1582 Sewer Claflin Add PETITION For _s~~_té-.r.Y s<:""~r i!1_Blk-"~- ~EÆ!.!~_~LB:1_.;_s_.- 6 .~~ 8, C1aflin's Add, to Gds,_oLIL W, u. ---- ---- -- ---- Presented to the Board of Commissioners and read -.-Apr~ 19tb.---_19...5.S.- and r~ferred to Ci t __.,_,mager REPORT -------- --- --- ---------------- ------ ----- ---- -- ---------- ----- --- The within Petition was filed in my office this _15th ----- _day of Apri 1 ------ 1922-. ~ E. Pete~IL- ---- City Clerk <O"'"""O "°,. -'-.. ,-. :>8J.lna. "'8I1S6.. "If) rHJo. HONOAABLI!. flOAiUJ I)J< COM.U&:;IONER6, ,~ITY OF SALINA, KANSAS. Filed: April 15, 1955 l'~'l'l TION NO. 1582 ,}ENTl.EJ'.IEN: 'lie, the '.mdersigDeCl., residents 6nd property owners 1.. thE> 'it,) 'Jl "".1,,&. Mnsas, -10 hereby petition your hooorable 'body for the installation of Sanitary Sf.J1fer In Block 81 in the Replat of Bloeks 6 and 8, l,'laflin's Addition to the Grounds of ¡;a.nsas Wesleyan University. ~'lLEL RY: Greiner & Greiner Trüiïtlngthãttbê-prayërs of' the petitioners will De "rant-ea, <ie a..s. Respeetfully , R. E. Greiner --~-- ADDREöb WI -~-- - ADDITION æ._~~~~!.::.~1!. - 216 W. Iron Avenue 8 Bloek 8 in the Replat --~.__. -H_- -------;---'----~'tra-, -Ciàmn's áarold A. Sigle 216 W. Iron Avenue 8 Add. to t he Grounds of - . '---------~----~-- - -- -- -- -- ----+--- --- --- ---~3JTI!4S1fesl-eyan-University, _.. ---------- --~----------~--+- - - ,. - - - --- ----r + -- --- -. --u - -.--- - --- ¡ I I ~ I --i-------- ----- ---- ----t---- -----,----- . I -------- - - ---- --- ----+----- - - - - _. ---- ---- -- -- - --- , I I - -~-------+ h f ! ; --- - ------T-- -------------t- I ! I ~ -------+-----------+.--- I ~- -==t~:=-~-f' -=t---i~~~-~ I i ¡ - -- - - -+------ - - -- ---- , ---r----+--- -_. --- -- --- - ----. -.,---- ---+-- -- ----- ._-, - u- --.-, ------- ----------- --4 ---.----- I ' --+--+- ---+------ '- j . - - -;---- ~---+-- u_------- -- _.._--- - -- '"---- _. ----+----+-. --- ---;...--- ! - --, '-- -- - ~---.;---- f T ì -- - ~ ---+ '-'__h - - T- ----..- - ~- -- ~ - f - . .