1994 Paving Prescott Street PETITION For _l'aYtn¡ f'rescott Ave. froJ7L_- -- Phil1.1pB to Montrose-- ---- --- - - -~ ---- -~- -_n Presented to the Board of Commissioners and read -Jpl'il-ut-d_19_55 and referred to -------City-MaRagep ----- REPORT --------- -- - - - -- -- -~--- ---- ------ ------- -------- The within Petition was filed in my office this ...J.at-- _°- - --- -- ---- --day of Apr.--------- -- 19----$8. --H-.E.P-eterson- -------- City Clerk '<"0"°"<""_-'-"-0-"" '3alina, ;':ans~s TC T!E :~orc:U-'.L:= 30,U!: OF COi'lIHSSSIOi'?Y CITY OF' S,\LI!t"., KÞ.¡'¡SAS Filed: April 1, 1958 PETITION NUMBER 1994 1::;¡!TLE:~i!1 ~:e, the undersigned, residents and property owners in the City of salina, j{::ms'IS. do hereby ¡:etition your honorable body for the PaYing ot streets with concrete &II fo1.1ovs: Prescott Street from Montrose to College; and Prescott Street froa College to Phillips, in the CitT of Salina, Saline County, Kanaaa. Trust1~ that the prayers of the petitioners will be granted, we are, Respectfully; FILED gy IrTin Ne1.soD NAME ADD:ŒS.3 LOT BLOCK AJDITIOJ' - . r.....in H..l.nn ~l? W i 5-11.001 2 Snut.h P......1r ~nald E. Denison 48 S. Colle 1;e .59-1/)1 Eunice Shade 49 s. ColleJl:e .. nho,..... Pm.t.nn Ql~ W. .. Richard W. Robertson 600 S. Phillips .. Mr. &. Mrs. Carl A. n . llW P~""ot.t: " Mrs. Don Struble 815 w. Prescott " - . - !