2009 Imp S 4th Street - PETI.TION For --I'&VUlau FOURTHS'rUi:l'~VMn .£.l..~l1n _andK~- ----~~----------- --'-- ------- PreMnted to the Board of Commissioners IUId read -----.Åpr"-J!.tJL_-~_19-58 and referred to -- --illy -l1/igy~ -- ~-- REPORT - ----_uo_- --------- ---~ --- --------- -- ------- --------- ---_n ~------ The within Petition was filed in my office this ~---____day of Apri , ----.H..;;:..J>e.W.1"Ji.OD . 19 -----S8 City Clerk oo"CO«O"O ,"OM'-F' " , " ~ "..... '>alina, ;':anS'lS TO 1H": ~oro:u.-m= 3OA:\D OF CO}ItHSSSIOmr CITY OF SALI~t4., KÞ.NSA5 Filed: April 8, 19.56 PETITION NO. 2009 T~¡!TLE:~i!1 He, the undersigned, residents and property owners in the City of salina, iCans'1S, do hereby petition your honorable body for the curb, gutter and Paving ot South Fourth Street between Claflin and Kirwin, Salina, Kana... Pe1'llWlent concrete pavement Insta1.1ation. Curb & gutter and 20' pavelll8nt on both side track. Trusting that the prayers of the petitioners \dll be granted, we are, Respectfully, FILED gy Chester N. Cheatum NA."Œ: ADD.1ES.3 LOT BLOCK A;)DITIO..; - Salina C1.i11ic B1d2. IDC. 1)1-1J5 i 32-34-3 on C1at iln ATe. in Grounds of 1l"" .. "..... ^' IS. I.i.lU-Un Salina Kana&S aI [d the _at 8 feet-~f By,: L. S. Nelson, Pres. Salina, K ana&8 I....... ",..' #. ~~.~ ,~- ~#' .", "'..... to Nort line 01' þ1.atlin Street-. Ch..",ts>... N. CheatUJI 201 E. C1at1.in Lot 1 0 Kirwin Ye. Add. to Grounds 0 C.J..Pohlman. Jr. 200 E. It irwin K.W. U. Add. J Mrs. GladYS BishoD 210 E. Kirwin Clifford Jarrett 216 E. Kirwin 9 - wt 11 Mrs. R. L. Downey 126 E. Kirwin C. I. Woolard 120 E. Kirwin So ft. R,,:vmond Holm 205 E. C1af1.in Bob Miller 21J E.C1af'11n H~ F. ~Ic 219 E. Claflin - . . r r