1956 Paving Jewell Ave PETITION For - \,;OlJcrcte paving JE:'rlEL.L.-A \'E. - from Roacb to ,Ohio _.- -- ---- -----,---- ,- -- -- -~------ PreMnted to the Board of Commissioners 8Dd read --Jan. 28~ -- _19~ and referred to - __ll1,y _i1anager - ---- REPORT -,----- ----------- - - __m- _n__- ------------- ----- -- ------- ------ ----- ------- The within Petition was filed in my office this _-28th - -------__n___day of - J aIlI1aXT - - - 1 9 --$8 _--H. E. pE-r¿RSO!!--- City Clerk C""LO"TD ,"'- " ,.", --,- " ---, S,.Ùinll, IV1nsas TU TKE Ho;~Oa,\9LE BOArtD OF CC.~ ISSIom:i\5. t:ITY OF S,\LI!I..\, KANSAS G:,;NTlEft.EN: FIlED: JA!ilJARY 28. 1958 Pl'TITION NUKBE R 1956 .<e, the undersigned, rEsidents and property O\iners 1n the City of 3alina. ;{anns, do hereby petition your honorable body Cor the Concrete paving of J~r;L1 AVElruE from the east line of roach street to t he west line of Ohio Street. Trusting tl~t the prayers of tho petltioner3 will b& granted, 'ole are, Kospectfully. FILED BY Gale IIi.Don9r and Donald H. Dieckhofr 0 ! ! 'chols ,~'" 1006 E. Jewell 920 E. Jewell 926 E. Jewell 1016 E. I Je¡'"ell G iii. Doner John E. Rowan D. D Holland C. W. Hauth H. H. Rici:ter ~ Je ell D. G. Rose 907 E. Jewell .' son . ;;jch;nidt John A. Fiorillo Jewell I : b29 3. Jewell !3JO E. Jewell 1005 i ~. Jewell I 1002 E. .Jewell 916;;:;. Jewell 02) !::. Jewell 902 ¡.;. Jewell I I dJ2 3. Jewell I I j I I I r I E. B. Just De Lowell L. Wiseman Lirlin D.Slater S . d J . Clark [] - J. ìÜllenbor !ti.J.: I D. Tem;)leton ~rs. J. C. McCo]