1588 Paving Larson Street ~ PETITION For J'~!!ngLar!'~~- S. r~etj: l'OIII- Charlotte to Leslie -~- ----- ~ --------- ----------- ------ ------- Preøented to the Board of Commi..ionen andresd___~6th _19~ . and referred to City Uanager REPORT - ----- ---- --- -~- ----------- -- ------------ The \\ithin Petition was fited in my office this 23rd day of Ap1"i 1 19~ - ----H L. - ~ et.er III - n City Clerk CO",OL<OAT<O "L "',,,. ,. ." .-, J8.1.1n~, /Yi( 8a. I Q rm.. !iONORABu. EOAiUJ 01' Co/.DU::¡UIOìiEH", CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS, Fileda April 23, 19$$ PSfltl01 HUWßER 1$88 '}EUTLEMEN: 'tie, the 'lI1ders1gneC1, residents and pr~perty owners 1r. th«: '.'1t) '>1 .>It~lu&, K.ansIlß, ,10 hereby petition your hl'norable bcdy fer the OONCRi:.TE PAVIN;j of LARSON STRJU.T trolll the north line ot Cmrlotte to the souUl Une ot Leslie. ."lLEL RY :~!!-_P~I!lL.!J~ _~~~n Trusting that the prayers of the pet1tionere will ce gran tea, ore are. Respectfully, NAME ADDRE::;~ LOr !IlK ------ --------- JlUllesw. Psrq 1941 Larson St. 9 4 Kratt JIaDor 12 ---'-----..- --~-- ---"'---- 1'----------------- Casilller Apolirl8)d 1911 Larson st. 4 4 n . --_h___- '-------.4---- --,- -- - -~--+-- --+- _.. ---~------ - -- '..-- 111"1'-. J9h~.UtaJd.s!L-- _-+-19~~~son st._----~~ 3 " Che¡¡.teJ.'...J!-Di!!});L- -~ 1918 Larson StL - 1 14 3 - -~--- ---- ,Lam.~,.s...k. PieJ.t..e~~- 1926 Larson~. ò 16 3 --+- " Glenn_E... !!o!Jer.t~n_--4-_.!~~~~~St~ I n ----- Itolaßll_,^, ~9~ ¡ lOO_~_Gha!:lotte_--i 1 4 ¡ -~- - --- ~1~_A~_1bm3~~~~8 I.a:son St. I 12 ¡ J -L--~- ----- Jlrk..J@!II..!!.IL~.LßoY.anda---f--..!9n~~§t.. ~ 4 II - - _h T11~_~_. l3c>wdre ~ Larson St. 6 . 4 n John- ...Ans1()'y~r ~ Larson st. I n ---' ~lUIIes_1!~._Ba!!§ell- ---+-_1~!i-2_~son ~ ¡ n - --- çal..._~._~~I.!.rJ.Eline I 190.1 Larson St. I . --__h___-+__-------~ I --- ~-~=-'+----------------. I' -r---+------- -t---- ---- ---- ! r'-------- ---- - --t----'----------- ---t-----+--- -. -- ,- . ¡ ; - --+ -------- -----t---+ - --+.-- -- --- j : ADDITIOn --_..~----- ------+---- -------- -------------- - ---,- ---+---+------~--- . I - -., -u - - -- -- . ~-- 't- -- t - -- -_. ~. ------+ ! --+---- - - 'T- -~ - _. - - - -r-- - - t