G-2 General Depositary Agr ~ - s - 7 ~. ,6/1/ U. S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT SECTION 8 HOUSING ASSISTANCE PAYMENTS PROGRAM EXISTING HOUSING , , ./ ,r PART I of the ANNUAL CONTRIBUTIONS CONTRACT Number of this ACC Part I: ONE Master Section 8 ACC Number: Effective Date: (Date of execution by the Government of this ACC Part I] 1.1 The Program. (a) Projects Within Program. The Existing Housing Program under this ACC Part I includes the following projects: Project Number ACC List Number and Date of Approval KS40-E038-001 KC-78-106 April 10, 1978 (b) Number of Units (By Size) in Program. The aggregate number of units by size of unit in- . eluded in 'these projects is as follows: Size of Unit Number of Units l-BR (F) 22 2-BR (F) 40 I!f 3-BR (F) 23 . 4-BR (F) 15 Total Units 100 (c) . Maximum ACC Amount. The maximum ACC amount for all Program Expenditures in respect to the aggregate number of units in these projects (the Prograrr.) is $ 174.912 per year; Provided. however, that this amount shall be reduced commensurately with any reduction in the number of units or changes in unit size under any provision of this ACC (see Section 1.4(a)). The PHA shall not enter into any Contract or take any other action which will result in a claim for an Annual Contribution in respect to the Pro- . gram in excess of the amount stated in this paragraph (c). (d) PHA Obli23tion. The PHA, to the maximum extent feasible, shall enter into Housing Assistance Payments Contracts ("Contracts") in accordance with the numbers and sizes of units and subject to the maximum ACC amount specified above. . (e) Meaning of "Project" as Used in Master ACC and Part II. For purposes of this Part I the term .--Project" wherever used in the Master Section 8 ACC and in Part II shall mean all the projects in the "Existing Housing Program." ." 1.2 Authorization of Actions by PHA. In order to carry out the Program, the PHA is authorized to (a) enter into Housing Assistance Payments Contracts, (b) make housing assistance payments on behalf of Familie' and (c) take all other necessary actions all in accordance with the forms, conditions and requirements prescribe or approved by the Government; Provided, however, that neither the PHA nor the Government shall assume :ir obligation beyond that provided in Contracts in the form appro\led by the Government. 1.3 Term of ACC, Lease and Contract. (a) Term of ACC. The term of this ACC shall be five years. . . .t '811. 1 of 3 Pave # HUO.&2!!2C (5-7, -.. p-"'- . "