1816 Imp Beloit PETITION For - Guxi;) (, gu t ter North si.dn--Í)L _Beloi t fran Roach to-.-1ew1 B an~ --p~!-,-~__Beloit {'rom Roach to Lewis ---- ---- Pretented to the Boerd of Commill8ioners and read __j;ep~_g¿th___19--56 and referred to Ci tL -~I}a.g6!' -- REPORT - ----~ ---------- ----------- - --- ---- -- ----~-- ---- - - ---------- , The within Petition was filed in my office this _~th - - - _day of s"ptÞn¡her --~- 19-56 --1!....!-Jl- Eeíæra.OlL City Clerk oo..oc,""" "CO'," "'" ".>-"