1977 Paving Viemont
For .PaY1Dg VlEMONT Sm:ET IrQllt-
-~atOl'Ci, to Ha'V8D
PreHnted to the Boørd of Commissioners
andread .jch._l~t~___- _19-26
and referred to
- -~~- KaDqer
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The within Petition was filed in my office
this ~tb---- ----- .dayof
-McL.----n__- 19-..511
----H.E.Peter8-on -------
City Clerk
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10 TIE HO¡:C~X~r.:: JO.:U!> OF CO!-IIUSSSIOì~:t'~
CITY OF 3;\LIC-tt\, YJ,.i-1SA,
Filedl March 14, 1956
PETIT~Otl NO. 1977
:!e, the 'mdersigned, residents and property owners in the City of &11 ina ,
A~ns~s, do hereby petition your honorable body for the concrete paving of
VieROnt froll Crawford to Ruen.
Trusting that the prayers of the petitioners will be granted, we ~r~.
Respectfull¥ ,
FILED gy Gilbert Rhodenbauah
- . -.I
Gn ho..t Jlhndenbaugh 61)6 VleJlont 6 E'
Eyvene D.Cooper 66<; VieJlOnt 5 .
Richard L. BrYan 673 VieJlOnt
Daniel H. Carr 686 Viemont
u- . u, "tert E. Dade 680 Viemont
Ds.vid Henrv 674 VieJllOnt
D~nald D. McLane 669 Viemont
KAnn"'tb Johnson 677 ViemoDt
Mrs. Virgil E. SlIIitb 666 VielllO!lt
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