2028 Sidewalk E Cloud Add PETITION Por - -~!gewalk fer Lots -I._to 16 Bl.<:lc~ 7 _~loud AdGitioTl___- ----- - -- --- -- - ----- Pr_nted to the Board of Commissioners and read -.l-Jq....llttL----19-SB and referred to -~i-t.y- - Maft&geJ'--- REPORT -------- ------ ---- - -- -- -------- ---- -- - --- U--n_- ----- -- - n - - -------- The within Petition was filed in my office this -----.I1th___u_---___day of Mqy -un -- -- 19--5.B.. ---H~-E--. í'eter¡;on-- - ----- City Clerk CC"O'-'""'C ""'-'- ,-. --- 'õalina. :':ansas TO T!n ~¡oro!t,'n.;: JOB!) OF CO:UUSSSIOir:.r CITY OF S,\LI'.të., KA1!.:WS Filed: Kay 8, 1956 PETITION NO. 2028 1~in'LE:î':¡!: ~~. the ur~ers\gned. residel~s and property owners in the City of Salina. ~~nsas, do hereby petition your honorable body for~ sidewalks in Ea st Cloud Addition for Lots 1 to 16, Block 7, Trusting that the prayers of the petitlQn~rs will be granted. we are. Res peotfully , FlIED BY !'Irs. John WaldscluJ.dt. Jr. NAME ADD:WS" WI' BLOCK AJDITIOr' - ,J i Mr... JM!k Bishon 1546 Bachtold 1 7 Cloud ~r5. WaYDe Banks 1524 ] achtold 5 7 .. Mrs. Andrew GottbeN. Jr lq8 Bachtold 6 7 II }Irs, Carl A.Pvle Jr. 1438 Þachto1d .. Hr.. W. E. Lan",don 1426 Baohto1d " Mrs. L.A.Sitts 1534 bachtold J 7 " Krs. Clarence ~.eye" 1502 Bachtold n Mrs. Fredrick Curry 1,,1¡2 Bachto1d II r,æ8.&. Earl Richter 1420 Bachtold 15 7 " Mrs. John Waldschmitz 1540 Eachtold 2 7 II . ._, - .