1747 Sidewalk Norton, Max, Ralp PETITION For ß.idew!Ù"- on both sides_<?f Norton fi'OI\ Clo\ld to ~~1'11~_u on both sides of !oI<u: and kalph rron--ÑOTt-on~ 203-ft. ea:;i . ---~--------- Preeented to the Board of Commissioners and reNi..M>ü _lQth.- n- _19~ and referred to . _n 1.:1 t)"-~~g~ -_._- REPORT ---------- ---.- -.- -------- The wiWn Petition was filed in my office this - lOth_- -_day of - ___Apfil -- . - 19_--56 H. E. Petp-rson ----- -------- City Clerk C"5OC'O"'O "Cd" "mm" ;11.£"," .". ,I /11- ,41 " I I ,-. salina, Kansas TO THE HONORABlE BOARD OF C<M4lSSIONERS, CITY OF SAUlIA, KA!lSAS GElfl'LEMEN : rUedl April 10, 1956 Ii. Tl TI°I!~~ 1747 we, the undersigned, reaidents and property owners In the City of Sa11na, Kana.., do hereby petition your hOl1orable body tor Ue a five-foot poured CQncrete sidewalk on both sides of Norton A~~fro!ll Cloud to Lesliejon both sides of Max from Norton 20)' Eastj on both sides of Ralph from Norton 20)' East. FIlED BY: M. L Michaelsen 'l'ruating that the prayers of the petitioners will be granted, we R88p8Cttully , are, tti. un"", TNI' IUIC . . ch",elsen, Inc. I ,8,9,: 10 Soutt.ern 'hew S. Gahnsf,rom I Þ,h,6 Southern View . - -- -- E