1801 Amend Zoning W Walnut ""- PETITION For _ltezQni!\~~rt~!_'li'al;~___- -- p).at .5l._frolJL"A"~~- u_----~- ----- - -- -- ------- 1- ::Imted t.o the Board .of Commissi.oners and read -~. 7th 19---2.6 and referred t.o ----------.-C~ Cbmmissi on REPORT -_u_---- - -------- u_u_- -------- ------ -- ----~-- .- '-~ ----- ---- - -- The within Petiti.on was filed in my office this-- 7th-----___udayof A~_~ 19~ H. E. Peterson -~- u- - - -- ----- -- ------ City Clerk ""oc,,"<' ,,-,---' ,-., Salina, Kansas TO TIlE HOIfORABIB BOARD OF COMK[SSIONERS, CITY OF' SALmA, KANSAS Fi1e d: Aug. 7, 19$6 PETITION 110. 1801 c;¡qn or JWEI( : We, the undersigned, residents and property owners in the City of Salina, Kanase. Ò#) h......'hy reU+.1nn :vn",' honorahle body Cor the Rez.oning .of Tract HI, Plat 51, a partial! .oj' which is in the City .oj' o.>alina, KaBsas, æ follcws: 205 f eet runrdng SCJth .on U. S. 81 by-?as8 from Walnut, Ulence west 165 feet; thence :i.orth 165 feet; thence Last to place of begirudng. ,1315 w. "alnut Street, ¡)alina, Kansa8), frCD "An Residential to 11])11 Local Business. FILED BY ß. A. Dreon, Agent for Champlin Hefirdng Company. lPhone 2161) h-usting that the prnye..'s .of the petitioners will be granted, we are, Respectr,.l1y, -.. -- B. A. Ereon i I liJUot':: ADDm <¡s LOr BLI{ ADDITION