1556 Protest Imp Crawford PETITION For _p~oteBting against. th~ curbing & guttering or Ρ. side of "'rawford froIrl ---------- -- -- - - Stealùln \'i. to y¡. line Blk. 5, Eisen- ---- ----- -- - -- -~- hC"'fer Add; i, paving ~a"ford from Cherokee to -VI.--Ünë Dlk.--S. Ei senhower Addi t1on Preeented to the Board of Commi..ionen and read ¡"eb. 15tl. ___I\L22.. and referred to City ~~~ ----- REPORT -------- --------- ------ --- - -- -_._- ---- ---- --- The within Petition was filed in my office this ~th___--__- -- -__un~_day of --~~! --------- 19~ -- -- -- Ii. -~~- P'"te~so!1 --- City Clerk cc"om"", ""'_0 -",. " '-" /'"- 10 Ih'F. HI)NOFABU; RQAiUi rw COfo2-1IS~!CNER.;;, CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS. GElITLEMErf : >8l1na, f..BI1B6~ F, ç d ~ t! b i '5, \9 so;- 'Pef,+, orJ No. , t;;1:>'- 'rle, the underslgned, residents and pr"perty owners ir. thE: eit.) 01 ::;a.lua. Kansas, '10 h...ro>.by pp.tition your hC'norable bcdy for the I'WIOD8treace ap.1ua~ the acavatioa, P'841q, elll'b1ag aD1 gutterlq OD the DOrth 8148 of CravtOl'd AV811U8 tl"Clll the "..t l1De of St...-"'tp StNet "...t to the vut 11118 of Block 5, E1M11bci11fer Ad41t1C1Di al8o for acavaUoa, gn4!q aD1 pavlD8 nth 6" reiDtorced CODCftte Cn.vt0l'd Avemw traD the "...-1; l1D8 of Cberok.. Drive to the "...-1; 11- ot Block 5, B18eDbø11er Ad41t1OD to Ba1.1aa, 1raD8a8. n LEL BY: Albert. B. Da4e Trüštlngthat tbë prayers of the petitioners will ce gr811tea, <Ie a.-e., Resrectfully, ---_._-~- ADDRES~ Lor BU{ --- ------ ADDITION p~~- _~686 v_~~~-- I -~ 5 Bt88DbClwv_____- Mra. P. M. B~ 686 V1811ODt 1 5 ' ------------ ------>---- ------------+-----_.._-~----- ---- Albert. B. DBd8 . 680 V1811Oot 2 5 --.- -------------1-- --+---+- Mrs. Albert E. Dade . -_u - ---- -- -------r- I p~.~ Calhoun- . 680 V1emon t 2 15 t . 3 4 i ! 4 ~.~. _C'-~~ ---+-_':5..~-~~ CJ:.aWford ~ I ~'~!..~!!Ë-4!LJr. ! 15~~. Cra1dord ~ 2 14 ~._C!...~~_P7~~2524 w.: Cra1dord ; 2 i 4 Wa)'ne -~ ~~~ _-+--672 at-h11~ ~ 3 ~. '.~ Sulllat1œ II 672...St-Min +-:--13 J9~_~~ .. 1500 CraWford ~I 3 J!JbD ~!.._~~ - --t-- -~~~ - w. CraWford I 6 i 19 SullMt ~- Ig.l8!l_J~_ADde~sen i 1506 W. CraWford I 9 13 I E1~__- Ellen~~ -~ -~ 1521 ',/.- Cravto~_---L.6 ; 19 : Slm8et _MBDor - ~- ~-- - --- --+' 706 Seneca : 5 . 19! '. :-';'.~ - ~ I-:~:-::;' ~---t(~-"-! - ..~-=- Betty Barne~ : 6-n Viemont I u! 4 . - --+ --------- -- - -----t---+ - - -~- -- -- . - ~ Fol"llBn 1535 w. CraWford j 7 ,19 ¡ 8uDaet Manor 1530 w. CraWford I -l- --"--- --- ----- - - I ---- I -4--- --,- -_U- -- - ----__n_- ---- ---- Geral4J.De Foman ~535 w. CraWford --------i--- -'--~- -. - 7 I~ 8uDaet~ I . ------+- --- ---- ----- - --1---+---'----r---- h___- Arnhold Keel. Remus , ~539 w. CraWford . 8 19 I Mildred Remu - -: ---1539 -W'-Cravf~~ - -:--8- ~9- -T -- A. H. I.ekband t' 715 Choctav --- - ~- ïõ~ 19 --~--- - - ; I . 10 .19 - - ;--- Kathleen w<:kbeJñ 715 Choctav 1518 W. Cravford 1518 w. Cravford 1 r--4 - 1 4 - - '-- - El øeJ:lhc;wer A. H. I.eck11aDd Kathleen w<:kbeJñ - - f' ~<lç ,.- >aJ.1na, tœIlSa~ TO 1'HF. HI)NOAAIH.~ IIOARl; 1"1<- COM-IISUIC!Œ:R5, CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS. GEtITlEMEN: We, the o.mders1gned, residents and pr"perty owners b, thf. ('it) 01 ;j¡u1ue., Kansas, <10 h...rp.'oy pp.tlt10n your hC'norsble \>My for the reIIOCI8traDce a¡a1u~ taw uca_Uoa, gra41D6, curblD6 ud l;I&tter1Da OD tb8 DOrth .148 or Cr8It1'OI'd Ave. trca tb8 V88~ l1a8 of SWhUn St. v..t to tbe nat 11œ or Block 5, B1U88Dbc:1nr Md., &180 tor tb8 ex.cavation, pwUD6 8114 paviD6 with 6" coacrete relDf~ CnLvtord Ave. troa tb8 Y88~ 11- or CJ:8Z'Ok88 Dr. to tbe v.at 1iDe of block 5, B1DH~ MA. to S&l1Da, Ku8a8. ,-'I tEL BY;_~~~ Trusting that the prayers of the petitioners will be gI'811ted, ole a,'e. Resrectfully, --- -- -~- - - _ADDRES¡' LOr B u{ - ._---- ADDITION Mra-4-J.a .T~ - ~~~-~tti~1.:.l I ~--~- EiHDbclwer _. -- --- Iqlo -~--~~I!- 676 Wb1ttiDgb1U ,.,. '0 ------4--- --.--- --~---+-- --------~----- _. --_. V1rgf,.J, E. Smith 666 V1emont ,. 5 EiHDbcIwV --- ------- -~--- ----+-- MrQ. --V~r..ß11 E. SiII1th . 666 Vlemont ',. ,5 - - -- --- ----t I I I M!....V.LStl"1~- : 676 Stee.hl1~~---l-- MrII! M!!._S~l~__+_~~~_St~h11n ~ ;3 ¡ ----.- Mr_.~.~f~!,_- i 673- Wb1Ul~U --\ 12 13 ; - -- ~. .~ I!~f~_--+ 673 Wh1~t1Dgb1U ; 12 13 --1---- --.- Wlll1l1J!1_B. ""'~O~_~7~ Wh1tt1~U ¡~4 ----- :.';~~ :- I:: :.::= t:t1~ -...... -- MJ:a. Re~-~~ - --t--7~-~tav U ¡19 ~"-~~ ~-- i 7C1;J Choctav I 9 i~9 i. - ---- Mrs. ~~~!'Oy ---+- 7C1;J Choctav____~9 ;19 i'. '-- ~:n-,¿).~~;&:s:~+------.------ ___'_jfi 1 -~----L--.' ----".----- - - "_h___+- 2 ,18 I 0 " .. I --- ----- --- 3 118 -r-------,- ---- -- ---- - -+------------- -+-----+-- -- -- -- .. - - -j ------ -- -----L~.l~ --~--~ --'. - .. n"_.__- ; 5 ~lB ! . ., --- --0---- --- ---- -- -- ------+-- ----~-- -- - --,------ -------- --.. ----- -- ~~-~--- -T---- ,9 18 I ,. - - ~ --- - - -. - - -- - ~--- +- -- --r .- ¡ , 10 .18 t --- - _. ~- - ----;- , , . --t--- -. - - - .,--- . -~- - -- ~ -fJA<\-=- ~