1987 Annex 18-14-2 '3alina, :~nsas TO T!n :1orc~\.'~L:: 3O..U!) OF CO:-IIU5SSIO¡,::r- CITY 07 SALI~l"', KAl!SA'3 '}3i!TLE::":!!: ~!e, the undersigned, residents and propert:¡ owners in the City of salina, Xansas, do hereby petition your honorable body for the Trusting th;¡,t the prayers or the petitioners will be granted, we arE', Respectfully, FIrED BY N.\ME AlJD'ŒS- L(YI' iJLOCK AJDITIO . ;:, ,. i - - - ",",- r-- '>alina, :~nMS 'E;!TLE:~¡!: Filed: March 18th, 1958 PETITION 110. 1~87- TO TH.-... :-{Oro~?IJ: JOB!) OF CO¡'¡¡HSSSIOì'3~ CITY OF SALI~I<\, KAlISA:> :[e, the undersigned, residents and property owners in the City of Salina, j{:msas, do hereby petition your honorable body for the Annexation to the City of Salina the following described land: S W i of S W ! S. of River 18-14-2, Less W. 250' which is in City of Salina. The land for annexation contains approximately 16.73 Acres. Trusting that the prayers of the petitioners will be granted, we are, Respectfully, FIrED BY Anna Woodwotth Nordin Edwin It. Nordin Owners NAME ADD:ŒS.3 LCYI' BLOCK A:JDITIO. - - i Inn"'" Nordin 8~~ !':11n..-i se Dr ~ñvin It Nordin 8'n Sunrise Dr - - . - - ;