2123 Annex Claremont Heights Ad ..-. ""'- Salina, :~ansas 10 THE HONOOABLB BOAAD OP COtIUlSSIONERS CITY OF SALINA, I:ANSAS PETITION NO. 2123 FILED. NOVEMBER 12, 1956 GE¡ifWŒN: ~e, the undersigned, residents and property owners in the City of Salina, Kansas. do hereby petition your honorable body for the inclusion within City lilllits that part of Claremont Heights Addition not now in CU,.. Trusting that the prayers of the petitioners will be granted, we are, Kespectfully, FILED BY: Geor~ C. Etherine:ton NA1 rl ADDRESS LOT B!.OC'~ ~DITIO;I Bettv L. '".ariet.u I I I i ¡ ! i