1980 Imp Cedar Street PETITION For Paving CEDAR STJUo:J:;T CZO(¡ R - - -College-to Mo. Pac. R/W.- -- ---- ~--- ------ ---- J Preønted to the Board of Commissioners and read -Hch. -18th~ -~- _19-5.8.- and referred to -~-ÇitJ- MBJ'I88er - REPORT ------ - ---- -,- ,----~-- ~---~ ----,- -----~-- - ------, --- --,-- ,. ----'------ The within Petition was filed in my office this 18th ----- n_,_, _day of -- -----I1arch - - m--- -- 1 L--58 H.E.Peterson --------- - City Clerk OO"OL"""'.<, "<""," '>slina, .':ansas Ta T!E :-¡O¡:ŒX.\!",: JOAl!) OF co;.nU5SSIOI'">:r" GIrY OF S.\LI'.lt\, KAHSA3 Filed: Marcb 18, 19S8 PETITIOH NO. 1960 ,}:;iITlF..~:1: ~ie, the undersigned, residents and property owners in the City of &llina, A~ns~s, do her~by petition your honorable body for the Excavation and Paving wi~h Hot Mix Asphalt on 6" Rolled Rock Base on Cedar Street troll. College Avenue to Missouri Pacific Right-of-WaT. Trusting that the prayers of the petitiQner~ will be granted, we ar~, Respectfully. FILED 3Y Gerald J. Gruber N.\ME ADD:ŒS" WI' BWCK AJDITJO ' - . -.I " ; ,,---,.. T "-_.\.._- 01':> f'.oil~~ ~..... HOlDAI' lIickell 9lli Cedar w, 11;.. if JI"..n; "OD 920 Cedar R f'. J;'~..t..... 92'1 Cedar R (' - 11'"..t..... 92~ Cedar 1i'_') It. 1'.,,1,);0 r'.""...... 911-QI ¡; Cedar Winnifred Griffith 917-919 Cedar A1 t.h.... A Kincaid 224 S.Collelte 25,27, ?Q w... R. Johnson 922. Cedar - - -- -