1539 Imp Decatur Street '- "j ""¥' -:"~;rÌ >e.llna, f..BII5a~ 10 I11r. i:O)NUFABU; I\Q¡\IUi 1"1<' COI,2>IIS:.IC¡Œ;R.;;, nTY OF SALINA, KANSAS. F..ldl Ja. 7, 1955 Ph'TlTION NO. 1539 GENTlEMEN: 'rle, the '.mderelgned, residents and prtlperty owners 1r. thE: Cit.) 01 ~~1tJ., Kansas, (10 h...rq'oy p...tltlon your h('nornb1e ~MY for the Curbing, guttering and paving of: Decatur Street fr(,m the east line of Santa 1'8 to t he "est line of Firth Street. lULL BY: '11m. P. Horton TrustlÏÏgthat thë- prayers of the petitioners will De gr811ted, ole a.oe., Resrectful1y, ADDITION NAm: - . "ADDRESb LOr BU{ J:dd-StàtèšARiiiãturë- - - -- ___h /jorks - W. P. Horton 616-618 N. ~anta ~'e 1,2 11 Calkin's -.----- ---'--- -.-. .---- I - ------- -_. 18,19, Y¡!II._~~ten~l__- .~ !!~ -~~t.~ _F!! ----+-~ - --U.. ...9..a}....!Wl'..L_- - .-.------ -~_.-- ---4- --- " , . I --- ---- -- -------t It! - --------~-----~ - - - - -- - ---+--------- i- I ! ¡ - -----\ \ i ! . i I . - -- _.. --+--- I! --1--- --.- . I i ---'~ ~-----T-- \3 ---.-. --- - --t--- --------+ I ! - - .- -- -_.-+---------~. I I - ~- ---= .1':.-'~.~ _.-.- =-j--\--~----~~:-~- ---- . --+---.------------r-+------+--- - .-- .- : . I . I : -4 -------- ----~---+- --~--- -- i' ¡ .---.--- ---- - - --- -~-----_._--- ----- --- ~-~ ---- --- -- ---- --~------- - .-- - -- -----4---- ----~-- -- - -- ---...... u- - - - - - I -t--+-- --- -;.---- . ' -- - -t---- + -- -+ --,------- , t , --+--- -~ - -~- - -~ ~- ..,..- ~-------- ~. - -~- - - "-