1589 Street Light Morningside ~~~~~ ~ ;)8.11n&, I\.6.II8&~ TO rID!. HONORABu. I\OAHI1 ~Jo' C(1M. IS:>ICNERS, CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS, GENTLEMEN: Fi1eda April 20, 1955 Pð'Tl nON NU~IŒR 1589 ¡,Ie I the '.U1dere1gned., resIdents and prl'perty owners lr, the l'H.I rJf ~1 j&., Kansas, '10 h'!reby petitIon your hl'Oorable bC'dy for the Installation of a street light in the vicinity of the intersection of L:orningside and Sunrise Drive. nLEL BY: Dr. Fréll1k A, AIi tehell Trúãïlñgthat thë- prayers of the petitioners will ce ~ranteC1 <Ie are. Resreetfully, -,-----~- - - , _ADDRES:' --- LQr_~_- ADDITIOn Dr. Frank A. MitcheU 933 Swu-ise Drive ------ - ----'--- --, -- ---- I -- --- - -- - -- Dr. F. T. Qù.tron 944 Sunrise Dri'/C - -'-------------~- -------------+-------,--~---- ---'- Harold E. ErO7IT'- - 'J:'>3 ~u.nr:...e Dri -Ie' - --------------t-- --->----f- J. ~'1ìl. 7U.son ; -"h ---- ----------t Joe Haddock ¡ - - -~ - .. I I 714 i.forningside Drivè - ---- I 701 Morningside Driv~ I - - ---- --- --- ---+------, 1- i-----~ -- - - --- ---t---- ------------t-- ----- I ---- --- - -----t-._- ---- I ---+- --_u_---- ---- - - - -- --- -n, I I I I i r---i b I - I I I -- - -- I --+---- ---- -------..------ ___h .. -- - ----- I ---- -- -_.. -- i i ----------+ -------~; I .. ~-= - -1: ~~u~ =- =---.1=-1- -r ----~ = :-~.. ---~ -!~~~=---~-+- ! --=--=;=-~_:--: ~- . ---- -- ---- ----- - - - - - -- ---.--- --- - --- ---, -----+-- ---~--- -- - ------ --- --,- - ¡ ----t--f----- ~--- ----.. - I - -.;- --- - - -- -- -- - -+----+-- . t - - --- -- ~- -----+- I t ---t--- - - ,.- - -~- - - '-