1565 Paving 3rd Street PETITION . For _P~!!ng THUD ST~_fr9_~- ___RepuuJ,~~.~~ 4m"!1"_--- ----------- -------- .------ Prelented to the Board of Commisaionen : aDd read ~h.... lSth _19..2£ and referred to City J.:ana~er REPORT ----------- ----- --- - ----- ------ The within Petition was filed in my office this 15th day of !larch 19-55 -------- ------- City Clerk <ON,o""no"c""'", ,.. ,." 10 THF.. RI)NOI1ABU; ÿ,OAHD (\1<' Cm,M1&;!CNERS, CITY OF 8ALINA KANSAS. GEN'l't.Elo\EN : :>e.l.lna, f..Bnsato Fiì¡ dl ì.!arch 15, 1955 PE'l'ITral! NUldBER 156$ I;'e, the undersigned, resldents and prl"¡:ert~ owners 1r, the ('it,) .01 ::ì&lua, KanS8.S, do h...rp.by pp.tltlon your hl"nornble broy t'or the ¡Bving or ']hird Street from the north liu';: of RepubJ.ie to t he south line of Lamar. nLEL BY: I4rs. A. D. Hoyce TrUštiñgth8.t tbi' prayers ot' the petitioners will be gl'811teC1, .e a.oe, Respectfully, --- --_NAMJo: - -------- - ADDRES5 LOr B u{ -.--- ADDITION ~. D. NovelL -~s.._1JûJd._- I 948 S. Third . . ------------+-_._--._----~--- .945 S. Third . ! - ---+- --------. F4w.ard !. .ar~}:~_- Ch~~.. --~- )luJ.venon, _~r. J~~~ _H~.~re~_~ _--ÿ-ù.6 S. Third I ~ I I I W~ .Id. Garrison 1401 E. RePUbli_C_--t--+----+-. - ~lJl~d J.ÍI,g&.l~~~n~ --f3LS~ Third - I I f-- ---. - l4'~~~_W~l~k- j31S Ee.. Repu_li~--i I - i --_. I .. I ~;ilt9n j)._~~~S. Third ; ¡ I ~~~:æ~.-.~~ ::i~:n;:c,' 311 - E. rtepudic 'H' i A. D. No ce Estate 939 S. Third .! BY: --- :oIidred . Noyce ; --..--- -- --- - -----. I I ._---------t--i. I . I ~ ~--=--~1 ----~! -1-- - - . . - -=:-_.:. =t~~-~: ==--.:+--1- -.t=. -. ~= ~-~~-- +-----------~~-- I - _._- .- : ¡ : - . - - - ---+ '----.- ------f----+' - -+- -- -- I' : ------- -- .--- -- - -- -_. -;------- -_. . - _h -- --. -~----i-- --~- -- - . . I I. ; ---'.-.u- -.--..-.--- ---f--+-'-----'---- . I --....-. - -.. -- --. -1---+---- ..-+. -- -_.--- - I - - t- --- _. ~_.-+ I - - -J I I , 'r- , - --t-- _..-- --.--..,-- -- - -r-- - - -- '-