2136 Imp Willis Ave PETITION ForCUl'b,Gutter, PaTe-- WILLI3-IIVE. -.!.~II.- _~k_ett to HagellllU}__- - -~--- .. ---- Preeented to the Board of Commissioners and read -Dec. JOth.._- _19_-58 and referred to City ~~~Þ.:r - --- - --- --- REPORT _--_n ------_..- - ---------- ---- UH -----_u_- --- --------_u - - ------ The within Petition was filed in my office this --21"----- ----- --day of Dec._------- 19_-56 -~-.H..KJ)eters. on-_____-- City Clerk OO"'"'O.'TO '"'" --" .~ -. " r- Salina, :{ansas TO THE HONOOADLE BOARD OP COfL'IISSIONERS CITY OF SALINA, I:ANSAS GE.NTLE~ŒN : Filed I December 21, 1958 PETITION NUMBER 2136 'ie, the undersigned, residents and property owners in the City of Salina, Kansas, do hereby petition your honorable body for the curbing and guttering of Willis Avenue froBl Haskett to Hageroan Avenues, abd that a permanent type of paYing, (Reinforced concrete) be applied to S8I'Ie; such illlprovement. to be financed on a 20-year plan. Trusting that the prayers of the petitioners will be granted, we are, ¡1.espectfully, FILED BY: HA~]d N. Ri~A NAlŒ ADDRESS LOr B!-OC:~ ADDITIO¡'/ Mr.~~s. Harold H. Rice 706 Willis I u- !."'-- )'ð~' 70~ Willi. I u- OU- A"'..nn N 7,...,..~ ?,"" tJn,.- Mr . !eM.... o...n, In "'-..iI~ ¡;,¡; 1o¡;"~. C. 0 Inae.-"'n.on W~"~. David Jellison for the: n." n_" -, Mr.~s- John T- Rinale <;Jil Willis , , T I ;