1576 Vac Alley KWU PETITION ¡For _.!a_~atio:¡ oL~a¡¡t~!~- west ...!!!!l.~~t.~ o!_ltep~blic frolú _~ncy t~~~~r~,!__- ------ --- --~~-- Pre- - ~ed to the Board of Commissioners and read I.1arch_~9th ____19--.25 and referred to City- Pl~g Commission REPORT ------- -- n____u_---- -----~ --- ------~-- ----~- ~- -~----- The within Petition was filed in my office this ~L_______day of ---~~~-- 19_55 H. h. Peterson --- -------- City Clerk .O"O".'TED"""-"'. ,. 0." -, ;)8.1.10&., ¡<.ans&.. '10 I'm. HQNORABlli BOAifu C)ji Co/,iUSJIOiiEkò> , CITY OF 3AIJNA, KANSAS, riled: J.:areh 29, 1955 '1ENTIEMEN : ~IO~~, 157§--- We, the 'J.l1ders1goed" resident8 and. prnpert.y owners 11. thE, ','it,) ')J :>b.lufo. t<.o.n8B.8, '10 h<!reby petition your h(lnorable b(ldy for the vaeation of east and west alley south Qf Republie fro!'! ~ney i)treet west to Osborne Street. :<'lLEL BY: R, D. Hensley Trusting th8.t" thë- prayers of the petitioners will De .,;ran teo. , <Ie al"e. Resrectfully, N~ -'-------- ADDRES¡" ____LOr -~-- ADDITION R.y.---'ieIIBlel- --~....!ooo~~Yn_h- 37_-}9 Repulùie Ave~~ ~_._u.- A. E. Keeler 325 E. De1oi t 34 II II " - ----'-----------0-...--- ------------+----+---,---~----,- ..-- Stan Bauguess ' 321 h. ÙÜoit .. - ,- ----------r----- 32 ----+---+- II 18 II hol'J:laJL..lW.cltl~r__u--+~. be10it ,-- ,30 ..!Iim_fiQ!l'~ - - I 1012 (,!uincy ìÖ,40 ¡ Wm.. E. .Ryß.n ,- - ---+.52.B_.E..._~l'Abli.ç~5 I Phi.1li,~ )iine~_- ¡ 518_E~epU')~__~29-31: J_enni,=- ~ur.!eo_~--+-=: E. B:loit !36' . , II " II -----" ---- ~ey " " II " II ----- , - " 18 II I ¡ --~- ----1----- --,- -- - ---"-- ---t---- -- , -- --- "" . r ---,- --- - ---+- ! I h ! i ----- ---------- ¡-----~ -- --- -- -- ------ I ¡Ii I ' ! - - ---- --,--+--------~--+ I --- ---- ----+______n__,,__--, -f--}-.-+------- U " ,~ -i" ~~- -=-=!=-~--~l = ~-- ,-+ "------ ------t----+, --~---- --- ¡ ---- -" '~.. , - -,- ---- '~--~- --------- -- , ---..- --- -- ""----- --4--+--,------.---- I --~_h "- -- -, , ~'---+--- t -- - -, ~ ----+- --~---- - - -r- ,---- --- , -~' - , í