1572 Paving Fairview Street PETITION For - .mack Top Pavin~ --1'~~ew S~rect -------- --------- ----- ----- Pre.nted to the Board of Commillionen 8Dd I'e8d ~h,_?_2nd u- -19-55. and referred to City 14an~_~e~_-- -- ---- RBPORT --- -------- -_U- ----------- --------- -----.---.- - ---- -------- The 'lll<ithin Petition was filed in my office this ~- - --------day of -_MareJL --------- 19-55. ------- -- H. E. Peterson ----- City Clerk co",o"o"'" ,.".. .". ',- '" ,-..., TOrm. HONoMØU; AOARD ~F CC,t-mSSICIŒRS, CITY OF SALJtfA, KANSAS, GENTlEMEN: ~in&., I\aIlsa~ ì"iledl Warch 21, 1955 PETITION no. 1572 Wel the Ul1dereigr.edl residents and prtlperty owners 1r. the ('it.,) 01 ~lu&, Kansas, de hlOJr'1by plOJt1tion your b('lnorable b<-dy for the Black Top Paving \,Hot Wix) of FAlRVlEW S'mE}.'T. ~'lLEL BY: Earle H. Þell TrüiitIñgthat thë prayers of the petitioners will be granteC1, ile are. Resrectfully, _._-_.~. -- . ,ADDRESb LOT B 1.K - _._-- ADDITION Earle. H. Bøll- - -~...!.ai!,'yi-~--- 9 3 Fairv19 Additi~- - -- --. Melvin A. tiles 517 Fairview 8 3 n - "-.'-----------4---- -_._-----_._+----+-_.._-~--_.,-_. De]@yC~. !!.!:!'-T_- i 513 Fairview ---+-~ i II FrMk. ~1Ùla - -- ---+ 509 Fairview ----. ¡ 6 f ;.. ~.- W, Housto~. ¡ 525 F~r~~ -~ II Ik .~- _F~1J.~!"s_- - _---t-?29 !.~~ew- I 11 13 i ".....Q....§n.rder -_'----f2-~air~_~ 13 I 2 ¡ 16.. K, Quillen ' 518 Fairview : 15 i 2 I -. - ---_._~- I! I Milton Wertz I 528 Fairview I 12 I 2 ..----- II . ---- n n -- - ------- ----- - _. --- h_- ---' -- -- ---- I I . 'I --- ------ I I 1------ ,--- - ---------+ ---_oJ-_; -t------ .-~~=~+:--=:n. --- t' t---+=. -- --~.=~-~-~. -- ---- .---+------,-----. --+- : : I ------r--' - - - --- --- : ¡. ~ - - -- --. --+ ------ - - - . - - -T- -+. - -~- -- - I' ¡ .- __h_.. - .- --- -t-- .--- - .-- -- -- -----4--- ---~-- -- . - --. ---- _.- ------+----- ---. .----- --t--t-------ï---- --,-- . --- ,- -. - -+-+-- -i- .- t ....----+ , I : i i I I - --t_h -- - - - -r-- ~---- .;..- , - -~. - - ¡ -- J- t1