._-~---, - .,.-.
Patsy Whitted : 505 N. 'nñrd
--. .-- --.------t--
-- ,- --+-
E.rb an Baker : 311 E. North
-,eo. - _u - -- --- ----r
1'. E. French ! 312 E. iiorth
---- - 312 E. '.-,'orth i
Joan_~e~e~ h - ---+---------- t--
.Hel~!l._ii?est~. - i 312?~orth ---~ I
i I
.~a.x:1 Q.~~!L. _--4-.210 E, l,orth ; I -i---- --.-
John_~._~~:~__~4~~hird - 8~ 3rd "t. I Jones -----
?~. ~~ ,~dson II- 437 ¡;. Tgird b,-- '
.ÞdIJard. Lulj~ '. 511 N. Second
~uge!1~_~!"~E!~ - ---+-~~t~~_~eeon:l I - - ---
-~~..; -~ns ¡ 517 ~. Seeond
Joseri.h- ~!!!1o;:!!e~__-+519 :~. Se~ond__- -- -~ I I
, I
:~. ~::= - -1~;~- . ~~~~:: ~ - -~+--!~ - -!=~~~ ~~-
Oph_e~ia ~~~- --J~-~ s.e~~- -- - =c-~---¡.-- - --- --
: . I
Ossie L;iviI1gstQ!L. - --i 2~L~~~c°!l.d - - -- -L-....i... - --+--- -- --
, T- .
----- -
J_esse .J'B,.us
614 II. SeeolÙ
- -- --.---- - - - -h - --
-----4--- ---~---
E~gene Stanley ¡ 526 ,;. .:)e~1Ù
\~ent)----- h- ----. ----- -+--+---------;.---- --._--
Eulalia Wintero : 435 1;. Front, I
- -.. --- - -.- - - --. -t--- -t- --
'2,4/6 -
~- ---i--
Herman Riehards
Josephine -IOlber\;
T . , - --- ~
623 ¡I. Santa Fe
1'- -
I Jone3
'-r--- - -
-- -.-' -
-- ~