2107 Sidewalk Quincy PETITION For - --S1d8wal.lt on both s1deLot - --2VltiCLfToII Kensing~'~_ILi<?_- ---~-- - M.yfair Preeented to tbe Board of Commissioners and read --Sept. -3Oth-_19---5B and referred to Cit)" Ma.n_ag~- --- REPORT ------------------- --~--- - ------ ------ -~ ----- --- -- ---- --- -- - -- --- The within Petition was filed in my office tbis -~-25th --- day of -----Sept. -- - 19_--58 H.E.Peters on City Clerk CO""'O"'E" '"-" -', - -., Salina, Kansas -Date Filed Sept. 25. 1958 Petition Number 2107 TO THE HONORABlE BOARD OF C<HfISSIO6ERS CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS .' GENrIEMEH : we, the undersigned,~8idents and property owners in the City of Salina, Kansas, do hereby petition your honorable body tor tb8t sidewalks on both sides<of QuincZ-- from K67-Sington to Mayfair. ~ . ., Trusting that the prayers of the petit1ooers will be granted, we are, respectfully, I FIlED BY Geo. Etherinl!ton I I ': NAME ADDRESS rm BLOQ{ ADDITION ~++v T J/n"ietta Salina. Kansas