Agenda 04-17-1978 REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS APRIL 17,1978 AT 4:00 P.M. A. B. C. D. E. Call to Order Opening Ceremony RollCall Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting April 10, 1978. PROCLAMATION~. 1. The Week of April 23 through 29,1978 - "ENERGY AWARENESS WEEK IN SALINA, KANSAS". The proclamation will be read by Mary Ann Powell, League of Women Voters, Energy Chairperson. 2. The Week of April 23 through 29, 19.78 - "NATIONAL YWCA WEEK", and Apri 1 23rd - "INTERNATIONAL DAY AT THE SALINA YWCA". The proclamation will be read by Pam Heidrick, YWCA President. 3. April 29,1978 - "KANSAS TECHNICAL INSTITUTE AWARENESS DAY". The proclamation will be read by Jim Bigelow, K.T.I. Student. F. STAFF AGENDA 1. RECEIVE BIDS for the construction of the Carver Neighborhood Center. 2. SET THE DATE to receive bids for $755,000.00 Internal Improvement Bond Series P-221. (Street and utility improvements) (Suggested date to receive bids - May 1,1978) CITY ENGINEER files plans and specifications for Engineering , . Projeét 78-636 for street and util ity improvements in Eastridge, Georgetown and Riverdale Additions. {Suggested date to receive bids - May 1, 1978) 3. 4. REPORT FROM THE CITY ENGINEER on Petition Number 3691, filed by George Mull, recommending the ëpproval of the parking restriction on the south side of Wayne Avenue from Roach Street to Belmont Boulevard. 5. REPORT FROM THE CITY ENGINEER on Petition Number 3694, filed by Kenneth Wasserman, for street and utility improvements to serve Block B, Park West Addition, that it is a valid petition. G. PUBLIC AGENDA 1. PETITION NUMBER 3696 - filed by Residents in South Salina relating . . to the new South Salina Park. H. COMMISSION AGENDA 1. 1. CONSIDERATION of City purchasing Schilling Manor Housing from General Services Administration. (Sponsored by Commissioner Simpson). ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING J. ADJOURN~1ENT