2134 Imp Garden Ave PETITION For - -- Cvb, Gutter, pa'l& ..GABDElLAYE.- from- Hagp.""n ...to..--- --,..-.-1Ia.skatt ---- -------.. - __H__- Presented to the Board of Commissioners and read --.--l>ec. 30th - ___19_58 and referred to _____City- M&l1~gel',--- --- REPOPT ----..--- - ------- ---~ - -- ----- _u -- - ---..-_u_- ----'- ----- The within Petition was filed in my office this -..27th .. -- - - ----day of -Deo.- - --.. -- - - 19..-58 ----B.R.Fe teraon- -------- City Clerk .,c""".~,~ >'C" ._-, -. - TO THE HONORABLE BOARD Of COf~JlSSIONERS CITY IF SALINA, I~SAS Salina, :{ansas Filed :Dee. 21, 19$8 PETITION NUMBER 2134 GEi'l1'LENEN: We, the undersigned, residents and property OliDers in the City of Salina, Kansas, do hereby petition your honorable body for the curbing, gutter1~ and paving wi h concrete of Garden Avenue (a street in the CitT of Salina) Iraq Hageman to Haskett Avenues, and that such iJIIproveroent be paid for on a 20-year basis. Trusting that the prayers of the petitioners will be granted, we are, Respectfully, FILED BY: Leslie Saith NAlŒ ADOOESS LOT B!..œ:~ AD DIT Io;¡ Garden Avenue I 7 ;-¡- Geonre WillJon. Jr. R. R. 3 Mrs. Chas. Christensen I (~ ,'-"..... u v .;'\~ G.....den AVI'! R \J R,,;O'i QO' G.""..I en Avenu" Leslie B. Sltith 800 Garden Avenue Esther M. Smith 543 Garden Avenue K. Faye Toner 600 Laner's 2nd Sam AleD"" 802 Garden Ave. 9 Plat 4 Snh-D;.n ,,; nn II..... l1ft~^_ ' n"....-i_n Avenu"'- ""'^_ft_, Y. -,- n A,.., "ft"""-- 4"", (-.r.."'...~ 1J..1>;"... RfI'I l'."~ð~.~ , ¡ , I ! I , ;