1562 Amend Zoning Walnut Grove k,. .., /"' :I6l1na, M.nSe.~ 10 TBF. Bf\NOPABlli OOM!) t'lF tfJt.Mt!S1.bNEJts Cl'1'Y OF SÄLINA, KANSAS. GE1~: Filed: ...arch 8, 1955 PETiTION 00. 1562 We, the undersigned, resldentB and p~rty cwn~r8 i~ the C1t~ of ~ua, Kanll~, do h...rOlby p"-tit1on your ht'nombl~ tcdy for the rezoning of the following land for a trailer courl: Starting at Ii, W. corner of: Lot 1, llk. 2, in WaJ.nut Grove Addj thence west and parallel with south line of Walnut St. 525 rtj thence S. and parallel with ßroadlray Blvd. 110 ft; thence W. 110 ft to E. linà of: Broadway mvd; thence S. along E. right-of-way line of Broad1ray mvd. 215 ft; th~nce E. 635 ft. to W. property line of mk. 2, WaJ.nut Grove Addj t ence II. 325 ft. to point of beginning. Located in N.Yt. 1/4 Sect. 1.4, Tvrp. 14, South Range 3 West. nLEIi BY: F. L. Parks It'atio Trailer Court) Trusting that the prayers of the petitioners will be g1'811teo., ;(e are, P.esrectfully, -.---_NAMé:_-.----....- - ADDRESS LOr BU{ ADDITION F. L..Parks Patio '1ì'ailer (burl - . ---'--- uu -..- . -'-'----- --. -- - ---+--------..-- -..--. ... '-- --_. -+- --r .-..---..-----+- i! ! . I I r------I . - ._- - _.- --- --+ "'--.- ----t-----++--+---- -- . - -- -- ---t- ¡ I ! -.- ------r ' , I l- .------. i I I , -: I I .--- :.- "::=- :t-t-" -+= -== :-"~ ~ --_._--_.~~-- I ._------ J I , ----4----- -- --'-i--t-- --T--- - 'I . ---- . I I. ; -----t- -+-- - - - ,-- - --1'- - --- -- -- - -+-T-- --t .- J t ---- - .------ -.---- ---- -.-..- -. ----.- --- -- ---- ------ -- ---..- --------- ------- --- .---. I -- -.;- --- --.- - .- _. -r-- , ---..l..---+ ----.-+-- -.- j I ---~ 1 I --t-. I -~. .. - - ,