1990 Wastewater StudyI I ENGINEERING REPORT I The City of Salina, Kansas ~ Wastewater Study ~ C'OMPANY ENGINEERING REPORT The City of Salina, Kansas -. Wastewater Study City Commissioners Joseph A. Warner, Mayor Carol Beggs John Divine Robert E. Frank Stephen C. Ryan City Manager Dennis Kissinger Acting Director of Engineering & Utilities Don Hoff, P.E. Wastewater Treatment Facilities George Pauls, Sewage System Superintendent Address all communication regarding this work to: Wilson & Company P.O. Box 1640 Salina, Kansas 67402-1640 .. &COMPANY (S9-003) TABLE OF CONTENTS Pa~e,,No. SECTION I - EXECUTIVE SUMMARY I-1 SECTION II - PURPOSE AND SCOPE II-1 SECTION III - WASTEWATER FLOWS AND CHARACTERISTICS Historical Data III-1 Plate III-1 - Pump Stations and Main Interceptors -- Locations follows III-1 Table III-1 - Historical Wastewater Flow and Characteristics - Plant 1 III-2 Wastewater Treatment Alternatives III-3 Table III-2 - Historical Wastewater Flow and Characteristics - Plant 2 III-4 Figure III-1 - Plan iA & lB follows III-4 Figure III-2 - Plan 2A follows III-4 Figure III-3 - Plan 2B follows III-4 Figure III-4 - Plan 3 follows III-4 -- Table III-3 - Summary of Average Wastewater Flows Generated in Sewer Subsystems III-5 Table III-4 - Summary of Average Wastewater Flows to Treatment Plants (Year 2010) III-6 Projected Wastewater Flows and Characteristics III-7 Design Year III-7 Table III-5 - Projected Wastewater Flow and Characteristics - Plant i, Plans lA and lB III-8 Table III-6 - Projected Wastewater Flow and Characteristics - Plant 1, Plans 2A and 2B III-9 -- Table III-7 - Projected Wastewater Flow and Characteristics - Plant 2, Plans 2A and 2B III-10 Table III-8 - Projected Wastewater Flow and Characteristics - Plant 1, Plan 3 III-11 Table III-9 - Projected Wastewater Flow and Characteristics - Plant 2, Plan 3 III-12 -- SECTION IV - EXISTING COLLECTION SYSTEM REVIEW General IV-i Pump Stations IV-1 Table IV-1 - Salina Pump Stations Existing Capacity IV-2 Table IV-2 - Flow Comparison of Plant 1 to Contributing _ Pump Stations IV-4 Table IV-3 - Service Area Wastewater Flow Data - 1987 IV-5 Table IV-4 - Flow Factor Comparison - 1987 IV-6 Pump Station Upgrading IV-6 -- Plate IV-1 - Pump Station 10, Temporary Gravity Sewer follows IV-7 Interceptors IV-8 Table IV-5 - Interceptor Flow Data - 1987 IV-9 A _ Page No. SECTION V - EXISTING WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITIES REVIEW Introduction V-1 Existing Facilities V-1 Table V-1 - Plant 1, Design and Actual Waste Flows and Loadings (Years 1983 - 1988) V-1 Plate V-1 - Existing Wastewater Treatment Plant 1 follows V-1 plate V-2 - Existing Wastewater Treatment Plant 2 follows V-3 Table V-2 - Plant 2, Design and Actual Waste Flows and Loadings (Years 1983 - 1988) V-4 SECTION VI - WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITIES DISCHARGE - LIMITATIONS Existing Discharge Limitations VI-1 _ Table VI-1 - Existing Plant 1 and Plant 2 Discharge Limitations VI-1 Current and Proposed Regulation Changes VI-1 Anticipated 1991 Discharge Limitations VI-2 Table VI-2 - Proposed Plant 1 Discharge Limitations VI-2 Table VI-3 - Proposed Plant 2 Discharge Limitations VI-3 -- SECTION VII - DEVELOPMENT OF ALTERNATIVES General VII-1 Plate VII-1 - Plan IA follows VII-1 Plant 1 Rehabilitation - Plan iA VII-2 Plate VII-2 - Upgraded Treatment Plant 1 - - Plan lA & lB follows VII-2 Table VII-1 - Opinion of Probable Cost - Plan iA - Plant 1 Rehabilitation VII-4 Plant 1 Advanced Treatment - Plan iA VII-4 Table VII-2 - Opinion of Probable Cost - Plan IA - Plant 1 Advanced Treatment VII-5 Existing Collection System Rehabilitation - Plan iA VII-5 Table VII-3 - Opinion of Probable Cost - Plan lA - Exis.ting Collection System Rehabilitation VII-7 Proposed Interceptor Sewer System - Plan iA VII-7 Table VII-4 - Opinion of Probable Cost - Plan iA - Proposed Interceptor Sewer System VII-8 Table VII-5 - Opinion of Probable Cost - Plan lA - . Total Project Cost VII-9 Plan lB VII-9 Proposed Interceptor Sewer System - Plan lB VII-9 Plate VII-3 - Plan lB follows VII-9 Table VII-6 - Opinion of Probable Cost - Plan lB - Proposed Interceptor Sewer System VII-10 Table VII-7 - Opinion of Probable Cost - Plan lB - Total Project Cost VII-ii Plan 2A VII-Ii Table VII-8 - Opinion of Probable Cost - Plan 2A - Plant 1 Advanced Treatment VII-12 .B Page No. Plant 2 Rehabilitation - Plan 2A VII-12 Plate VII-4 - Plan 2A & 2B follows VII-12 Plate VII-5 - Upgraded Treatment Plant 2 - Plan 2A - Flow Schematic follows VII-12 Table VII-9 - Opinion of Probable Cost - Plan 2A - Plant 2 Rehabilitation VII-14 Plant 2 Advanced Treatment - Plan 2A VII-14 Table VII-10 - Opinion of Probable Cost - Plan 2A - Plant 2 Advanced Treatment VII-15 Proposed Interceptor Sewer System - Plans 2A and 2B VII-15 Table VII-Ii - Opinion of Probable Cost - Plans 2A and 2B - Proposed Interceptor Sewer System VII-16 - Table VII-12 - Opinion of Probable Cost - Plan 2A - Total Project Cost VII-17 Plan 2B VII-17 Proposed New Plant 2 Primary Treatment - Plan 2B VII-18 Table VII-13 - Opinion of Probable Cost - Plan 2B - Proposed New Plant 2 Primary Treatment VII-19 Secondary/Advanced Treatment - Plan 2B VII-19 Table VII-14 - Opinion of Probable Cost - Plan 2B - New Plant 2 Secondary/Advanced Treatment VII-19 Table VII-15 - Opinion of Probable Costs - Plan 2B - Total Project Cost VII-20 Plan 3 VII-20 Plate VII-6 - Plan 3 follows VII-20 Plant 1 Advanced Treatment - Plan 3 VII-21 Table VII-16 - Opinion of Probable Cost - Plan 3 - Plant 1 Advanced Treatment VII-21 Proposed New Plant 2 Primary Treatment - Plan 3 VII-21 Plate VII-7 - New Plant 2 - Plan 2B & 2A - Flow Schematic follows VII-21 Table VII-17 - Opinion of Probable Cost - Plan 3 - Proposed New Plant 2 - Primary Treatment VII-22 Plant 2 Secondary/Advanced Treatment - Plan 3 VII-22 Table VII-18 - Opinion of Probable Cost - New Plant 2 Secondary/Advanced Treatment VII-23 Proposed East Dry Creek Interceptor Sewer System - Plan 3 VII-23 Table VII-19 - Opinion of Probable Cost - Plan 3 - Proposed East Dry Creek Interceptor Sewer System VII-24 Proposed Magnolia Force Main System - Plan 3 VII-25 Table VII-20 -Opinion of Probable Costs - Plan 3 - Proposed Magnolia Force Main System VII-25 Table VII-21 - Opinion of Probable Cost - Plan 3 - Total Project Cost VII-26 -- Summary of Project Costs VII-26 Discussion VII-27 SECTION VIII - SUMMARY General VIII-1 Summary of Review Criteria VIII-1 -- Summary of Wastewater Treatment Requirements VIII-1 C Page No. Evaluation of Interceptor Sewers and Wastewater Treatment VIII-1 Additional Considerations VIII-2 APPENDIX A D SECTION I EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The City of Salina is presently being served by a wastewater collection system which consists of fifty pump stations, seven major interceptors and numerous small collectors. The City currently utilizes two waste- water treatment plants (WWTP) to treat wastewater. It has been 27 years since the last interceptor was constructed and additional capacity pro- vided at Treatment Plant 1. Treatment Plant 2, at Schilling Industrial Area is the same facility as constructed in 1951. Due to the age, obsolescence and loading conditions of some of the sewer- age facilities, the City commissioned a study in 1983 to evaluate the interceptor sewer system and the treatment facilities. A number of improvements were recommended at that time, some of which have been undertaken. However, since 1983 there has been considerable and more stringent revi- sions to stream water quality standards and sewage sludge disposal standards. It is anticipated that a new discharge permit to be issued in 1991 will require a much higher standard of treatment, evaluation of sludge disposal methods and increased monitoring of effluent(s). Therefore, this current study was commissioned to evaluate the impact of the additional environmental concerns on improvements to the sewage col- lection system and the treatment plants serving the City. Of major con- cern is the feasibility of operating two treatment plants versus transporting all sewage to one plant for processing. Design conditions were developed for anticipated growth of the community. A summary of those conditions are Existing Parameter Year 1988 Year 20101 Year 20302 Population 43,000 56,000 65,000 Daily Sewage Flow, MGD 4.09 7.25 9.00 Additional Sewage Flows3 Residential MGD - 1.79 0.98 Industrial/Commercial, MGD - 1.37 0.77 1Conditions for treatment facilities evaluation 2Conditions for interceptor sewer evaluation 3Approximately 85% of growth in areas to the south and east of present service areas The most cost-effective plan as determined in this evaluation is abandon- ing Plant 2 at Schilling and conveying all wastewater to Plant 1 for advanced treatment to meet the new discharge requirements. Additional rehabilitation and improvements are required within the existing inter- ceptor sewer system and existing facilities at Plant 1. I-1 The preliminary opinions of project cost include the following principal items: Type of Improvement Opinion of Proiect Cost Existing Collection System Rehabilitation $ 585,000 Proposed Interceptor Sewers 6,500,000 Plant 1 Rehabilitation 3,600,000 Plant 1 Advanced Treatment 7,246,000 Total Estimated Project Costs $17,931,000 The proposed new interceptor sewers include a new sewer traversing the East Dry Creek drainage basin from north to south. This drainage basin is immediately east of the East Crawford Street Recreational Areas Before the new interceptor and treatment facilities plans can be imple- mented some additional concerns must be addressed. i. A detailed engineering study to evaluate the specific treatment process to be used to remove ammonia at Plant 1 and to develop strategies to meet sludge management regulations. 2. A financial analysis to determine the impact of project costs on sewer service charges. 3. Investigate the methods of financing the project including federal grants and the State Revolving Loan Fund (interest rate at approximately 4.5 percent). 4. -Evaluate methods of assessing the growth portion of the costs of interceptor sewers to benefited property. This is of particular concern in the East Dry Creek drainage basin. SECTION II PURPOSE AND SCOPE Salina's existing wastewater treatment and collection facilities have been serving the community's disposal needs for over 27 years without major renovation. Portions of the facilities are loaded beyond their actual capacity and some of the existing equipment requires replacement. In 1983, the City commissioned an engineering study to evaluate the con- dition of the City's system and to provide a plan for updating the system to convey and treat the wastewater through the year 2020. The study included the following principal tasks: a. Review of existing wastewater flows and develop projected wastewater flows for the designated service areas. b. Study of eight pump stations and seven main interceptor sewers to evaluate existing capacities, their ability to adequately convey future flows. c. Review of the wastewater treatment facilities and their ability to adequately treat present and future waste loads. d. Evaluation of wastewater alternatives for upgrading the wastewater treatment facilities. Since 1983, when the preliminary study was performed, a number of condi- tions have changed including: a. City operations staff have repaired or replaced some of the deteriorated equipment at Plant 1. b. The State of~ Kansas has revised the Water Quality Standards, thereby establishing ammonia and dissolved oxygen limitations and disinfection requirements for certain facilities. A new discharge permit will be issued to Salina in 1991. c. EPA published draft standards on February 6, 1989, for disposal of sewage sludge, thereby establishing limitations for certain pollutants which may be present in sludge. d. EPA is implementing biomonitoring requirements in reissued dis- charge permits. e. The City's existing collection system has been modified to con- nect new development such as Central Mall and the Airport Industrial Subdivision. Additionally, some combined sewers have been separated resulting in lower flows at Plant 1. II-i f. Population projections have changed. This study has been prepared to update the 1983 study and to incorporate the findings into this current evaluation. The principal tasks performed for 'this study include: a. Evaluation of current and proposed regulatory requirements for the City's two treatment facilities. b. An update of the improvements and related construction costs required for Plant 1 to provide adequate treatment to the year 2010. c. An update of the improvements and related construction costs required fo~ Plant 2 to remain in service and provide adequate treatment through the year 2010. d. An update of the interceptor sewer system improvements and related construction costs to abandon Plant 2 and pump all the flow to Plant i for treatment. e. An update of the interceptor sewer system improvements and related construction costs to convey flows with Plants 1 and 2 treating flows from their respective service areas. f. An update of the interceptor sewer system improvements and related construction costs to divert all flow south of Magnolia Street to Plant 2 and construct a new Plant 2. II-2 SECTION III WASTEWATER FLOWS AND CHARACTERISTICS GENERAL The City's current wastewater collection system consists of fifty pump stations; seven main interceptors, 12-inch diameter through 36-inch dia- meter; and numerous smaller collectors and service lines. The wastewater treatment facilities consist of a two-stage trickling filter plant referred to as Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) No. 1, or Plant 1, which treats the majority of Salina's wastewater and a single-stage trickling filter plant referred to as Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) No. 2, or Plant 2, which treats the wastewater from the Schilling area. Plate III-1 indicates the locations of all the pump stations, the main inter- ceptors and the treatment facilities. HISTORICAL DATA Table III-1 presents the available wastewater flow and characteristics data for Plant 1 for the years 1973 through 1988. Average, maximum and minimum daily flows in million gallons are given for each year. Waste- water characteristics are presented in terms of average daily biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) concentration (mg/1) and loading (pounds/day), and average daily total suspended solids (TSS) concentration (mg/1) and load- ing (pounds/day) for each year. In 1983, the wastewater flow at Plant 1 declined. At this time the City had disconnected most of the remaining storm sewers which discharged into sanitary sewers. A new magnetic flow transmitter and recorder were installed, and the output flow meter was recalibrated in September 1983. The average daily flows have remained consistent for the years 1984 through 1988. Table III-1 indicates the average wastewater flow at Plant 1 ranged from 5.736 MGD in 1973 to 3.629 MGD in 1988. Maximum daily sewage flow ranged from 19.300 MGD in 1979 to 6.024 MGD in 1988. Average influent BOD5 loading ranged from 12,749 pounds/day in 1982 to 6,037 pounds/day in 1986. Average effluent BOD5 concentrations ranged from 20.7 mg/1 in 1984 to 12.1 mg/1 in 1977. Average influent TSS loading ranged from 19,949 pounds/day in 1973 to 6,855 pounds per day in 1988. Average effluent TSS concentrations ranged from 13.1 mg/1 in 1985 and 1988 to 7.8 mg/1 in 1977. Because of the recent decrease in sewage flows, an average daily flow and gallon per capita flow were determined from wastewater flows occurring from January 1984 to December 1984. During that one year period a total of 1,450,145,000 gallons of wastewater were received at Plant 1, or an average daily flow of 3.973 MGD. Based on the average wastewater flow and the population of 41,710, the average flow contribution per person was 95.25 gallons per day (gpcd). The 95.25 gpcd is approximately 80 percent of the winter metered water consumption of 115 gpcd. SALINA KANSAS COMPILED FROM OFFICIAL RECORDS ' LEGEND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Revised1983 ~,¢ @e PUUP STATION ~I ~ S'rA'r,ON STUDIED ~ MAIN INTERCEPTOR NOT TO SCALE FRONT STREET INTERCEPTO~ N ORT H :E EoT.,~E AST ASH STR ET WES1 ~'~:~'~; '~]~-'-J Ini t ....' I~/I " I ' ' SOUTHEAST "~ '~, ", TREATMENT ":~. ~ . :. PLANT NO. 2 i ..- "- SCHILLING ~J .  .... ~:. .'_ --~ e~ -, ....~ / ~ ~; ;.t---~- , / ~; ~ SALINA, KANSAS ~ WASTEWATER STUDY .... ~ ~ PUMP STATIONS ~ MAIN INTERCEPTORS LOCATIONS ~ ,~ PLATE ~- m Average Maxim~ Minim~ Average BOD5 Average BOD5 Average TSS Average TSS Daily Flow Daily Flow Daily Flow Loadin~ (lbs./day) , Loading (m~Jl) Loading (lbs./day) Loading (rog/l) Year Population2 (MG) (1~) (M~) Inf. Elf. Inf. Eff. Inf. E ff. Inf. Elf. 19731 36,010 5.736 14.300 1.537 6,138 718 128.3 15.0 19 949 498 417.0 10.4 1974 36,220 4.703 9.360 2.625 7,268 647 185.3 16.5 11,386 463 290.3 11.8 1975 37,230 5.016 9.691 2.390 10~ 902 531 260.6 12.7 12. 207 368 291.8 8.8 1976 38,530 4.965 11.619 1.536 9 209 629 222.4 15.2 11 507 344 277.9 8.3 19771 39,420 5.280 15.660 3.128 8 420 535 191.2 12.1 9 121 344 207.1 7.8 1978 39,360 5.401 12.040 3.013 10. 736 632 238.3 14.0 16,413 426 363.6 9.5 1979 39,760 5.413 19.300 3.108 10.862 693 236.6 15.4 16,204 362 358.9 8.0 19801 40,250 5.338 10.859 3.286 10.892 580 244.7 13.0 16 017 370 359.8 8.3 19811 40,750 5.194 18.962 2.837 11 356 688 262.2 15.9 17 819 372 411.4 8.6 19821 41,250 5.348 13.144 2.981 12,749 784 285.8 17.6 18 125 418 406.4 9.4 19833 41,510 4.079 7.523 1.764 10 891 636 320.1 18.7 13 609 306 400.0 9.0 1984 41,710 3.973 7.658 2.018 10 998 673 339.0 20.7 13 791 352 427.0 10.6 1985 42,110 3.738 8.350 2.768 7 904 532 255.0 17,3 8 557 455 268.0 13.1 1986 42,500 3.741 6.718 2.360 6 037 437 210.0 14.0 7,029 283 236.0 9.5 1987 42,810 3.842 8.174 2.614 6 896 530 215.0 16.6 6,928 289 215.0 9.1 1988 43,025 3.629 6.024 2.073 7 771 599 258.0 20.0 6,855 389 229.0 13.1 1Data not available for ali months of the year. 2The population contributing to Plant I was estimated for years 1973 through 1982. 3The mag flo~m~eter was replaced and the storm sewer separation project was completed. Table III-2 presents the available wastewater flow and characteristics data from Plant 2 for the years 1973 through 1988. Average, maximum and minimum daily flow in million gallons are given for each year. Waste- water characteristics are presented in terms of average daily biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) concentration (mg/1) and loading (pounds/day) and average daily total suspended solids (TSS) concentration (mg/1) and load- ing (pounds/day) for each year. Average wastewater flow at Plant 2 ranged from 0.747 MGD in 1976 to 0.218 MGD in 1978. Maximum daily sewage flow ranged from 1.930 MGD in 1987 to 0.403 MGD in 1978. Average influent BOD5 loading at Plant 2 ranged from 1,339 pounds/day in 1981 to 380 pounds/day in 1978. Average effluent BOD5 concentrations ranged from 122.5 mg/1 in 1984 to 18 mg/1 in 1973. Average influent TSS loading ranged from 1,755 pounds/day in 1979 to 309 pounds/day in 1973. Average effluent TSS concentrations ranged from 49.2 mg/1 in 1984 to 12 mg/1 in 1976. For study purposes the same one year period (January 1984 to December 1984) was utilized for Plant 2 as for Plant 1. During this period, 167,535,000 gallons of wastewater were received. This results in an average daily flow of 0.459 MGD. Because industry contributes nearly one-half of the total flow at Plant 2, a gallon per capita flow was not figured. WASTEWATER TREATMENT ALTERNATIVES Several wastewater treatment alternatives are to be evaluated to deter- mine the most economical and environmentally feasible treatment system. Each phase of the respective improvement is a specific part of the over- all wastewater plan and should not be interchanged with the other alternatives. The improvement plans considered fall into three treatment schemes. They are: 1) change to a one-treatment plant system by aban- doning Plant 2, transport all flows to Plant 1 and upgrade Plant 1; 2) maintain the two-treatment plant concept, either upgrade Plant 2 or build a new Plant 2 and upgrade Plant 1; 3) maintain the two-treatment plant concept, divert all flows south of Magnolia Road to Plant 2 and build a new Plant 2 and upgrade Plant 1. Figures III-i through III-4 indicate the different wastewater treatment alternatives. Table III-3 summarizes the average wastewater flows generated in individ- ual sewer subsystems. Table III-4 summarizes the average wastewater flows to the Treatment Plants. III-3 TABLE 111-2 HISTORICAL WAS1EWATER FLOW AND (MARACIERISTICS - PIANr 2 Average Maximum Minimum Average B(])5 Average BOD5 Average TSS Average TSS Daily Flow Daily Flow Daily Flow L~ading (lbs./dm/) Loading (m~/l) Loading (lbs./dm/) Loading (rog/l) Year Population2 (MG) (1~;) (MO) Inf. Elf. Inf. Eff. Inf. Elf. Inf. Elf. 1973 1 150 0.431 N/A N/A 500 65 139 18 309 54 86 15 1974 1 150 0.428 N/A N/A 717 93 201 26 507 79 142 22 1975 I 150 0.581 N/A N/A 1,168 102 241 21 548 82 113 17 1976 I 150 0.747 N/A N/A 1,333 118 214 19 1,377 75 221 12 1977 1 150 0.380 N/A N/A 932 63 294 20 602 48 190 15 1978 1 150 0.218 0./~}3 0.059 380 38 209 21 360 25 198 14 1979 I 150 0.333 1.838 0.040 769 100 277 36 1,755 58 632 21 19801 I 150 0.385 0.962 0.216 844 83 263 26 642 67 200 21 1981 I 150 0.384 0.982 0.157 1,339 115 418 36 1,034 106 323 33 1982 I 150 0.410 1.151 0.148 1,135 144 332 42 841 130 246 38 1983 I 190 0.457 0.995 0.163 1,159 271 304 71 816 160 214 42 1984 I 290 0.459 1.074 0.202 1,191 433 309 122.5 1,425 188 343 49.2 1985 I 390 0.543 1.452 0.209 1,036 242 234 58.5 881 188 198 45.2 1986 I 500 0.495 0.887 0.168 1,104 169 275 32.2 856 133 210 33.3 1987 1,690 0.521 1.930 0.253 1,156 86 267 19.9 799 88 183 19.7 1988 1,975 0.426 1.039 0.222 883 75 249 19.8 708 61 202 16.9 IData not available for all months of the year. 2The population contributing to Plant 2 was estimated for years 1973 through 1982. N/A - Not Available PLAN IA AND IS.- ALL FLOW TO PLANT I (ABANDON PLANT 2) PLANT I . PROPOSED (IA-I AND'lB-I) PROPOSED EXISTING SERVICE AREA EAST __ NORTH OF MAGNOLIA STREET SERVICE · :- WITH INTERNAL GROWTH AREA _ _ EXISTING SERVICE AREA PROPOSED SOUTH OF MAGNOLIA STREET .-~ ~j WITH INTERNAL GROW~ AND .~( :/ PUMP STATION PROPOSED SOUTH SERVICE AREA (IA-2 AND lB-2) .PROPOSED PUMP STATION (IA-3 AND lB-3) (AT PLANT 2) PROVI'SIONS FOR EHERGENCY~SPILLS EXISTING SCHILLING SERVICEI AIRPORT ~ AREA WITH INTERNAL GROWTHI INDUSTRIAL - ~ ' AND pRoPOSED ADdACENT SUBDIVISION SERVICE AREA I SEE TABLE 111-5 FOR PROJECTED FLOWS AND CHARACTER I STICS SALINA, KANSAS WASTEWATEE STUDY I/l/Jr~~ PLAN IA & lB &COMPANY FIGURE TTr- I PLAN 2A - UPGRADE PLANT I AND PLANT 2 PLANT ! PLANT 2 PROPOSED PUMP STATION (2A-I) EXISTING SERVICE AREA PROPOSED EXISTING SCHILLING SERVICE NORTH OF MAGNOLIA STREET EAST AREA WITH INTERNAL GROWTH WITH INTERNAL GROWTH SERVICE AND PROPOSED ADdACENT AREA SERVICE AREA EXISTING SERVICE AREA SOUTH. OF MAGNOLIA STREET ~ PROPOSED PUMP WITH INTERNAL GROWTH AND STATION:':(2A-2~ ~ROPOSEb SOUTH SERVICE AREA AIRPORT INDUSTRIAL SUBDIVISION SEE TABLE'I-rT-6 FOR SEE TABLE'r'I~I';7 FOR PROdECTED FLOWS AND PROdECTED FLOWS AND CHARACTERISTICS CHARACTERISTICS SALINA, KANSAS WASTEWATER STUDY l/~/~,,~J~ PLAN 2A &COMPANY FIGURE 2 PLAN 2B - UPGRADE PLANT I,AND.CONSTRUCT A NEW PLANT 2 J PLANT i j PLANT 2 STATION (2B-I) EXISTING SERVICE AREA PROPOSED EXISTING SCHILLING SERVICE NORTH OF MAGNOLIA STREET EAST AREA WITH INTERNAL GROWTH WITH INTERNAL GROWTH SERVICE AND PROPOSED ADJACENT AREA SERV I CE AREA EXISTING SERVICE AREA PROPOSED PUMP SO. UTH. OF MAGNOLIA STREET ~ STATION':(2B-2~' WITH INTERHAL GROWTH AND -PROPOSED SOUTH SERVICE' AREA AIRPORT INDUSTRIAL SUBDIVISION ' SEE TABLE T'T"rm6 FOR- SEE TABLE TTT. 7 FOR PROJECTED FLOWS AND PROJECTED FLOWS AND CHARACTERISTICS CHARACTERISTICS SALINA, KANSAS WASTEWATER STUDY i/I/J[S~,~J~/ PLAN 2B &COMPANY FIGURE TrT PLAN 3 - UPGRADE PLANT I AND CONSTRUCT A NEW PLANT 2 (-DIVERT ALL FLOW SOUTH OF MAGNOLIA STREET TO PLANT 2) STATION (3A-I) EXISTIN~ SCHILLII~ SERVICE AREA WITH INTERNAL' GROI~H AND PROPOSED ADdACENT PROPOSED PUHP SERVICE AREA STATION (3A-2)T I EXIST'lNG 'SERVICE AREA PROPOSED EXISTING SERVICE AREA NORTH~ OF;MAGNOLIA EAST SOUTH OF MA~OLIA STREET STREET-WITH INTERNAL SERVICE : WITH INTERNAL GROWTH AND 'GROWTH AREA PROPOSED SOUTH SERVICE AREAI AIRPORT INDUSTRIAL 'SUBDIVISION SEE TABLE TI-r. 8 FOR SEE TABLE TTT-g*FOR PROJECTED FLOWS AND PROJECTED FLOWS AND CHARACTERISTICS LOADING CHARACTERISTICS SALINA , KANSAS WASTEWATER STUDY &COMPANY FIGURE ]:!:[- 4 TABLE 111-3 SUMMARY OF AVERAGE WASTEWATER FLOWS GENERATED IN SEWER SUBSYSTEMS Existing Service Existing Service Schilling Area North of Area South of Industrial East Service Magnolia Street Magnolia Street Area Area (New) Total Existing1 3.15 MGD 0.50 MGD 0.43 MGD 0.01MGD 4.09 MGD Growth to Year 2010 Residential 0.50 MGD 0.35 MGD 0.28 MGD 0.66 MGD 1.79 MGD Indus./Commer. 0.10 MGD 0.60 MGD 0.64 MGD 0.03 MGD 1.37 MGD Design Year 2010 3.75 MGD 1.45 MGD 1.35 MGD 0.70 MGD 7.25 MGD Growth to Year 2030 Residential 0 20 MGD 0.05 MGD 0.18 MGD 0.55 MGD 0.98 MGD ' Indus./Commer. 0.05 MGD 0.30 MGD 0.32 MGD 0.10 MGD 0.77 MGD Design Year 2030 4.00 MGD 1.80 MGD 1.85 MGD 1.35 MGD 9.00 MGD lIncludes all flows, i.e., residential, commercial and industrial to treatment plants. TABLE III-4 SUMMARY OF AVERAGE WASTEWATER FLOWS TO TREATMENT PLANTS (YEAR 2010) Plant 1 Plant 2 EXISTING 3.66 MGD 0.43 MGD PLAN 1 7.25 MGD - PLAN 2 ~ 5.90 MGD 1.35 MGD PLAN 3 4.45 MGD 2.80 MGD III-6 PROJECTED WASTEWATER FLOWS AND CHARACTERISTICS Wastewater flows and characteristics are projected for the different wastewater treatment alternatives by population and commercial/industrial acreage. Tables III-5 through III-9 present the projected population and wastewater flows and characteristics for the different wastewater treat- ment alternatives. The population figures given in these tables were projected in the Salina Water Study (November, 1984). The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) has minimum accepatable design flows for sizing wastewater systems for undeveloped areas. These acceptable design flows are i00 gpcd for residential, 5,000 gpd/acre for commercial and i0,000 gpd/acre for industrial wastewater flows. The present per capita flow of 95.25 gpcd was rounded to 100 gpcd for forecasting future domes- tic sewage flow. The Salina Pretreatment Study indicated industrial flows of approximately 0.31MGD at Plant 1 and 0.12 MGD at Plant 2. A present industrial flow factor of 1,000 gallons per acre per day (gpd/acre) was determined and was based upon the reported industrial flow in the pretreatment study and the industrial acreage shown in the "Comprehensive Plan for Salina, Kansas," completed in 1980 by Bucher & Willis. The KDHE minimum design flow of 10,000 gpcd appears to be exces- sive for this area. KDHE approved a design value of 4,000 gpd/acre for the Airport Industrial Center Subdivision (WCEA File: 88-015). To fore- cast future commercial/ industrial flows a factor of 4,000 gpd/acre was used. DESIGN YEAR Treatment technologies and discharge requirements change dramatically over lengthy periods of time. For this reason the treatment facilities will have a design year of 2010 (approximately 20 years). The sewer sys- tem will have a design year of 2030 (approximately 40 years); however, the interceptor that serves the east service area has been sized to have the capacity to serve the entire East Dry Creek drainage basin. 111-7 TABLE 111-5 P~ ~KSTE~ATER FLD~ AN) C~[~ISTICS - PLANT 11 PLANS IA AN) lB Average2 Maxim~ Minim~ Average BOD5 Average B0053 Average Teas Average TSS3 Daily Flow Daily Flow Daily Flow Loading (lbs./day) Loading (m~l) Loading (lbs./day) Loading (rog/l) Year Population (M~) (MO) (MO) Influent Influent Influent Influent 1990 47 000 4.80 9.95 2.70 11,010 275 11,210 280 1995 49. 200 5.45 11.30 3.05 12,500 275 12,725 280 2000 51. 500 6.05 12.50 3.40 13,875 275 14,130 280 2005 53. 700 6.65 13.75 3.70 15,250 275 15,530 280 2010 56. 000 7.25 15.00 4.05 16,625 275 16,930 280 2015 58. 200 7.75 16.05 4.35 17,775 275 18,100 280 2020 60.500 8.20 17.00 4.60 18,810 275 19,150 280 2025 62 700 8.60 17.80 4.80 19,725 275 20,085 280 2030 65 000 9.00 18.65 5.05 20,640 275 21,015 280 1B~-~ed on ~pulation and c~rcial/ind~trial areas send by Plant 1 and Plant 2. 2Bemed on 100 gpcd for future residential and 4,000 gpd/acre for future industrial/cannercial acreage. 3B~ed on the a~rage of years 1983 through 1988 and by combining the values of Plant I and Plant 2. TABLE 111-6 PROJECIED WAST~ATER ~ AN) (MARACIERISTICS - PLANT I1 PLANS 2A A~ 2B Average2 ~ Minimm~ Average BOD5 Average BOD53 Average TSS Average TSS3 Daily Flow Daily Flow Da/ly Flow Loadint (lbs./day) Loading (rog/l) Loadint (lbs./day) .Loading (n~/l) Year Population (MG) (MG) (MG) Influent Influent Influent Influent Actual3 - 3.83 7.41 2.27 8,625 270 9,425 295 1990 44,885 4.10 7.95 2.40 9,235 270 10,090 295 1995 46,100 4.55 8.83 2.70 10,245 270 11,195 295 2000 48,070 5.00 9.70 2.95 11,260 270 ' 12,300 295 2005 49,930 5.45 10.50 3.20 12,275 270 13,410 295 2010 51,870 5.90 11.45 3.50 13,285 270 14,515 295 2015 53,700 6.25 12.15 3.70 14,075 270 15,375 295 2020 55,620 6.55 12.70 3.90 14,750 270 16,115 295 2025 57,430 6.85 13.30 4.05 15,425 270 16,855 295 2030 59,330 7.15 13.90 4.25 16,100 270 17,590 295 IBased on population and commercial/industrial area served by Plant 1. 2Based on 100 gpcd for future residential and 4,000 gpd/acre for future ccm~nercial/industrial acreage. 3Based on the average of years 1983 through 1988. TABLE III-7 PROJECIED WASTB4AIER FIG4 AND C~ARACIERISTICS - PtANT 21 PLANS 2A AN) 2B Average2 Maxir~u Minimua Average BOD5 Average ~0D53 Average TSS Average TSS3 Daily Flow Daily Flow Daily Flow Loadin~ (lbs./day) Loading (rog/l) Loading (lbs./day) Loading (mg/l) Year Population (MG) (MG) (MO) Influent Influent Influent Influent Actual3 - 0.48 1.23 O. 20 1,100 275 900 225 1990 2,115 O. 70 1.80 0.30 1,605 275 1,315 225 1995 3,100 0.90 2.30 0.40 2,065 275 1,690 225 2000 3,430 1.05 2.70 0.45 2,410 275 1,970 225 2005 3,770 1.20 3.10 0.50 2,750 275 2,250 225 2010 4,130 1.35 3.45 0.60 3,100 275 2,535 225 2015 4,500 1.50 3.85 0.65 3,440 275 2,815 225 2020 4,880 1.65 4.25 O. 70 3,785 275 3,100 225 2025 5,270 1.75 4.50 O. 75 4, O15 275 3,285 225 20 30 5,670 1.85 4.75 O. 80 4,240 275 3,470 225 1Based on population and ccamercial/industrial area served by Plant 2. 2Based on 100 gpcd for future residential and 4,000 gpd/acre for future caunercial/industrial acreage. 3Based on the average of years 1983 through 1988.~ TABLE 111-8 PR~ ~ASIE~ATER FL~ AN) (~]ARA~STICS - PLANT 11 PlAN 3 Average2 Maximu~ Minim~ Average BOO5 Average BO053 Average TSS Average TSS3 Daily Flow Daily Flow Daily Flow Loading (lbs./day) Loading (mg/1) Loading (lbs./day) Loading (mg/1) Year Populatio~ (MG) (MG) (M~) Influent Influent Influent Influent 1990 41,635 3.40 6.60 2.00 7,655 270 8,365 295 1995 42,450 3.65 7.10 2.15 8,220 270 8,980 295 2000 44,020 3.90 7.55 2.30 8,780 270 9,595 295 2005 45,480 4.15 8.05 2.45 9,345 270 10,210 295 2010 47,020 4.45 8.65 2.60 10,020 270 10,950 295 2015 48,350 4.65 9.00 2.75 10,470 270 11,440 295 2020 49,770 4.80 9.30 2.85 10,810 270 11,810 295 2025 51,080 5.00 9.70 2.95 11,260 270 12,300 295 2030 52,480 5.20 10.10 3.10 11,710 270 12,795 295 1Based on population and cammrcial/industrial area served by Plant I - north of Magnolia Road. 2Based om 100 gpcd for future residential and 4,000 gpd/acre for future cmmercial/industrial acreage. 3Based on the average of years 1983 through 1988 and by cembining the values of Plant 1 and Plant 2. ~ 111-9 PR~ RASTI~RTER FLOd R~) ~R~STICS - PLANT 21 Average2 ldaximum ~n~ A~ra~ ~5 A~rage ~53 Average ~S A~ra~ ~S3 Dally FI~ Daily FI~ D~ly FI~ ~din~ (lbs./d~) ~ding (~1) ..~ding (lbs./da~) ~ding (m~l) Y~r P~ulation (~) (~) (~) Influenk Influen~ InfluenC Influ~ 19~ 5,~5 1.~ 3.15 0.70 3,~0 275 3,035 ~ 1995 6,7~ 1.~ 4.05 0.~ 4,130 275 3,~5 ~0 ~ 7,~ 2.15 4.85 1.10 4,9~ 275 4,~ ~ 2~5 8, ~ 2.50 5.65 1. ~ 5,735 275 5,420 ~ ~10 8,9~ 2.80 6.~ 1.45 6,420 275 6,070 ~ 2015 9,8~ 3.10 7.~ 1 .~ 7,110 275 6,720 ~ 20~ 10,7~ 3.~ 7.65 1.75 7,~ 275 7,375 ~ ~ 11,6~ 3.~ 8.10 1.85 8,~5 275 7,~5 ~ ~ 12,520 3.~ 8.55 1.95 8,715 275 8,2~ ~ IB~ ~ ~ula~ion ~ c~rcial/i~trial area ~ ~ Plan~ 2 ~ ~ea ~u~h of ~olia ~d. 2Bas~ ~ 1~ ~d for residential ~ 4,~ ~/acre for ~ture c~rcial/ind~trial acr~ge. 3~s~ ~ the a~ra~ of ~ars 1983 thro~h 19~ ~ by cmbining the values of Plant 1 ~ Plan~ 2. SECTION IV EXISTING COLLECTION SYSTEM REVIEW GENERAL An evaluation of the collection system was performed by identifying and studying main interceptors (12" and larger), main pump stations and prob- lem pump stations. Refer to Plate III-1 in Section III. The pump stations and interceptors studied are as follows: PUMP STATIONS No. Location 1 Third & Ash 2 Ash & Smoky Hill River 8 S. Ohio & Magnolia 9 Belmont & Magnolia 101 Broadway & Leslie 13 Sunset Plaza on W. Crawford 17 Eastborough & North Street 19 E. Crawford & Smoky Hill River 1Suspected Infiltration/Inflow Problems. INTERCEPTORS Receiving Name Size Range Pump Station No. East Side Interceptor 18" - 21" 17 Ash Street Interceptor 14" - 36" 1 & 2 Southeast Interceptor 24" - 27" 19 Front Street Interceptor 12" - 24" 1 North Street Interceptor 21" - 24" 1 Ohio Street Interceptor 15" - 24" 2 Schilling Interceptor 12" - 18" Plant 2 The studies consisted principally of flow monitoring at the pump sta- tions. Dry and wet weather flows were compared for infiltration/inflow (I/I) and I/I flows were prorated for the respective service area and interceptor sewer. PUMP STATIONS Flow was monitored by installing ultrasonic Doppler flowmeters and strip charts in the variable speed Pump Station Nos. i, 2 and 17 and by installing time clocks in the constant speed Pump Station Nos. 8, 9, i0, 13 and 19. IV-1 City personnel and Wilson & Company staff members conducted field tests consisting of wet well drawdown tests for calibrating Nos. 1, 2 and 17 flowmeters, wet well drawdown tests for determining pump capacities at Nos. 8 and 13, and weir and Palmer-Bowlus flume flow measurements for determining pump capacities at Nos. 9, 10 and 19. Table IV-1 indicates the results found from the field tests. Each individual pump at Nos. 8, 9, 10, 13 and 19 was manually operated so that the maximum flow from each pump and each set of pumps could be recorded. Maximum flows for Nos. 1 and 17 were taken from the strip charts during the heavy rainfall (3.21 inches) that occurred on 21 August 1984. Maximum flows for No. 2 are estimated and are to be verified by City staff by filling the wet well and manually operating the pumps. TABLE IV-1 SALINA PUMP STATIONS' ' EXISTING CAPACITY Pump Station Rated Measured Maximum Pump Pump Capacity Capacity Capacity Station Number (GPM) (GPM) (MGD) 1 1 2,200 1,122 2 2,200 726 3 2,200 1,452 1 & 2 - 1,584 1 & 3 - 1,419 2 & 3 - 1,848 1, 2 & 3 - 2,050 2.95 2 1 Abandoned 2 1,800 1,575 3 2,000 2 & 3 - 3,060 4.41 8 1 300 691 2 300 633 1 & 2 - 1,120 1.61 9 1 300 240 2 300 278 1 & 2 - 318 1 & 2 - 339 0.49 10 1 200 313 2 200 326 1 & 2 - 396 1 & 2 - 413 0.59 IV-2 TABLE IV-1 (Continued) Rated Measured Maximum Pump Pump Capacity Capacity Capacity Station Number (GPM) (GPM) (MGD) 13 1 900 807 2 900 813 1 & 2 - 1,243 1.79 1 & 2 - 1,137 17 1 2,350 1,275 2 2,350 1,375 1 & 2 - 2,350 3.38 19 1 1,370 1,139 2 1,370 1,201 3 1,370 1,139 1 & 2 - 2,097 1 & 3 - 2,049 2 & 3 - 2,049 1, 2 & 3 - 2,972 4.28 Pump Station Nos. 1 and 17 are pumping well below their rated capacities. The remaining pump stations studied were found to be pumping near or above their rated capacities. Wastewater flows at Plant 1 are received from Pump Station Nos. 1, 2, 17, 27 and 37. The following Table IV-2 was developed to compare the total combined flow of Pump Station Nos. 1, 2 and 17 to the recorded influent flow of Plant 1. Pump Station Nos. 27 and 37 pump directly into the force main between Pump Station No. 1 and Plant 1. The combined flows of Pump Station Nos. 27 and 37 are approximately 60,000 gpd (0.06 MGD). This is a small percentage of the overall flow and therefore is not con- sidered in Table IV-2. IV-3 TABLE IV-2 FLOW COMPARISON OF PLANT i TO CONTRIBUTING PUMP STATIONS Pump Stations No. 1 No. 2 No. 17 Total of Plant 1 Average Average Average Pump Stations Average Day DaM Day Average Day Day 1987 Jan. 0.760 1.821 .921 3.502 3.620 Feb. 0.774 1.886 .919 3.579 3.608 Mar. 0.841 2.080 1.065 3.986 4.122 Apr. 0.805 2.028 1.047 3.880 3.956 May 0.885 2.036 1.077 3.998 4.096 June 0.920 2.017 0.970 3.907 4.045 July 0.975 1.993 0.976 3.944 4.184 Aug. 0.984 2.037 0.940 3.961 4.142 Sept. 0.905 1.901 1.026 3.832 3.905 Oct. 0.843 1.780 0.974 3.597 3.673 Nov. 0.810 1.701 0.900 3.411 3.404 Dec. 0.818 1.741 0.868 3.427 3.341 Pump Stations No. 1 No. 2 No. 17 Total of Plant 1 Average Average Average Pump Stations Average DaM Day Day Average Day DaM 1988 Jan. 0.826 1.758 0.967 3.551 3.514 Feb. 0.825 1.758 0.906 3.489 3.337 Mar. 0.797 1.747 0.886 3.430 3.274 Apr. 0.825 1.748 0.869 3.442 3.233 May 0.872 1.835 0.923 3.630 3.562 June 0.923 1.847 1.011 3.781 3.902 July 0.921 1.867 0.997 3.785 4.125 Aug. 0.958 1.867 0.988 3.813 4.161 Sept. 0.916 1.879 1.022 3.817 3.863 Oct. 0.843 1.835 0.977 3.655 3.571 Nov. 0.812 1.801 0.997 3.610 3.467 Dec. 0.781 1.813 0.997 3.591 3.436 Note: All flows are million gallons. The total combined flows of Pump Station Nos. i, 2 and 17 are within 5 percent of the recorded influent flow of Plant 1. This condition implies that the pump stations and plant flow recording devices are cali- brated and are accurately recording the flows. This verifies that these pump stations are pumping below their rated capacities as shown in Table IV-1. The values shown in Table IV-3 are existing wastewater flows based on data collected by the City'from the metering devices. The flow data and population are based on the year 1987, which had the highest flows fol- lowing the completion of the storm sewer disconnection project. Flows IV-4 for Pump Station Nos. 1, 2 and 17 are actual wastewater volumes pumped. Flows from the other five remaining pump stations were calculated from time meter readings on each individual pump. Flow equations were devel- oped from these meter readings using actual pumping capacities gathered from the earlier field tests. Maximum daily flows for Pump Station Nos. i, 2 and 17 were recorded on 3 March 1987, during a heavy rainfall (3 inches in two days). TABLE IV-3 SERVICE AREA WASTEWATER FLOW DATA - 1987 Total Average Maximum Pump Station Service Daily Daily Maximum Pump Area Flow Flow Capacity Station Population (MG) (MG) (MGD)1 1 9,810 0.860 1.646 2.95 2 21,885 1.918 2.927 4.41 8 2,204 0.194 0.369 1.61 9 1,727 0.152 0.270 0.49 10 1,716 0.151 0.363 0.59 13 6,966 0.613 0.962 1.79 17 11,115 0.974 1.897 3.38 19 12,784 1.1251 1.690 4.28 Plant 2 1,690 0.521 1.930 - 1From Table IV-1. The total combined average daily flow for Pump Station Nos. 1, 2, 17, 27 and 37 is 3.812 MG and the average daily flow for Plant 1 is 3.842 MG. This again confirms the accuracy of the flow recording devices at these pump stations. Pump Station No. 19 discharges to Pump Station No. 17 and the average daily flow for Pump Station No. 19 is larger than that of Pump Station No. 17. This is possibly due to the method of calculating the flow for Pump Station No. 19. The actual pump capacity (gpm) is probably somewhat less than the figure used in the calculations. Additional field tests should be performed on this pump station to deter- mine the actual pumping capacities. The maximum daily flows are well below the maximum capacity at all of the studied pump stations. Table IV-4 presents a comparison of the average daily flow and the maxi- mum daily flow and provides a comparison of actual flow factors (a ratio of peak daily to average flow) to expected values taken from curve B on Figure 4 of the Water Pollution Control Federation Manual of Practice No. 9 (MOP No. 9). The MOP No. 9 expected maximum flow factors are based on population and are generally used for estimating peak flows in collection systems. They are presented in this table for comparison to the actual conditions in the Salina system. IV-5 TABLE IV-4 FLOW FACTOR COMPARISON - 1987 Average Maximum Maximum Expected Total Daily Daily Daily Maximum Pump Population Flow Flow Flow Flow Station Served (MG) (MG) Factors1 Factors1 1 9,810 0.860 1.646 1.91 2.95 2 21,885 1.918 2.927 1.53 2.65 8 2,204 0.194 0.369 1.90 4.20 9 1,727 0.152 .270 1.78 4.40 10 1,716 0.151 .363 2.40 4.40 13 6,966 0.613 .962 1.60 3.30 17 11,115 0.974 1.897 1.95 2.90 19 8,620 0.7502 1.4162 1.952 3.00 Plant 1 42,810 3.842 8.174 2.128 2.30 Plant 2 1,690 0.521 1.930 3.704 3.80 1Flow Factor = Ratio of Peak Day Flow to Average Flow. 2Estimated. All of the maximum daily flow factors were below the expected maximum flow factors. These pump stations do not appear to have excessive infil- tration and inflow problems. PUMP STATION UPGRADING 1. Pump Station No. 1 is equipped with two constant speed pumps and one variable speed pump. This pump station has sufficient capacity, but is currently operating well below maximum efficiency. The actual flow from each pump ranged from 33 to 66 percent of their rated capacities. This low reading may be attributed to badly worn impellers or increases in head conditions. The three pumps should be inspected by the pump manu- facturer and any defective equipment should be replaced. The removal and replacement of equipment is very difficult and improved access for equip- ment removal should be provided. 2. Pump Station No. 2 is equipped with three pumps and has been in service since 1937 with only minor modifications. Pump No. i has been abandoned and Pump No. 2 is in poor condition. In 1989 Pump No. 3 was replaced with a new 2,000 gpm pump. Pump Nos. 1 and 2 should be replaced with new pumps with similar characteristics. 3. Pump Station No. 8 is equipped with two pumps. The pumps are oper- ating at much higher capacities than they are rated. This may be occur- ring because the pumps are pumping at lower head conditions than those given for the rated capacity. 4. Pump Station No. 9 is equipped with two pumps. The pumps are oper- ating near their rated capacity. IV-6 5. Pump Station No. 10 is equipped with two pumps. The pumps are oper- ating at much higher capacities than they are rated. This may be occur- ring because the pumps are pumping at lower head conditions than those given for the rated capacity. These pumps are worn badly and should be replaced with new pumps with appropriate characteristics. 6. Pump Station No. 13 is equipped with two pumps. The pumps are oper- ating near their rated capacity. These pumps are worn badly and should be replaced with new pumps with appropriate characteristics. 7. Pump Station No. 17 is equipped with two pumps. This pump station has sufficient capacity, but is currently operating well below maximum efficiency. The actual flow for each pump is 60 percent of their rated capacities. This low reading may be attributed to badly worn impellers or increases in head conditions. The two pumps should be inspected by the pump manufacturer and any defective equipment should be replaced. 8. Pump Station No. 19 is equipped with three pumps. The pumps are operating near their rated capacities. All of the studied pump stations are at least 25 years old and if pumping capacities drop, the City should consider installing new impellers or new pumps to regain original pumping capacities. For some time the City has received complaints of basement flooding from the residents living along Broadway Street adjacent to Pump Station No. 10. Plate IV-1 indicates the location of the flooded basements and presents an enlarged view of the sewers and manholes in the vicinity of Pump Station No. 10. According to the City, the problem occurs when both pumps are operating. With both pumps operating, residents' basements begin to flood and the City must send personnel to manually shut off one of the pumps. The wet weather flows to this pump station do not appear excessive. The expected maximum flow factor for Pump Station No. 10 is 4.40. A maximum sewage flow of 0.66 MGD could be expected based on this flow factor. The actual maximum wastewater flow for Pump Station No. 10 is 0.36 MGD. Inspection of the pump station's sewage flow during the 3.21 inches of rain on 21 August 1984 indicates the flow only increased by 0.12 MG. Because of the low increase in flow due to the heavy rain- fall and the actual maximum sewage flow being less than the expected max- imum flow, it is believed that Pump Station No. i0 does not receive excessive infiltration/inflow. Those houses that receive sewage in their basements lie south of the pump station, downstream of the force main discharge and parallel to the gravity sewer that conveys the wastewater further south. Based on the invert elevations and pipe sizes given on the City sewer maps, the receiving interceptor is flowing three quarters full with two pumps on. However, the City staff have observed wastewater standing in the manholes from the Pump Station No. 10 discharge manhole south to Wayne Street. Assuming the flooded basements are full basements with floor drains, their elevation would be approximately eight feet below ground. The elevation of the wastewater flow with both pumps dis- charging is above the flooded basements' floor drains. IV-7 PUMP ~ STATION STATION NO. I0 NO, G ~ PUMP -- STATION _ _ NO. lO YALE AVE. ~ ~ STATION NO. 25 28 NOT TO SCALE SALINA, KANSAS WASTEWATER STUDY PUMP STATION I0 ~/~'J'~OJ~/' TEMPORARY GRAVITY SEWER &COMPANY PLATE ']'9'-I Pump Station No. i0 discharges to an interceptor which also collects the Pump Station No. 6 service area flows. Pump Station No. 6 then pumps the -- flow to the Pump Station No. 19 service area. The interceptor which col- lects the No. 10 discharge and the No. 6 discharge is a 10-inch diameter except for a short section under Broadway which is 12-inch. If -- wastewater is standing in the upstream manholes, the following two prob- lems might be occurring: 1. The 10-inch sewer line could be of insufficient size to convey the volume and the sewer is surcharging. 2. Pump Station No. 6 may not have adequate capacity to pump the flow -- received from Pump Station No. 10 and the Pump Station No. 6 service area. The wet well level would then continue to rise, surcharging the 10-inch line. Pump Station No. 6 was not included in this study so data were not col- lected to compare its actual capacity to Pump Station No. 10. In _ September of 1986 the City installed new motors and impellers in this pump station. The rated capacity of each pump is 500 gpm. Based on the City sewer map invert elevations, the 10-inch sewer which discharges into Pump Station No. 6 can convey 1.1 cfs flowing full. Utilizing the popu- -- lation tributary to the Pump Station No. 6 service area, an average daily flow of 0.22 MGD discharges into No. 6. This flow plus the peak flow of 0.36 MGD discharged from Pump Station No. 10 gives a total flow in the sewer of 0.58 MGD or .90 cfs. It appears that the existing 10-inch grav- ity sewer from Pump Station No. 10 to Pump Station No. 6 is not hydrauli- cally overloaded. An additional study of the flows and service area of Pump Station No. 6 is recommended, including wet well drawdown tests on Pump Station No. 6 to determine its actual capacity, flow monitoring on Pump Station No. 6 to determine maximum I/I flows from its service area, and surveying the line between Pump Station No. 10 and Pump Station No. 6 to determine its actual capacity. City staff have suggested a temporary solution at Pump Station No. 10 consisting of installing a new sewer line below the elevation of the floor drains to collect wastewater from those -. basements that flood and discharge the sewage back to the wet well at Pump Station No. 10. Following the additional study, modifications of Pump Station No. 6 and/or the construction of a relief sewer may be required. INTERCEPTORS The wastewater flows of the studied interceptors are all conveyed to spe- cific receiving pump stations. The maximum daily flow of the interceptor, in the large sections near the discharge, would be equal to that of the receiving pump station. Table IV-5 presents the receiving pump station maximum daily flow and the current maximum daily flow of the contributing interceptor. -- IV-8 TABLE IV-5 INTERCEPTOR FLOW DATA - 1987 Receiving Current Pump Station Receiving Max. Daily Max. Daily Pump Station Interceptor Flow (MGD) Flow No. East Side 1.90 1.90 17 Ash St. (West) 1.05 1.65 1 (East) 2.95 2.95 2 -- Southeast 1.70 1.70 19 Front St.2 0.60 1.65 1 North1 0.40 1.65 1 -- Ohio St.3 2.45 2.95 2 Schilling 1.45 - Plant No. 2 1North Int. discharges into Ash St. Int. (West) -- 2Front St. Int. discharges into Ash St. Int. (West) 3Ohio St. Int. discharges into Ash St. Int. (East) -- The City's future growth is expected to be in the eastern and southern sections of Salina. The wastewater flows from the southern section are transported through the existing Southeast Interceptor. The Southeast Interceptor consists of approximately 5,400 L.F. of 24-inch and 5,400 L.F. of 27-inch line, which discharges into Pump Station No. 19. The design capacity in the 27-inch line near Pump Station No. 19 is esti- mated to be 6.2 MGD. The average daily flow for Pump Station No. 19 is 0.75 MGD, and therefore, the estimated peak flow in the 27-inch line pre- ceding Pump Station No. 19 would be 2.75 MGD. City staff have indicated that the Southeast Interceptor operates in excess of half full at several -- times during the day. The 27-inch line at one-half full would have capacity of 3.00 MGD. It is estimated that the 27-inch line has a remaining capacity of 3.20 MGD or .approximately an additional 1.00 MGD average daily flow. The projected average daily flow south of Magnolia Road is 1.30 MGD in the year 2010 and 1.80 MGD in the year 2030. This additional flow would require improvements to both the interceptor and the pump station. City staff have suggested diverting all the existing and proposed flow south of Magnolia Road into a new interceptor which would then be transported to either Plant 1 or Plant 2, depending upon which alternative is being evaluated. The diversion of this flow out of -- the existing wastewater system eliminates any need for increasing the capacity of the studied pump stations and interceptors that transport wastewater flow to Plant 1. Interceptor/Up~radin~ 1. East Side Interceptor. This interceptor extends south from North Street and Eastborough to Crawford Avenue. It continues west on Crawford to Marymount Road. It conveys wastewater from Pump Station No. 19 to Pump Station No. 17. No improvements are required. IV-9 2. Ash Street Interceptor. This interceptor follows Ash Street east from College Street to Riverside Drive. The west reach of this intercep- tor receives flow from the North Street Interceptor and discharges it to Pump Station No. i. The east reach of the interceptor receives flow from the Ohio Street Interceptor and discharges it to Pump Station No. 2. No improvements are required. 3. Southeast Interceptor. The Southeast Interceptor extends south from Crawford Avenue and the Smoky Hill Channel to Magnolia Road. This inter- ceptor discharges flow into Pump Station No. 19. No improvements are required. 4. Front Street Interceptor. The Front Street Interceptor follows Front Street from Ash Street to Pacific and west on Pacific to Ninth Street. The flow discharges into Pump Station No. 1. The last 1,800 L.F. of this sewer is 12-inch. This should be increased to 24 inches to match the upstream size. 5. North Interceptor. The North Interceptor extends north and east from Ash Street and an alley east of Fifth Street to the intersection of Ninth and North. It discharges flow to the west reach of the Ash Street Interceptor and is transported to Pump Station No. 1. No improvements are required. 6. Ohio Street Interceptor. The Ohio Street Interceptor follows Ohio Street south from Ash Street to Crawford Avenue and then west on Crawford to Pump Station No. 13 at the Sunset Plaza. This interceptor discharges into the east reach of the Ash Street Interceptor. No improvements are required. 7. Schilling Interceptor. The Schilling Interceptor extends south from Plant 2 adjacent to Centennial Road to Jumper Street. It conveys the flows from the southern section of the Schilling area to Plant 2. The maximum daily flows will exceed the capacity of the interceptor as the New Airport Industrial Subdivision is developed. The installation of a parallel interceptor would be required to handle the additional flow. IV-10 SECTION V EXISTING WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITIES REVIEW -- INTRODUCTION Plant 1 was constructed as a primary plant in 1927. The plant was modi- _. fled to a secondary treatment process by adding trickling filters in 1950. In 1962, Plant 1 was upgraded to a two-stage trickling filter plant. The average daily design flow is 7.8 MGD with a maximum wet weather design flow (including stormwater) of 18.0 MGD. Plant 2 was constructed in 1942 to handle the wastewater flow from the Schilling Air Force Base. The Air Force Base closed in 1964, but Plant 2 -- still treats the domestic and industrial flows of the Schilling area. The average daily design flow is 0.50 MGD with a maximum wet weather design flow of 1.44 MGD. EXISTING FACILITIES General. Table V-1 indicates the design and actual waste loadings for Plant 1. Plate V-1 illustrates the existing layout of Plant 1. With the disconnection of the storm sewers, only the peak sewage flows are close -- to the average design capacity of 7.8 MGD. In the past, Plant 1 has hydraulically conveyed sewage flows of 19.30 MGD. TABLE V-1 PLANT 1 DESIGN AND ACTUAL WASTE FLOWS AND LOADINGS (YEARS 1983 - 1988) BOD5 Suspended Flow (MGD) Organic Loading Solids Loading -- Av~. Peak (lbs/day) (lbs/day) Design 7.80 18.00 17,090 21,100 Actual 3.83 8.35 8,625 9,425 Remaining Capacity 3.97 9.65 8,465 11,675 Plant 1 - The folloWing discussion reviews the current condition of Plant 1: 1. Headworks. Flow is measured by a magnetic flow meter. A mechanical barscreen with 1-inch openings is used to collect rags, sticks and other _ debris. The barscreen is in poor condition. There are two grit chan- nels. The grit chains and grit augers have been replaced and the grit chamber and augers have been painted. The splitter box concrete was restored in 1982. Odor problems in the vicinity of the grit works are common. However, a complete analysis of the location of the odor sources o ~ J.B.#5 · SYMBOL DESCRIPTION NOT TO SCALE ~ ~ i'----~-~ STRuC TU RE INTERMEDIATE ........ ~. ' *'::: '. ::'.~' ROADWAY PUMP HOUSE ':~ JB~e$' ' .... SECONDARY PUMP HOUSE TRICKLING TRIO(LING~ ~ ~ OUTFALL FILTER , NO.2 FILTER NO. I ' S~..RUCTURE ] J8#2 Jell --X /, / RAW ADMIN. ] ~' PUMP HOUSE :' ' LOADING PAD o ] UNIT -BOILER HOUSE . PRIMARY DIGEST/ x CONTROL HOUSE ~ - SECONDARY OUTFA L L sL~AI)MIN' ~. !.!.!· DIGESTERS SLUDGE BEDS :" *"' ":"*'": v';" · ~' '*':' :: ":* :"'"" ' '.'* :'" :' ": "* ;::: IIII MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILROAD Illl SALINA, KANSAS WASTEWATER STUDY EXISTING WASTEWATER ~/~J[SOJt/ TREATMENT PLANT I &COMPANY PLATE ~-I and control of the odor has not been performed for this study. In -- general, the headworks facility is in poor condition and City staff would like to replace it. _ 2. Primary Clarifiers No. 3 and No. 4 were installed in 1950 and are 65 foot diameter with an 8.5 foot side water depth (SWD). The weirs have been replaced and new bridge decks were installed in 1983. The mecha- nisms should be replaced. 3. ~rimary Clarifiers No. 5 and No. 6 were installed in 1962 and are 80 foot diameter with an 8 foot SWD. The weirs have been replaced and -- the bridge decks were replaced in 1983. The mechanisms should be replaced. 4. Intermediate Pump House was installed in 1962. There are 'two 5,400 gallon per minute (gpm) constant speed centrifugal pumps used for first stage trickling filter recirculation, and two 250 gpm centrifugal primary sludge pumps. These were installed in 1962 and all pumps should be replaced. Grit or snails are a problem for the sludge pumps and valves. The valves should also be replaced. 5. Trickling Filters No. 1 and No. 2 are first stage trickling filters, Each filter is 120 foot diameter with a 6 foot rock depth. These units were installed in 1962. The rotating distributor arms and mechanisms have recently been replaced. 6. Intermediate Clarifiers No. 1 and No. 2 were installed in 1962 and are 100 foot diameter with a 9 foot SWD. The weirs and effluent launder -- are wrought iron and are in poor condition. These should be replaced. The mechanism is also in poor condition and should be replaced. -, 7. Secondary Pump House was installed in 1950. There are two 5,400 gpm constant speed centrifugal pumps used for second stage trickling filter recirculation and two 250 gpm centrifugal intermediate sludge pumps. _ Similar grit problems exist in this pump station. Both recirculation and sludge pumps should be replaced and the valves on the sludge lines should be replaced. 8. Second Stage Trickling Filters No. i and No. 2 were installed in 1950 and are 116.5 feet in diameter with a 7 foot rock depth. The rotat- ing distributor arms for these trickling filters were also recently -- replaced. 9. ~econdary Clarifiers No. i and No. 2 were installed in 1950 and are _ 115.5 foot diameter with an 8.5 foot SWD. The mechanism, bridge and deck, and effluent launders and weirs should be replaced, 10, Primary Digesters No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 are primary anaerobic digesters, each being 45 foot diameter with a 30 foot depth. All ~hree of the digesters were added in 1962. Each digester is equipped with a fixed steel cover. The mixers have recently been rebuilt and the boiler -- was replaced in 1983. The heat sensors on the spiral heat exchangers do not work and City staff must manually control the temperature in the digesters. The cover on Digester. No. 3 should be replaced, the digester should be cleaned, and the interior walls sandblasted and repainted. The heat exchanger temperature sensors do not work and should be replaced. The sludge flow meter indicators have been relocated from the lab building, calibrated and serviced. The digester control house roof and walls abutting the digesters leak and should be repaired. 11. Secondary Digesters No. 1 and No. 2 are secondary anaerobic digesters, both having fixed concrete covers. Secondary Digester No. 1 _ is 57 foot diameter with a 22 foot depth. Secondary Digester No. 2 is 45 foot diameter with a 22 foot depth. City staff reports they have suf- ficient storage capabilities to leave one secondary digester empty for storage use during periods when they cannot land apply sludge. 12. Laboratory. The existing laboratory does.not have sufficient space and equipment to perform all of the tests which may be required to moni- -- tor the new facilities installed for current and proposed discharge regulations. 13. General Plant Work. City staff have been installing additional area lighting in the past three years. The available area lighting should be analyzed and supplemented as required. The plant does not have a backup power supply source and provisions should be made for a second power -- source or an emergency generator. Backflow preventers should be provided on seal water lines. The overhead wiring should be inspected and replaced. The plant is not connected to the City's potable water system -- and City staff are drinking bottled water. Provisions should be made for connection to the City's system. Plant 2 - The following discussion reviews the current condition of Plant 2: 1. General. Table V-2 indicates the design and actual waste loadings -- for Plant 2. Plate V-2 illustrates the existing layout of Plant 2. Plant 2 frequently does not meet the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) effluent requirements because of the strength of the industrial loading. The industries in the Schilling area have started their pretreatment processes. Plant 2 is frequently overloaded both hydraulically and organically. If the flow is not diverted to Plant 1, it is in immediate need of grit and screenings removal facili- ties, additional primary and secondary clarifier capacity, a larger and more permanent trickling filter recirculation line, new sludge pipelines and digester heating and mixing capabilities. ,~ ~ x-----~ OUTFALL LEGEND = ~TRUCTURE SYMBOL DESCRIPTION FLOW --/ METERING FLUME ~ STRUCTURE ~ ABANDONED STRUCTURE '~ PROCESS LINE CHLORINATION-- TRICKLING TANK ----~'"-- SLUDGE LINE FILTER NO. 2 ,'( FENCE '.; .'~ ". '-'" '. "- ROADWAY SLUDGE ORYING MH BEDS -- /- I FINAL CLARIFIER NO. I /+ PRIMARY D,GESTE. // TRICKLING SECONDARY DIGESTER PUMP STATION METER · PIT ' ' ' ' ' _.,~ NOT TO SCALE " .... SALINA, KANSAS WASTEWAT E R STU DY ~/'~OJ~ ~ EXISTING WASTE WATER &COMPANY _ TREATMENT PLANT 2 PLATE ~-2 TABLE V-2 PLANT 2 DESIGN AND ACTUAL WASTE FLOWS AND LOADINGS (YEARS 1983 - 1988) Flow (MGD) Organic Loading Solids Loading Avg. Peak (lbs/day) (lbs/day) Design 0.50 1.44 1,000 720 Actual 0'481 1.93 1,i00 900 Remaining Capacity 0.02 (0.49) (100) (180) 1Does not include recirculation flow. 2. Influent Pump Station. Two new 500 gpm centrifugal raw sewage pumps were installed in 1983. A third pump is in storage and has not been -- installed because two pumps sufficiently handle the existing flows. There are also two 70 gpm sludge pumps located in the influent pump sta- tion. They are original equipment and should be replaced. Plant 2 does not have a grit removal facility. It does have a comminutor which fre- quently plugs. Currently, all flow passes through a manual barscreen. City staff report that Tony's pretreatment facility has greatly reduced the grease and food material received at Plant 2, however, a complete headworks facility should be installed. The motor control center is housed in the influent pump station. It is obsolete and should be replaced. 3. Primary Clarifiers No. 1 and No. 2 are 26 foot diameter with an 8.75 foot SWD. The center feedwells are submerged. The City is also recir- culating 0.396 MGD through one of the clarifiers for trickling filter recirculation. New mechanisms, weirs and baffles should be installed. 4. Trickling Filters No. 1 and No. 2 are single stage standard rate trickling filters. Each filter is 100 foot diameter with 6 foot rock depth. Currently, the City is recirculating 275 gpm or 0.396 MGD from the chlorine contact basin back to one of the primary clarifiers to achieve greater treatment capabilities. This is a 0.9 to I ratio of recirculation flow to raw wastewater flow. Permanent recirculation facilities, including a pump station, piping and splitter boxes should be _ installed. The rotating distributor arms were replaced with aluminum arms in 1983. 5. Secondary Clarifier. There is one secondary clarifier with a 40 foot diameter and a 7 foot SWD. The mechanisms, bridge and deck, weirs and scum equipment should be replaced. -- 6. Anaerobic Digestion. The plant has one primary and one secondary digester, each being 30 foot diameter and 20 foot depth. Each is equipped with a fixed concrete cover. The primary digester is not heated. Both digesters can be mixed by gas recirculation. City staff do not because they believe it increases the solids content of the return supernatant. Current operation is from primary to secondary with only settlement for treatment. The sludge is then land applied. The use of the sludge beds has been discontinued except during periods of inclement weather. Sufficient digester storage capacity exists at Plant 2, but heating capabilities must be provided to properly treat and stabilize the sludge and the mixing systems should be replaced. The digesters should also be cleaned and the walls sandblasted and repainted. The concrete covers should be sandblasted, repaired and repainted. 7. Yard Piping. City staff report that they have had to repair under- ground sludge pipelines and have found the pipe to be severely deteriorated. These pipelines should be replaced. 8. Administrative and Lab Building. Additional floor space will be necessary to provide room for a laboratory and an administrative office since these facilities are not currently available at the plant. 9. General Plant Work. A secondary power source does not exist for Plant 2 and should be provided. V-5 SECTION VI WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITIES DISCHARGE LIMITATIONS EXISTING DISCHARGE LIMITATIONS Plant 1 and Plant 2 have existing National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits effective from 17 April 1987, to 27 May 1991. Plant 1 discharges to the Smoky Hill River and Plant 2 dis- charges to an intermittent, unclassified stream referred to as Dry Creek. Both plants are currently required to meet the same discharge limitations. The existing permit limitations are summarized in Table VI-1. The permits require both plants to implement and administer pretreatment programs in accordance with 40 CFR Part 403. TABLE VI-1 EXISTING PLANT 1 AND PLANT 2 DISCHARGE LIMITATIONS Sample Sample Characteristic Limitations Frequency Type 5 Day Biochemical Oxygen Demand1 Weekly Average (mg/1) 45 Twice/Week2 24-Hour Composite Monthly Average (mg/1) 30 Total Suspended Solids1 Weekly Average (mg/1) 45 Twice/Week2 24-Hour Composite Monthly Average (mg/1) 30 pH 6-9 Twice/Week Grab Lead (mg/1) TOTAL - Once/Week2 24-Hour Composite Sulfate (mg/1) - Once/Week2 24-Hour Composite Ammonia (as N, mg/1) - Twice/Week Grab Cadmium (mg/1) - Once/Month 24-Hour Composite CoppeK (mg/1) - Once/Month2 24-Hour Composite ~Mercury (mg/1) - Once/Month2 24-Hour Composite Zinc (mg/1) - Once/Month2 24-Hour Composite Phenols (mg/1) - Once/Month2 24-Hour Composite Flow (MGD) - Daily - i Minimum removal of 85% of the influent BOD5 and TSS required. 2 Influent and Effluent Samples are required. Only effluent samples are required on other characteristics. CURRENT AND PROPOSED REGULATION CHANGES A number of changes have occurred in the regulations which govern waste- water treatment facilities. These changes include: VI-1 (1) Revisions to the Water Quality Standards which have required some facilities to remove ammonia, disinfect, and/or reaerate. The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) revises these stan- dards every three years; (2) Draft standards for the Disposal of Sewage Sludge were pub- lished Monday, 6 February 1989. These standards establish cumulative pollutant loading rates for various sludge disposal techniques; (3) The EPA is implementing effluent toxicity control by biomonitorimg testing on WWTF discharges. These changes have impacted the requirements for Salina's discharges. It is anticipated that in 1991 when the new NPDES permits are issued that they will include ammonia lim- its for the Plant 1 and Plant 2 discharges, pollutant loading rates for the disposal of sludge from both plants, and effluent bio'monitoring requirements for Plant 1. ANTICIPATED 1991 DISCHARGE LIMITATIONS Correspondence with Mr. Rod Geisler of the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) have provided anticipated discharge limitations for Plant 1 and Plant 2. A copy of this correspondence is included in Appendix A. These limitations are presented in Tables VI-2 and VI-3. TABLE VI-2 PROPOSED PLANT 1 DISCHARGE LIMITATIONS Flow = 7.25 MGD (Plan lA and lB) Flow = 5.90 MGD (Plan 2A and 2B) Flow = 4.45 MGD (Plan 3) Limitation Time of Year i. CBOD5 30 Day Average 25 mg/1 November through April 20 mg/1 May through October 2. Total Suspended Solids 30 Day Average 30 mg/1 All Year 3. Ammonia Weekly Average2 No Limit November through March 15.5 mg/1 April 10.0 mg/1 May 7.5 mg/1 June 5.5 mg/1 July 7.0 mg/1 August 9.0 mg/1 September 13.5 mg/1 October lIf the dissolved oxygen is >9.0, then 20 mg/1 is acceptable. 2The maximum is not to exceed 1.5 times the weekly average. VI-2 TABLE VI-3 PROPOSED PLANT 2 DISCHARGE LIMITATIONS Flow = 1.35 MGD (Plan 2A & 2B) Flow = 2.8 MGD (Plan 3) Plan 2 Plan 3 Time of Time of Limitation Year Limitation Year 1. CBOD5 30 Day Average 25 mg/1 Oct. - April 25 mg/1 Nov. - April 15 mg/1 May - Sept. 15 mg/1 May, June, Sept., Oct. 10 mg/1 July - Aug. 2. Total Suspended Solids 30 Day Average 30 mg/1 Ail Year 30 mg/1 Ail Year 3. Ammonia Weekly Average1 12 mg/1 Dec. - Feb. 10 mg/1 Dec. - Feb. 8 mg/1 Oct., Nov., 7 mg/1 Nov. & Mar. March, Apr. 4 mg/1 April 3 mg/1 May - Sept. 4 mg/1 October 2 mg/1 May - Sept. 1The maximum is not to exceed 1.5 times the weekly average. Ammonia removal will be required for both plant discharges. Neither of the plants have treatment processes capable of ammonia removal. In addition to the discharge requirements, the new NPDES permits for both plants will require the City's sludge disposal practices to conform to regulations which are to be adopted in 1990 or 1991. The proposed regulations, 40 CFR Parts 257 and 503 were published 6 February 1989 for public comment. The City currently applies sludge to agricultural land (wheat fields) and will be required to conform to Part 503, Subpart B. Proposed Subpart B establishes the following requirements: VI-3 1. Annual Priority Pollutant Loading Rates: Maximum Pollutant Priorit~ Pollutant Loading Rate Aldrin/Dieldrin 0.016 Kilograms/Hectare (Kg/Ha) Benzo(a) Pyrene 0.130 Kg/Ha Chlordane 1.200 Kg/Ha DDT/DDE/DDD(Total) 0.006 Kg/Ha Dimethyl Nitrosamine 0.039 Kg/Ha Heptachlor 0.073 Kg/Ha Hexachlorobenzene 0.039 Kg/Ha Hexachlorobutadiene 0.340 Kg/Ha Lindane 4.600 Kg/Ha Polychlorinated Biphenyls 0.0056 Kg/Ha Toxaphene 0.048 Kg/Ha Trichloroethylene 0.013 Kg/Ha 2. Cumulative Metal Pollutant Loading Rates: Maximum Pollutant Metal Pollutant Loading Rate Arsenic 14 Kg/Ha Cadmium 18 Kg/Ha Chromium 530 Kg/Ha Copper 46 Kg/Ha Lead 125 Kg/Ha Mercury 15 Kg/Ha Molybdenum 5 Kg/Ha Nickel 78 Kg/Ha Selenium 32 Kg/Ha Zinc 170 Kg/Ha 3. Management Practices including: a. A maximum annual whole sludge application rate of 50 metric tons/hectare (18.35 tons/acre). b. Sludge shall not be applied at rates which exceed the nitrogen requirements of the plants being grown. c. Sludge shall not be applied to land that is 10 meters (30') or less from a surface water. 4. Three classes of pathogen reduction requirements were established, Classes A, B and C, Salina's sludge may be designated as a Class B or C disposal. The standards for reduction of pathogenic organisms from the level in the plant influent to the level in the final processed sludge shall be: VI-4 Class B Class C a. Salmonelli sp. per gram of volatile suspended solids (VSS) 2 logl0 1.5 logl0 b. Viruses per gram of volatile suspended solids 2 logl0 1.5 logl0 Density of indicator organisms in sludge shall be: Class B Class C a. Fecal coliform per gram of VSS 6 logl0 6.3 logl0 b. Fecal Strepotococci (enterococci) per gram of VSS 6 logl0 6.7 logl0 Additionally, the following practices shall be adhered to for pathogen control: a. Food crops with harvested parts that touch the sludge-soil mix- ture and that are totally above ground shall not be grown for a period of 18 consecutive months after the last application of sludge. Thi~ applies to both Class B and C. b. Food crops with harvested parts that are below the surface of the ground shall not be grown for a period of 5 consecutive years after the last application of sludge. If there are no ova present, this period is decreased to 18 months. This applies to Class B and C. c. Feed crops shall not be harvested for a period of 30 consecutive days after application of sludge for Class B and 60 consecutive days for Class C. d. Animals shall not be allowed to graze for a Period of 30 consec- utive days after sludge is applied for Class B and 60 consecutive days for Class C. e. Access to agricultural land shall be r~stricted for a period of 12 consecutive months after the last application of sludge. 5. Vector attraction reduction approaches have been established. The City will be required to meet one of the following: a. The mass of volatile suspended solids (VSS) shall be reduced 38 percent when the sludge has been aerobically or anaerobically digested. b. The mass of VSS is reduced less than 15 percent when the sludge is anaerobically processed for 40 additional days at 30~ C+. c. The specific oxygen uptake rate of aerobically digested sludge is 1 mg of 02 per hour per gram or less immediately prior to disposal. VI-5 d. The sludge pH is to be 12 or above by alkali addition and remains at 12 or above for 2 hours without the addition of more alkali and then remains at 12 or above for an additional 22 hours. e. The percent solids of the sludge is 75 percent or greater. f. The sludge is injected below the surface with no evidence of the sludge on the land surface within 1 hour after injection. The City is not currently monitoring the plant influent or the digested sludge for pathogens or the sludge for priority pollutants and nitrogen. It is unknown whether these proposed standards can be met. The City should begin sampling for these requirements to determine what, if any, measures may be required to meet these proposed standards. The City has performed limited metals testing on both plants' sludges and City staff report they are applying 1,800 gallons/100 yards/year (approximately 6.4 tons/acre/year or 17.4 metric tons/Ha/yr.). Based on this loading rate and the City's limited metals data, the cumulative loading rates would be met. However, the City should begin testing the sludge to determine actual application rates and begin keeping a record of how much is applied to each site. City staff report they are achieving 50 percent VSS reduction through the anaerobic digestion process. The City should monitor VSS reduction to determine if the vector attraction reduction requirement of 38 percent VSS reduction can be met. If priority pollutants or metals concentrations limit the application of sludge, the City can take steps to isolate and regulate the discharger through the industrial pretreatment program. If VSS reduction of 38 percent cannot be met by the digesters, it will be necessary to modify the digesters or revise the disposal procedures by injecting the sludge or raising the sludge pH. Additionally, it will be necessary to enter into agreement with the landowner to ensure the management practices for pathogen control are met. VI-6 SECTION VII DEVELOPMENT OF ALTERNATIVES GENERAL -- Refer to SECTION III, Paragraph - Wastewater Treatment Alternatives for -- the different wastewater treatment alternatives that are being evaluated. The rehabilitation of the collection system and Plant 1 are required in the near future regardless of which future wastewater improvement plan is selected and implemented. The rehabilitation of Plant 2 will be depen- dent upon which future wastewater improvement plan is selected and imple- mented. PLAN lA Plan lA contains a proposal to abandon Plant 2 and direct its flow to Plant 1. The route of the wastewater flow and the location of pump sta- tions are indicated on Plate VII-1. Three new pump stations and approxi- mately 10.0 miles of force mains and gravity sewers would be installed to convey all the flow to Plant 1. With this plan, future growth areas to the south and east of the City would be served as well as the existing and future service area of Plant 2. Table III-5 in Section III indicates the projected average loading con- ditions for Plant 1 with Plant 2 abandoned. The following is a com- parison of the projected design capacities versus existing capacity. Flow BOD5 Loading TSS Loading Year (MGD) (lbs./day) (lbs./daM) 1990 4.80 11,010 11,210 2010 7.25 16,625 16,930 2020 8.20 18,810 19,150 Plant Design Capacity 7.80 17,090 21,100 In terms of flow, BOD5 and TSS, Plant 1 will reach capacity between the years of 2015 and 2020. It appears that Plant 1 will provide adequate capacity for the next 25 to -- 30 years. However, the original treatment facility was designed to meet secondary treatment requirements, not advanced treatment requirements such as ammonia removal. Since it appears that ammonia removal may be required by the City's next NPDES permit in 1991, the modification of Plant 1 to achieve ammonia removal has been considered. Detailed studies and investigations of this process are beyond the scope of this project, so this study includes only VII-1 NOT TO SCALE LEGEND .... FORCE MAIN GRAVITY SEWER ~/~/'~OJ~ ,A, ® ~ SALINA, KANSAS &COMPANY ~ ~ WASTEWATER STUDY ~ ~ ~ ) ~ ~. PLAN IA PLATE ~- I a generic analysis based on cost curves from E?A's "Innovative and Alternative Technology Assessment Manual" and recent experience at the McPherson, Hutchinson and Wichita treatment facilities. More detailed studies should be performed during the design to establish: 1) The type of process required. 2) The size of the facility, i.e., treatment of the entire plant flow versus treatment of ammonia-laden side streams such as digester supernatant. 3) Possible industrial pretreatment requirements for ammonia and subsequent reduction at the plant. 4) Detailed construction costs. 5) Pumping requirements. 6) Additional plant site requirements. 7) Additional requirements for sludge thickening and treatment facilities. Plate VII-2 presents an example of how the Plant 1 flow schematic could be modified for ammonia removal. Plant 1 Rehabilitation - Plan IA Various plant improvements are required to rehabilitate the existing facilities. These improvements were based upon discussions with City staff for both existing wastewater treatment facilities. A majority of the improvements should be completed by 1991 for treatment through 2010. The rehabilitation for Plant 1 will be designed for a flow of 7.80 MGD. Table VII-1 is an opinion of probable cost for the existing Plant 1 reha- bilitation improvements. The proposed improvements are required for all the treatment alternatives evaluated in this report. The following is a discussion of the required improvements: 1. New Headworks and Odor Control. The cost for the new headworks is based on one climber-type barscreen, one manual barscreen, aerated grit removal, grit classifier and cyclone, and a block and brick building to prevent freezing. A detailed odor control study has not been performed, however, budget estimate costs have been included to enclose influent channels and grit basins and scrub the off-gas. 2. ?rimar¥ Clarifiers No. 3 and No. 4. The cost is based on removing and replacing two 65 foot diameter, 8.5 foot SWD mechanisms and reusing the weirs and baffles. 3. primary Clarifiers No. 5 and No. 6. The cost is based on removing and replacing two 80 foot diameter, 8 foot SWD mechanisms and reusing the weirs and baffles. VII-2 / Tmcm. J~ FILTER \ A ~ ~ ~ PROCESS FLOW NEW INTF_J~EDiATE .... I~CIRC. ~..1~./~'~'-~ ~ BOX I~O' ~' ----. BYPASS Ct. ARS=~.R ~ .VALVE NO. 6 8OX NO. ..,Dy'~:~° 7.~ .~' F~N~L SLUOC~ WASTE / ! '""-----"'"'3,-'--" SCU~ J~4CTION TREATMENT / ./i,-~w~ /~ PUN~ ~TATION CLAR~IER I,IO. 5 TO SALINA, KANSAS WASTEWATER STUDY Iill[~O~l~ TO ta,~,cr UPGRADED TREATMENT PLANT I RD/ER &COMPAIXIY PLAN IA 8, PLATE 4. Intermediate Pump House. The cost includes removing and replacing two 5,400 gpm centrifugal pumps, two 250 gpm centrifugal pumps and the sludge valves. 5. Intermediate Clarifiers No. 1 and No. 2. The cost includes removing and replacing two i00 foot diameter, 9 foot SWD mechanisms with weirs, launders, baffles and scum equipment. 6. Secondary Pump House. The cost includes removing and replacing two 5,400 gpm centrifugal pumps, two 250 gpm sludge pumps and sludge valves. 7. Secondary Clarifiers No. 1 and No. 2. The cost includes removing and replacing two 115.5 foot diameter, 9 foot SWD mechanisms with weirs, launders, baffles, and scum equipment. 8. Laboratory. New laboratory equipment and additional laboratory floor space are included in the cost. 9. Primary Digester No. 3 and the Control House. All the following items have been included in the cost: ~. Remove and replace the fixed digester cover for Digester No. 3. k. Re-roof control house. The digesters have settled away from the control house allowing the roof to leak. ~. Seal walls and roof of control house. The settling of the digesters created gaps between the digester walls and building. ~. Remove sludge from digesters. To repair the digester interior and apply protective coating, the sludge must be removed and the digesters cleaned. Sandblast digester walls. Apply protective coating to vertical walls. Replace sensors on spiral heat exchangers. i0. General Improvements. The cost includes a standby power source from either a second line source or acquisition of an emergency generator capable of operating essential equipment during primary power failures, replacement of substandard overhead wiring, installation of backflow preventers on the seal water system, and provisions to allow Plant 1 to receive potable water from the City. VII-3 TABLE VII-1 OPINION OF PROBABLE COST - PLAN lA PLANT 1 REHABILITATION Item Probable Cost New Headworks and Odor Control $1,350,000 Primary Clarifier Nos. 3 and 4, Repair and Replacement 128,000 Primary Clarifier Nos. 5 and 6, Repair and Replacement 185,500 Intermediate Pump House 54,000 Intermediate Clarifier Nos. 1 and 2, Repair and Replacement 240,000 Secondary Pump House 54,000 Secondary Clarifier Nos. 1 and 2, Repair and Replacement 240,000 Laboratory 45,000 Primary Digester No. 3 and Control House Repair and Rehabilitation 209,500 General Improvements 120,000 Electrical 263~000 Total Construction Cost $2,889,000 Plant ! Advanced Treatment - Plan lA Ammonia removal may be accomplished by a number of processes including biological process such as activated sludge and physical chemical proc- esses such as breakpoint chlorination or stripping towers. The process evaluations for other treatment facilities in Kansas considering ammonia removal have primarily selected activated sludge. The costs included in this study are generic and are provided to give the City an estimate of the costs'of these systems. More detailed costs should be developed in later investigations. It is anticipated that ammonia removal will be required by the new permit to be issued in 1991 therefore evaluation of these facilities should begin immediately. The advanced treatment for Plant 1 will be designed for a flow of 7.25 MGD. Table VII-2 is opinion of probable cost for advanced treatment. VII-4 TABLE VII-2 OPINION OF PROBABLE COST - PLAN lA PLANT 1 ADVANCED TREATMENT Item Probable Cost Advanced Treatment $5,775,000 Total Construction Cost $5,775,000 Existing Collection System Rehabilitation - Plan lA Various improvements are required to rehabilitate the existing collection system. The City's future growth is expected to be in the eastern and southern sections of Salina. Therefore, these areas are expected to receive the majority of the future population growth. The wastewater flows from this area would either be pumped or by gravity flow to the existing Southeast Interceptor. City staff have indicated that the Southeast Interceptor is operating in excess of half full. This condi- tion has been observed to occur at several different times during the day. The future growth would require improvements to both the intercep- tors and pump stations to handle the projected flow. City staff have suggested diverting all the existing and proposed flow south of Magnolia Street into a new interceptor which then would be transported to either Plant 1 or Plant 2, depending upon the alternative being evaluated. The diversion of this flow out of the existing wastewater system eliminates any need for increasing the capacity of the studied pump stations and -- interceptors that convey flow to Plant 1. (A preliminary investigation indicated this would be feasible.) The studied interceptors and pump stations have remaining capacity left for future internal growth within their respective existing service areas. The proposed improvements are to provide reliability and should be completed by 1991 to provide relia- ble service through 2010. The capital costs will be based on the follow- ing improvements. Existing Pump Station Rehabilitation 1. Pump Station No. 1. Remove the existing variable speed pump and replace with a new pump with mechanical seals. Provide improved access for equipment removal. 2. Pump Station No. 2. Remove the existing Pump Nos. 1 and 2 and replace with new pumps with appropriate characteristics. 3. Pump Station No. 8. No modification required. 4. Pump Station No. 9. No modification required. 5. Pump Station No. 10. Remove the existing two pumps and replace with new pumps with mechanical seals. 6. Pump Station No. 13. Remove the existing two pumps and replace with new pumps with mechanical seals. VII-5 7. ~.~mp Station No. 17. Abandon and salvage this pump station and divert the flow to a new proposed pump station. 8. Pump Station No. 19. No modification required. A majority of the City's pump stations are manufactured by Smith and Loveless. If the pumping capacities drop, the City should have the pump stations inspected by the pump manufacturer's representative and replace the defective equipment. Existin~ Interceptor Rehabilitation i. East Side Interceptor. No modifications required. 2. Ash Street West and East Interceptor. No modifications required. 3. Southeast Interceptor. No modifications required. 4. Front Street Interceptor. Replace the last 1800 L.F. of 12-inch gravity sewer with 24-inch to match the up-stream size. 5. North Street Interceptor. No modifications required. 6. Ohio Street Interceptor. No modifications required. 7. Schilling Interceptor. This interceptor will receive the forecasted 1.0 MGD from the new Airport Industrial Subdivision. Additional inter- ceptor capacity will be required to convey future wastewater flows to Plant 2. Installation of the additional interceptor should be considered in conjunction with future plans for Plant 2. The length, size and exact location of the interceptor will depend on what improvements are to be completed at Plant 2. For the purpose of this cost estimate, the instal- lation of 3,900 L.F. of 18-inch interceptor parallel to the existing Schilling Interceptor is considered. Table VII-3 is an opinion of probable cost for rehabilitating the pump stations and interceptors. The proposed improvements are required for all the treatment alternatives evaluated in this report. VII-6 TABLE VII-3 OPINION OF PROBABLE COST - PLAN iA EXISTING COLLECTION SYSTEM REHABILITATION Item Probable Cost -- Pump Stations Pump Station No. 1 $ 57,000 Pump Station No. 2 30,000 _ Pump Station No. 10 25,000 Pump Station No. 13 11,500 Pump Station No. 10 - Temporary Gravity Sewer 11,500 Interceptors Front Street Interceptor 135,000 Schilling Interceptor 200,000 Total Construction Cost $470,000 Proposed Interceptor Sewer System - Plan iA The wastewater flow from the existing service and future growth area for Plant 2 are to be transported to Plant 1. Plant 2 will then be abandoned. Table VII-4 indicates the opinion of probable cost for the proposed interceptor sewer system. VII-7 TABLE VII-4 OPINION OF PROBABLE COST - PLAN lA PROPOSED INTERCEPTOR SEWER SYSTEM Price/ Item Unit Unit Quantity Probable Cost Trenching, Backfill and Compaction (0-8') L.F. $ 11 18,400 $202,400 Trenching, Backfill and Compaction (8-10') L.F. 12 850 10,200 Trenching, Backfill and Compaction (10-12') L.F. 14 7,400 103,600 Trenching, Backfill and Compaction (12-14') L.F. 17 10,565 179,605 Trenching, Backfill and Compaction (14-16') L.F. 19 4,475 85,025 Trenching, Backfill and Compaction (16-18') L.F. 22 ~.3,850 84,700 Trenching, Backfill and Compaction (18-20') L.F. 25 2,500 62,500 Trenching, Backfill and Compaction (>20') L.F. 30 4,110 123,300 16-inch Force Main L.F. 17 8,100 137 700 20-inch Force Main L.F. 22 5,650 124,300 24-inch Force Main L.F. 27 3,200 86,400 18-inch Gravity Sewer L.F. 18 1,100 19,800 21-inch Gravity Sewer L.F. 22 2,700 59 400 24-inch Gravity Sewer L.F. 29 6,500 188,500 27-inch Gravity Sewer L.F. 35 16,300 570 '500 30-inch Gravity Sewer L.F. 43 2,000 86,000 36-inch Gravity Sewer L.F. 55 7,600 418 000 Bore and Jack Including Steel Casing L.F. 200 1,000 200,000 Remove and Replace Pavement S.Y. 16 4,500 72,000 Gravel Surfacing S.Y. 6 5,000 30,000 Select Backfill L.F. 9 5,000 45,000 Rock Excavation L.F. 10 2,000 20,000 Dewatering L.F. 10 5,000 50,000 Manhole, 4-foot Diameter Each 1,500 46 69,000 Manhole, 5-foot Diameter Each 2,000 13 26,000 Trench Stabilization L.F. 6 8,000 48,000 Smoky Hill River Crossing L.S. 50,000 2 100,000 Pump Station lA-1 L.S. 1 900,000 Pump Station lA-2 L.S. 1 800 000 Pump Station lA-3 L.S. 1 225 000 Construction Staking L.S. 1 20,070 Total Construction Cost $5,147,000 VII-8 Table VII-5 indicates the opinion of probable cost for Plan iA. These costs are based on cur~rent prices. -- TABLE VII-5 OPINION OF PROBABLE COST PLAN lA - TOTAL PROJECT COST A. Construction Cost Item Probable Cost Plant 1 Rehabilitation (Table VII-i) $ 2,889,000 -- Plant 1 Advanced Treatment (Table VII-2) $ 5,775,000 Existing Collection System Rehabilitation (Table VII-3) 470,000 Proposed Interceptor Sewer System (Table VII-4) 5,147,000 Total Construction Cost $14,281,000 B. Project Cost Total Construction Cost $14,281,000 5% Contingency 714,000 20% Engineering, Legal, Fiscal and Administrative 2,856,000 Right-of-Way Acquisition 80~000 Total Project Cost $17,931,000 PLAN lB Plan lB proposes the same improvements for Plant 1 as Plan iA. Plan lB also proposes to abandon Plant 2 and transport the wastewater flow from the Schilling area to Plant 1. The only difference in Plan iA from Plan lB is the direction and method of transporting the wastewater to Plant i. The route of the wastewater flow and the location of pump stations are indicated on Plate VII-3. Three new pump stations and approximately 11.0 miles of force mains and gravity sewers would be installed to convey all the flow to Plant 1. The same rehabilitation for Plant 1 and the existing collection system discussed in Plan lA are proposed for this plan. Proposed Interceptor Sewer System - Plan lB Table VII-6 indicates the opinion of probable cost for the proposed interceptor sewer system. VII-9 NOT TO SCALE LEGEND FORCE MAIN GRAVITY SEWER SALINA, KANSAS m~,SOJ~ ~ %L ~ WASTEWATER STUDY &COMPANY ½ "~ PLAN lB PLATE '~Tr- TABLE VII-6 OPINION OF PROBABLE COST - PLAN lB PROPOSED INTERCEPTOR SEWER SYSTEM Price/ Item Unit Unit Quantity Probable Cost Trenching, Backfill and Compaction (0-8') L.F. $ 11 18,600 $204,600 Trenching, Backfill and Compaction (8-10') L.F. 12 750 9,000 Trenching, Backfill and Compaction (10-12') L.F. 14 7,050 98,700 Trenching, Backfill and Compaction (12-14') L.F. 17 9,215 156,655 Trenching, Backfill and Compaction (14-16') L.F. 19 7,385 140,315 Trenching, Backfill and Compaction (16-18') L.F. 22 7,450 163,900 Trenching, Backfill and Compaction (18-20') L.F. 25 3,400 85,000 Trenching, Backfill and Compaction (>20') L.F. 30 4,000 120,000 16-inch Force Main L.F. 17 8,400 142,800 20-inch Force Main L.F. 22 5,650 124,300 24-inch Force Main L.F. 27 3,200 86,400 18-inch Gravity Sewer L.F. 18 1,i00 19,800 21-inch Gravity Sewer L.F. 22 2,700 59,400 24-inch Gravity Sewer L.F. 29 2,600 75,400 27-inch Gravity Sewer L.F. 35 18,900 661,500 30-inch Gravity Sewer L.F. 43 8,800 378,400 36-inch Gravity Sewer L.F. 55 7,600 418,000 Bore and Jack Including _- Steel Casing L.F. 200 1,100 220,000 Remove and Replace Pavement S.Y. 16 4,500 72,000 -- Gravel Surfacing S.Y. 6 5,000 30,000 Select Backfill L.F. 9 5,000 45,000 Rock Excavation L.F. 10 2,000 20,000 Dewatering L.F. 10 5,500 55,000 Manhole, 4-foot Diameter Each 1,500 55 82,500 Manhole, 5-foot Diameter Each 2,000 13 26,000 Trench Stabilization L.F. 6 8,500 51,000 Smoky Hill River Crossing L.S. 50,000 2 100,000 Pump Station lA-1 L.S. i 900,000 Pump Station iA-2 L.S. 1 800,000 Pump Station lA-3 L.S. 1 225,000 -- Construction Staking L.S. 1 21,330 Total Construction Cost $5,592,000 VII-10 Table VII-7 indicates the opinion of probable cost for Plan lB. These costs are based on current prices. TABLE VII-7 OPINION OF PROBABLE COST PLAN lB - TOTAL PROJECT COST A. Construction Cost Item Probable Cost Plant 1 Rehabilitation (Table VII-i) $ 2,889,000 Plant 1 Advanced Treatment (Table VII-2) 5,775,000 Existing Collection System Rehabilitation (Table VII-3) 470,000 Proposed Interceptor Sewer System (Table VII-6) 5~592,000 Total Construction Cost $14,726,000 B. Project Cost Total Construction Cost $14,726,000 5% Contingency 736,000 20% Engineering, Legal, Fiscal and Administrative 2,945,000 Right-of-Way Acquisition 90,000 Total Project Cost $18,497,000 PLAN 2A Plan 2A proposes to retain the two-treatment plant concept and upgrade both Plant 1 and Plant 2. The same rehabilitation proposed for Plant 1 under Plan IA is proposed for this plan. The advanced treatment for Plant 1 will be designed for a flow of 5.90 MGD. Table VII-8 indicates the opinion of probable cost for the advanced treatment. VII-ii TABLE VII-8 OPINION OF PROBABLE COST - PLAN 2A PLANT 1 ADVANCED TREATMENT Item Probable Cost Advanced Treatment $5,170,000 Total Construction Cost $5,170,000 Plan 2A also contains a proposal to install two new pump stations and approximately 7.5 miles of force mains and gravity sewers. Plate VII-4 shows the approximate location of the proposed pump stations and sewer lines. The same rehabilitation for the existing collection system, dis- cussed in Plan iA, is proposed for this plan. The design flow characteristics for Plant 2, Plan 2A are shown in Table III-7. The following is a summary of the required future capacity. Flow BOD5 Loading TSS Loading Year (MGD) (lbs./day) (lbs./day) 1990 0.70 1,605 1,315 2010 1.35 3,100 2,535 2020 1.65 3,785 3,100 In 1988 Plant 2 had an average daily flow of 426,000 gpd with an aver- age influent BOD5 concentration of 249 mg/1 and an average influent TSS concentration of 202 mg/1. Under these conditions, the plant has had difficulties consistently meeting effluent requirements. The existing plant will require improvements to meet the effluent requirements in .addition to the rehabilitation of the existing equipment discussed in Section V. Plate VII-5 provides a flow schematic of the existing plant with the required improvements shown. Table VII-8 is an opinion of prob- able cost for the existing Plant 2 rehabilitation. The following is a discussion of all the required improvements: Plant 2 Rehabilitation - Plan 2A 1. New Headworks. The cost includes a mechanical and manual barscreen, an aerated grit chamber, grit screw conveyor, grit pump, classifier, cyclone and a measuring flume. 2. Administration and Lab Building. The cost provides for an addi- tional 400 square feet of floor space to the existing influent pump station. 3. Influent Pump House. The cost includes replacing two 70 gpm pumps, the motor control center and installing additional pumping capacity. VII-12 NOT TO SCALE C- LEGEND .... FORCE MAIN : GRAVITY SEWER (~ ® SA LINA, KANSAS ~SO/t/ ~ &COMPAI'qY ~ ,/ ~ WASTEWATER STUDY , ~' PLAN 2A 8~ 2B PLATE ]ZII- 4 LEGEND EXISTING NEW DESCRIPTION MAIN ~ FLOW ¥:: . RECIRC. ..: /~'VANCED WASTE J TRF-A'TMENT J ~PASS ~ ~ STR~T~S ~W T~ ~V~ WASTE % T~7~ T~ . ~ ~.-.~ ~ VALVE ~ 8TA~ .-:' NEW ~.~ TO DRY TRICIO..I~G INTERMEDIATE. C:Rt~K :: :~ FILTER CJ. ARIFIER - ' ~ ::!: : HO. 2 & SCUM PUMP STATION _..~.~.- , ~ NO. 4 ' ~:~ . - ~A~ P~ ~ T~ ~L ~- ~TER C~ERT TO ' ~E~TE ~A~ ~R S~TER ~.1 ~TER ~ ~ ~ ~T TO ~ SALINA, KANSAS 'WASTEWATER STUDY UPGRADED TREATMENT PLANT 2 PLAN 2A &t/~[SO~ FLOW SCHEMATIC &COMPANY PLATE ~ - 5 4. Primary Clarifiers No. 1 and No. 2. The cost includes replacing both existing mechanisms, the weirs and the scum baffles. 5. New Primary Clarifier No. 3 would have a 35 foot diameter and a 10 foot SWD and would be installed to provide capacity in addition to the two existing primary clarifiers. 6. New Splitter Box No. 1 is required to discharge the wastewater to each of the three primary clarifiers. 7. Trickling Filters No. 1 and No. 2. The cost includes modifying the trickling filter influent lines for a permanent recirculation system. 8. Final Clarifier No. 1 will be converted to an intermediate clarifier. The cost includes replacing the mechanism, weirs and install- ing scum equipment. 9. New Intermediate Clarifier No. 2 would have a 40 foot diameter and a 12 foot SWD and would be installed to handle future flows and relieve the current load on the existing final clarifier. 10. New Recirculation Pump Station. The cost includes a larger perma- nent recirculation line and pump station to recirculate trickling filter effluent directly back to the trickling filters. 11. New Manhole No. 4 has been included in the costs to receive the recirculation flow and the flow from the three primary clarifiers before discharging to the trickling filters. 12. New Di~ester Heater Building. The cost includes a new building which would provide sludge heating capabilities. 13. Di~ester Complex. Current operation of the digesters is in series from the primary digester to the secondary digester with only s.ettlement for treatment. The primary digester is not heated and neither digester is mixed. The following are immediate needs of the digester complex: a. Install mixing equipment for the primary digester.. b. Remove all abandoned existing equipment. c. Remove sludge from the digesters. d. Sandblast digester walls and cone floor. e. Repair concrete digester covers. f. Apply coal tar epoxy to vertical walls and cone floor. 14. Yard Piping. This includes all process and sludge piping, manholes, valves, sludge piping replacement, and a temporary bypass for upgrading Plant 2. Future revisions include removing the chlorination building, installing a larger effluent line and replacing the outfall structure. 15. General. Plant 2 does not have a back-up power supply system. The cost includes installation of an emergency generator system capable of operating essential equipment during primary power failures or adding a connection that would enable Plant 2 to receive power from a second line -- source. TABLE VII-9 OPINION OF PROBABLE COST - PLAN 2A PLANT 2 REHABILITATION Item Probable Cost Headworks $250,000 -- Administration and Lab Building 80,000 Influent Pump House - Replace Primary Sludge Pumps and Motor Control Center 16,000 Additional Pump Capacity 100,000 Remove and Replace Primary Clarifier Nos. 1 and 2 120,000 New Primary Clarifier No. 3 185,000 Splitter Box No. 1 20,000 -- Trickling Filter Nos. 1 and 2 - Influent Lines 20,000 Convert Final Clarifier No. 1 70,000 New Intermediate Clarifier No. 2 185,000 New Recirculation Pump Station 75,000 New Manhole No. 4 10,000 New Digester Heater Building 165,000 _ Digester Complex Mixing Equipment 120 000 Remove Abandoned Existing Equipment 20 000 Remove Sludge and Clean Digesters 6 000 Sandblast and Apply Coating to Walls 12 000 Repair Concrete Digester Covers 20 000 Yard Piping 75 000 General Improvements 60 000 Electrical 160 000 __ Total Construction Cost $1,769,000 Plant 2 Advanced Treatment - Plan 2A Since KDHE has established ammonia limitations on the Plant 2 discharge, it will be necessary to provide an ammonia removal treatment process as discussed for Plant 1. The costs presented in the opinion of probable cost include a pump station, advanced waste treatment facilities, final clarifiers, sludge thickening and additional digester capacity. The costs are generic in nature and are based on the EPA's "Innovative and Alternative Technology Assessment Manual", cost curves and recent experi- ence in Kansas. Further investigations will be required during the design phase to select the actual process. Table VII-10 indicates the opinion of probable cost for the advanced treatment. VII-14 TABLE VII-10 OPINION OF PROBABLE COST - PLAN 2A PLANT 2 ADVANCED TREATMENT -- Item Probable Cost Advanced Treatment $2,090,000 Total Construction Cost $2,090,000 _ Proposed Interceptor Sewer System - Plans 2A and 2B Table VII-Il indicates the opinion of probable costs for the proposed interceptor sewer ~system. VII-15 TABLE VII-ii OPINION OF PROBABLE COST - PLANS 2A AND 2B PROPOSED INTERCEPTOR SEWER SYSTEM Price/ Item Unit Unit Quantity Probable Cost -- Trenching, Backfill ') , and Compaction (0-8 L.F. $ 11 10 850 $119 350 Trenching, Backfill and Compaction (8-10') L.F. 12 9,355 112,260 Trenching, Backfill and Compaction ~10-12') L.F. 14 7,110 99 540 Trenching, Backfill and Compaction (12-14') L.F. 17 2,125 36 125 Trenching, Backfill and Compaction ~14-16') L.F. 19 1,765 33 535 Trenching, Backfill and Compaction ~16-18') L.F. 22 1,590 34 980 Trenching, Backfill and Compaction (18-20') L.F. 25 1,240 31,000 Trenching, Backfill and Compaction (>20') L.F. 30 3,815 114,450 16-inch Force Main L.F. 17 5,500 93,500 20-inch Force Main L.F. 22 3,200 70,400 18-inch Gravity Sewer L.F. 18 3,900 70,200 21-inch Gravity Sewer L.F. 22 11,450 251,900 24-inch Gravity Sewer L.F. 27 i0,100 272,700 30-inch Gravity Sewer L.F. 43 4,500 193,500 Bore and Jack Including Steel Casing L.F. 200 800 160,000 Remove and Replace Pavement S.Y. 16 4,000 64,000 Gravel Surfacing S.Y. 6 4,000 24,000 Select Backfill L.F. 9 3,000 27,000 Rock Excavation L.F. 10 2,000 20,000 Dewatering L.F. 10 4,500 45,000 Manhole, 4-foot Diameter Each 1,500 43 64,500 Manhole, 5-foot Diameter Each 2,000 8 16,000 Trench Stabilization L.F. 6 7,000 42,000 Smoky Hill River Crossing L.S. 50,000 2 100,000 Pump Station 2A-1 and 2B-1 L.S. 1 800,000 Pump Station 2A-2 and 2B-2 L.S. ! 700,000 Construction Staking L.S. 1 18~060 Total Construction Cost $3,614,000 VII-16 Table VII-12 indicates the opinion of probable cost for Plan 2A. These costs are based on current prices. TABLE VII-12 OPINION OF PROBABLE COST PLAN 2A - TOTAL PROJECT COST A. Construction Cost Item Probable Cost Plant 1 Rehabilitation (Table VII-I) $ 2,889,000 Plant 1 Advanced Treatment (Table VII-8) 5,170,000 Plant 2 Rehabilitation (Table VII-9) 1,769,000 Plant 2 Advanced Treatment (Table VII-10) 2,090,000 Existing Collection System Rehabilitation (Table VII-3) 470,000 Proposed Interceptor Sewer System (Table VII-ii) 3,614,000 Total Construction Cost $16,002,000 B. Project Cost Total Construction Cost $16,002,000 5% Contingency 800,000 20% Engineering, Legal, Fiscal and Administration 3,200,000 Right-of-Way Acquisition 80,000 Total Project Cost $20,082,000 PLAN 2B Plan 2B proposes to retain the two-treatment plant concept by construct- ing a new Plant 2 north of existing Plant 2. Existing Plant 2 would be abandoned and a new interceptor would be installed to connect it with the new Plant 2. The new Plant 2 and advanced treatment will be designed for a flow of 1.35 MGD. The proposed interceptor sewer system, existing col- lection system rehabilitation, Plant i rehabilitation and Plant 1 advanced treatment are the same for Plan 2B as they are for Plan 2A. Plate VII-4 shows the approximate location of the proposed pump stations and sewer lines. The design flow and characteristics are the same as those discussed for Plan 2A. VII-17 Proposed New Plant 2 Primary Treatment - Plan 2B Plate VII-5 would be a similar layout of the new Plant 2. The following is a brief discussion of the major components that would be installed for the plant: 1. Headworks. The cost includes a mechanical and manual barscreen, an aerated grit chamber, grit screw conveyor, grit pump, cyclone, classifier, Parshall measuring flume and new interceptor lin% would be installed from existing Plant 2 to the new Plant 2. 2. Administration and Lab Building would provide adequate space for a laboratory, an office, records storage and administration activities. It would also provide locker and shower facilities for City personnel. The cost provides for this building are based on 360 square feet of labora- tory space and 820 square feet of administration area. 3. Influent Pump Station. The cost includes an enclosed type screw pump station to pump the wastewater through the treatment facility. 4. Primary Clarifiers No. 1 and No. 2 are 35 foot in diameter and a 10 foot SWD. Each clarifier would have a volume of 117,500 gallons. 5. Primary Sludge and Scum Pump Station would house the primary sludge and scum pumps that pump the raw primary sludge to the digester complex. 6. Final Clarifiers No. 1 and No. 2 are 35 foot in diameter and a 10 foot SWD. Each clarifier has a volume of 71,967 gallons. Final effluent would exit over the weirs to the outfall structure. 7. Final Sludge and Scum Pump Station could pump sludge from the final clarifiers to the sludge thickening facility and/or digester complex. 8. Di~ester Complex. The main components of this complex consist of a primary digester, a secondary digester, sludge heaters, mechanical sludge mixers and a sludge loading pad. 9. Sludge Thickening. The cost includes sludge thickening facilities to thicken the WAS prior to anaerobic digestion. Major items of the new Plant 2 and the opinion of probable cost are presented in Table VII-10. These costs are based on current prices. VII-18 TABLE VII-13 OPINION OF PROBABLE COST - PLAN 2B PROPOSED NEW PLANT 2 PRIMARY TREATMENT Item Probable Cost Headworks $250,000 Administration and Lab Building 80,000 Influent Pump Station 370,000 Primary Clarifiers 360,000 Primary Sludge and Scum Pump Station 91,000 Final Sludge and Scum Pump Station 91,000 Electrical 124,000 Total Construction Cost $1,366,000 Secondary/Advanced Treatment - Plan 2B Secondary treatment, as well as ammonia removal, will be required to meet discharge limitations. Since the facility is a remote facility, the costs have been based on extended aeration activated sludge which is capable of ammonia removal but will also be a more stable process for remote operation. More detailed study would be required during design for process selection. Table VII-14 indicates the opinion of probable cost for the Secondary/Advanced Treatment. TABLE VII-14 OPINION OF PROBABLE COST - PLAN 2B NEW PLANT 2 SECONDARY/ADVANCED TREATMENT Item Probable Cost Secondary/Advanced Treatment $2,970,000 Total Construction Cost $2,970,000 Table VII-15 indicates the opinion of probable cost for Plan 2B. These costs are based on current prices. VII-19 TABLE VII-15 OPINION OF PROBABLE COSTS PLAN 2B - TOTAL PROJECT COST A. Construction Cost Item Probable Cost Plant 1 Rehabilitation (Table VII-i) $ 2,889,000 Plant 1 Advanced Treatment (Table VII-8) 5,170,000 Proposed New Plant 2 Primary Treatment (Table VII-13) 1,366,000 New Plant 2 Secondary/Advanced Treatment (Table VII-14) 2,970,000 Existing Collection System Rehabilitation (Table VII-2) 470,000 Proposed Interceptor Sewer System (Table VII-ii) 3,614,000 Total Construction Cost $16,479,000 B. Project Cost Total Construction Cost $16,479,000 5% Contingency 824,000 20% Engineering, Legal, Fiscal and Administrative 3,296,000 Right-of-Way Acquisition 807000 Total Project Cost $20,679,000 PLAN 3 Plan 3 proposes to retain the two-treatment plant concept by abandoning existing Plant 2 and replacing it with a new treatment facility which will provide treatment capacity for the existing Plant 2 service area, the existing Plant 1 service area south of Magnolia Road, and the pro- posed south service growth area. Plan 3 also contains a proposal to install two new pump stations and approximately 7.0 miles of force mains and gravity sewers to transport flow to Plants 1 and 2. This plan would convey projected future flow from the east part of the City to Plant 1 and would convey flow from the existing service area south of Magnolia Road and the proposed service area in the south part of the City to a new Plant 2. Plate VII-6 indicates the approximate location of the proposed pump stations and interceptor sewer system. The upgrade to the existing collection system is the same as Plan IA. VII-20 NOT TO SCALE MAIN - ~~' LEGEND r .... FORCE MAIN GRAVITY SEWER S.~[:LINA, KANSAS WASTEWATER STUDY PLAN 3 PLATE '~-r- 6 The wastewater flow and characteristics projections for this plan were developed and presented in Table III-9. The following is a summary of the required future capacity: Flow BOD5 Loading TSS Loading Year (MGD) (lbs./daM) (lbs./day) 1990 1.40 3,210 3,035 2010 2.80 6,420 6,070 2020 3.40 7,800 7,375 The same rehabilitation proposed for Plant 1 under Plan lA is proposed for this plan. Plant 1 Advanced Treatment - Plan 3 The advanced treatment for Plant 1 will be designed for a flow of 4.45 MGD. The estimated construction cost for Plant 1 advanced treatment is shown in Table VII-16. Plate VII-7 is a preliminary layout of the new Plant 2 for this plan. The following is a brief discussion of the major components that would be installed. TABLE VII-16 OPINION OF PROBABLE COST - PLAN 3 PLANT 1 ADVANCED TREATMENT Item Probable Cost Advanced Treatment $4,400,000 Total Construction Cost $4,400,000 Proposed New Plant 2 Primary Treatment - Plan 3 The primary treatment for the new Plant 2 will be designed for a flow of 2.80 MGD. 1. Headworks. The cost includes a mechanical barscreen, a manual barscreen, an aerated grit chamber, grit conveyor, cyclone, classifier, grit pump, influent flow meter, and a new interceptor line from existing -- Plant 2 to the new Plant 2. 2. Administration and Lab Building. Identical to Plan 2B. 3. Influent Pump Station. The cost includes an influent screw pump station to pump wastewater through the facility. 4. Primary Clarifiers No. 1 and No. 2 are 50 foot diameter and a 9.5 foot SWD. Each clarifier will have a volume of 139,525 gallons. VII-21 -- EFFLUENT /--- NEW SLUDGE  - --n~/ THICKENER NEW FINAL SLUDGE--~ [ ..... AND SCUM PUMP \ I - STATION \ ~ -- ~-NEW FINAL IGESTER COMPLEX CLARIFIERS SECONDARY ADVANCED -- WASTE TREATMENT NEW PRIMARY LEGEND CLARIFIERS '~ PROCESS i~LOW m ~ ' - RECIRCULATION ~--NEW PRIMARY SLUDGE NEW PRIMARY AND SCUM PUMP CLARIFIERS STATION NEW INFLUEI INFLUENT PUMP STATION -- NEW HEADWORKS SALINA, KANSAS WASTEWATER STUDY - NEW PLANT 2 PLAN 2B 8~ 2A FLOW SCHEMATIC &COMPA /Y PLATE 7 5. Primary Sludge and Scum Pump Station would house the primary sludge and scum pumps that pump the raw primary sludge to the digester complex. 6. Final Clarifiers No. 1 and No. 2 are 50 foot diameter and a 9.5 foot SWD. Each clarifier would have a volume of 139,525 gallons. 7. Digester Complex. The costs include a primary digester, secondary digester, sludge heaters, sludge mixers and a sludge loading pad. 8. Sludge Thickening. The cost includes sludge thickening facilities to thicken the WAS prior to anaerobic digestion. 9. Final Sludge and Scum Pump Station could pump sludge from the final clarifiers to the sludge thickening facility and/or digester complex. Major items of the new Plant 2 and the opinion of probable cost are pre- sented in Table VII-17. These costs are based on current prices. TABLE VII-17 _ OPINION OF PROBABLE COST - PLAN 3 PROPOSED NEW PLANT 2 PRIMARY TREATMENT Item Probable Costs Headworks $400,000 -- Administration and Lab Building 80,000 Influent Pump Station 650,000 Primary Clarifiers 460,000 Primary Sludge and Scum Pump Station 110,000 Digesters Complex 1,000,000 Final Sludge and Scum Pump Station 110,000 Electrical 281~000 Total Construction Cost $3,091,000 Plant 2 Secondary/Advanced Treatment - Plan 3. Secondary treatment, as well as ammonia removal, will be required to meet _ discharge limitations. Since the facility is a remote facility, the costs have been based on extended aeration activated sludge which is capable of ammonia removal but will also be a more stable process for remote operation. More detailed study would be required during design for process selection. Table VII-18 indicates the opinion of probable cost for the secondary/advanced treatment. The secondary/advanced treat- ment for the new Plant 2 will be designed for a flow of 2.80 MGD. VII-22 TABLE VII-18 OPINION OF PROBABLE COST NEW PLANT 2 SECONDARY/ADVANCED TREATMENT Item Probable Costs Secondary/Advanced Treatment $3~630~000 Total Construction Cost $3,630,000 Proposed East Dry Creek Interceptor Sewer System - Plan 3 Table VII-19 indicates the opinion of probable cost for the proposed East Dry Creek interceptor sewer system. VII-23 TABLE VII-19 OPINION OF PROBABLE COST - PLAN 3 PROPOSED EAST DRY CREEK INTERCEPTOR SEWER SYSTEM Price/ Item Unit Unit Quantity Probable Cost -- Trenching, Backfill and Compaction (0-8') L.F. $ 11 5,760 $ 63,360 Trenching, Backfill _ and Compaction (8-10') L.F. 12 2,185 26,220 Trenching, Backfill and Compaction (10-12') L.F. 14 10,695 149,730 Trenching, Backfill and Compaction ~12-14') L.F. 17 2,990 50,830 Trenching, Backfill and Compaction (14-16') L.F. 19 960 18,240 Trenching~ Backfill and Compaction (16-18') L.F. 22 340 7,480 -- Trenching, Backfill and Compaction ~18-20') L.F. 25 1,470 36,750 Trenching, Backfill and Compaction (>20') L.F. 30 1,900 57,000 16-inch Force Main L.F. 17 3 200 54,400 12-inch Gravity Sewer L.F. 13 4,600 59,800 15-inch Gravity Sewer L.F. 17 2,100 35,700 18-inch Gravity Sewer L.F. 18 1 100 19,800 21-inch Gravity Sewer L.F. 22 9,900 217,800 27-inch Gravity Sewer L.F. 35 5,900 206,500 Bore and Jack Including Steel Casing L.F. 200 500 100,000 Select Backfill L.F. 9 2,500 22,500 Rock Excavation L.F. 10 1,000 10,000 Dewatering L.F. 10 3,500 35,000 Manhole, 4-foot Diameter Each 1,500 38 57,000 Trench Stabilization L.F. 6 4,500 27,000 -- Smoky Hill River Crossing L.S. 50,000 1 50,000 Pump Station 3A-i L.S. 1 600,000 _ Construction Staking L.S. 1 12,890 Total Construction Cost $1,918,000 VII-24 Proposed Magnolia Force Main System - Plan 3 Table VII-20 indicates the opinion of probable cost for the proposed Magnolia Force Main system. TABLE VII-20 OPINION OF PROBABLE COSTS - PLAN 3 PROPOSED MAGNOLIA FORCE MAIN SYSTEM Price/ Item Uni____~t Unit Quantity Probable Cost Trenching, Backfill -- and Compaction (0-8') L.F. $ 11 $13,100 $144,100 14-inch Force Main L.F. 14 13,100 183,400 Bore and Jack Including Steel Casing L.F. 200 300 60,000 Remove and Replace Pavement S.Y. 16 3,800 60,800 Gravel Surfacing S.Y. 6 4,000 24,000 Select Backfill L.F. 9 500 4,500 Dewatering L.F. 10 500 5,000 Trench Stabilization L.F. 6 500 3,000 Pump Station 3A-2 L.S. 1 800,000 Construction Staking L.S. 1 2,200 Total Construction Cost $1,287,000 Table VII-21 indicates the opinion of probable cost for Plan 3. These costs are based on current prices. VII-25 TABLE VII-21 OPINION OF PROBABLE COST PLAN 3 - TOTAL PROJECT COST A. Construction Cost Item Probable Cost Plant 1 Rehabilitation (Table VII-i) $2,889,000 Plant 1 Advanced Treatment (Table VII-16) 4,400,000 New Plant 2 Primary Treatment (Table VII-17) 3,091,000 New Plant 2 Secondary/Advanced Treatment (Table VII-18) 3,630,000 Existing Collection System Rehabilitation (Table VII-3) 470,000 Proposed East Dry Creek Interceptor Sewer System (Table VII-19) 1,918,000 Proposed Magnolia Force Main System (Table VII-20) 1~287,000 Total Construction Cost $17,685,000 B. ~rq~ect Cost Total Construction Cost $17,685,000 5% Contingency 884,000 20% Engineering, Legal, Fiscal and Administrative 3,537,000 Right-of-Way Acquisition 70,000 Total Project Cost $22,176,000 SUMMARY OF PROJECT COSTS Three basic plans have been evaluated to convey and treat existing was- - tewater flows and to provide for future growth of the City. Plan 1 pro- vides for the abandonment of Plant 2 at the Schilling Industrial Area and conveys all wastewater to Plant 1 for treatment. Variations of Plan 1 _ involve different routings of the interceptor sewers. Plan 2 provides for maintaining the two treatment plants in operation and providing only moderate growth capacity for the southern portion of the City. Variations in Plan 2 involve expanding the existing plant or providing a new plant. Plan 3 provides for maintaining the two treatment plants in VII-26 operation, diversion of all wastewater flows south of Magnolia Road to Plant 2 and constructing a new Plant 2. The following cost summary com- pares the estimated total project costs for each Plan and the alternates considered. Plan lA $17,931,000 Plan lB $18,497,000 Plan 2A $20,082,000 Plan 2B $20,679,000 Plan 3 $22,176,000 Included in all of the above project estimates of cost is the capacity for development of the East Dry Creek drainage basin. The interceptor sewer system as shown for Plan 3 in the East Dry Creek basin serves only that basin. The East Dry Creek interceptor is included in the Plan 3 estimate to provide equality in the plan comparisons. In event Plan 3 was selected for implementation the East Dry Creek interceptor could be deferred until development within the basin created the need for all or a portion of the interceptor. In any event the property served within the basin would ultimately .pay for the interceptor system. For Plan 1 and Plan 2, therefore, the property in East Dry Creek basin served by the interceptor could be assessed the equivalent of the Plan 3 East Dry Creek interceptor cost. The method of assessing and recovering such costs will need to be developed. The cost comparisons of each plan excluding the cost or cost equivalent of the East Dry Creek interceptor is as follows. TOTAL EAST DRY CREEK REMAINING PLAN PROJECT COST INTER. COST (1) PROJECT COST lA 17,931,000 2,448,000 15,483,000 lB 18,497,000 2,448,000 16,049,000 2A 20,082,000 2,448,000 17,634,000 2B 20,697,000 2,448,000 18,249,000 3 22,176,000 2,385,000 19,791,000 -- (1) The difference for Plan 3 assumes that Pump Station No. 17 will be rehabilitated rather than abandoned as in Plans 1 and 2. -- DISCUSSION Plan IA is approximately two million dollars less expensive in project costs tham the most economical alternatives of Plans 2 or 3. There are additional factors which could influence the decision of which alternate (option) to pursue. These include operation and maintenance costs, pro- ject construction timing, critical utilization of capacities provided, and, in the case of Plan 1, the possible recovery of costs for providing service in the East Dry Creek drainage basin. VII-27 1. Operation and Maintenance Costs. a. Wastewater Treatment Plants. Plan 1 provides for one plant treating all wastewater collected in the City. Plans 2 and 3 provide two treatment facilities, the main plant, Plant I, northeast of the City dis- charging into the Smoky Hill River and a second plant, Plant 2, located in the Schilling Industrial Area serving the southern portion of the City and discharging into Dry Creek. The proposed effluent requirements for Plant 2 are considerably more stringent than for Plant 1, therefore, the costs of treating a volume of waste at Plant 2 .will be greater than treating the same volume of waste at Plant 1. Also the more stringent requirements are in effect a longer period of the year at Plant 2 than at Plant 1. Plant 2 currently has very minimal staffing, but under the improvement plans would require permanent full-time staffing. The total costs of operating the two treatment plants will be considera- bly greater than operating Plant 1 treating all wastewater flows. 2. Project Construction Timing. It is anticipated that a new discharge permit issued in 1991 will require advanced waste treatment for Plant 1 and Plant 2 discharges. The permit will allow some time period for com- ing into compliance, but probably not more than two years. The estimated construction period for plant rehabilitation and upgrading is approxi- mately one and one-half years. The construction period for the intercep- tor sewers would be approximately one year. The rehabilitation of the existing collection system could be on a separate time schedule from remaining sewer system projects. In event Plan 3 is selected, the East Dry Creek Interceptor would be constructed as needed. For Plans 1, 2 and 3 Plant 1 and/or Plant 2 projects should be complete projects but could be built under separate contracts, undertaken concurrently. The inter- ceptor sewer projects could be divided into multiple contracts as long as they are compatible to and completed in conjunction with the treatment work. Plans 2 and 3 provide more flexibility in project timing. 3. Utilization of Capacity Provided. When providing for growth over an extended period of time, some facilities have little or small loadings initially and may incur operational and maintenance problems. This is particularly the case for interceptor sewers in relatively undeveloped areas. In each of the plans considered herein, there is a diversion of existing flows which will tend to alleviate this type of problem. The most notable differential of capacity provided versus initial loading is the northern portion of the East Dry Creek Interceptor for Plans 1 and 2. VII-28 Capacity-Loading Comparison Northern Portion East Dry Creek Interceptor (Year 2030) Capacity Provided Initial Flows Avg. Flow Peak Flow Avg. Flow Peak Flow Plan MGD Rate MGD Rate MGD Rate MGD Rate 1 5.00 MGD 10.00 MGD 0.93 MGD 2.79 MGD 2 3.15 MGD 6.90 MGD 0.50 MGD 1.50 MGD The initial flow rates are approximately 20 percent of the capacity provided. This could result in some deposition of solids within the sew- ers and establish conditions, which may result in formation of odors. Additional operation and maintenance may be required to control these conditions. The other interceptors and the treatment plants will be utilizing provided capacity to a greater degree and should not provide extraordinary operational and maintenance conditions. 4. Recovery of Costs for Capacity Provided in East Dry Creek Drainage Basin Sewage Collection System. The traditional method of payment for sanitary sewer mains and interceptors would be to establish a benefit district for the property served and assess the costs of providing the service, in an equitable manner, over a period of years. However, in the case where the area served is largely undeveloped, this may place an unu- sual financial burden on property that may not be developed in the near future. An alternative method that may be considered is the establish- ment of a benefit district but defer the costs to be assessed until the property is subdivided for development. The payment could be one-time amount for the subdivided land or could be incorporated into the City's current policy for assessing costs of improvements against property benefited. 5. Project Costs for Principal Items. a. Existing Collection System Rehabilitation (Table VII-3) Total Construction Cost $ 470,000 5% Contingency 22,000 20% Engineering, Legal, Fiscal and Administrative ...93~000 Total Project Cost $ 585,000 VII-29 b. New Interceptor Sewers (Table VII-4) Total Construction Cost $5,147,000 5% Contingency 250,000 20% Engineering, Legal, Fiscal and Administrative 1,023,000 Right-of-Way Acquisition 80,000 _ Total Project Cost $6,500,000 c. Plant 1 Rehabilitation (Table VII-i) -- Total Construction Cost $2,889,000 5% Contingency 139,000 20% Engineering, Legal, Fiscal and Administrative 572~000 _ Total Project Cost $3,600,000 d. Plant 1 Advanced Treatment (Table VII-2) Total Construction Cost $5,775,000 5% Contingency 300,000 20% Engineering, Legal, Fiscal and Administrative 1~171~000 _ Total Project Cost $7,246,000 VII-30 SECTION VIII SUMMARY -- GENERAL The City of Salina wastewater collection and treatment facilities have -- been evaluated in relation to estimated growth patterns and anticipated regulatory requirements regarding the quality of the discharge from the treatment facilities. SUMMARY OF REVIEW CRITERIA Existing -- Parameter Year 1988 20101 20302 Population 43,000 56,000 65,000 Sewage Flows Daily Average., MGD 4.09 7.25 9.00 -- Additional Sewage Flows3 Residential, MGD - 1.79 0.98 Industrial/Commercial, MGD - 1.37 0.77 1Conditions for treatment facilities evaluations 2Conditions for interceptor sewer evaluations 3Approximately 85% of growth in areas to the south and east of present service areas SUMMARY OF WASTEWATER TREATMENT REQUIREMENTS New discharge permits will be issued for the existing treatment facili- ties in 1991. It is anticipated that the new requirements will be much -- more stringent than current limits. The principal new requirement will be for ammonia removal. Removing ammonia will require extensive addi- tions to and/or redesign of existing treatment facilities. Existing -- facilities provide a degree of treatment known as secondary, the new dis- charge requirements will require treatment known as advanced. The new criteria for Plant 2 is more stringent than that for Plant 1. Disinfection of the discharge has not been proposed but could be required sometime in the design period of the facilities. EVALUATION OF INTERCEPTOR SEWERS AND WASTEWATER TREATMENT Three basic plans were developed for evaluation: Plan 1 considered only one treatment facility located at the present Plant 1 site. All wastewater would be conveyed to Plant 1. Plant 2 at Schilling would be abandoned. Plan 2 continued the use of the two existing treatment facilities, Plant 1 and Plant 2. Growth capacity would be provided in each facility and a portion of existing flows from the southern portion of the City currently conveyed in existing interceptors would be rerouted through a new interceptor also serving a new area east of the present City, the East Dry Creek drainage basin. Plan 3 also continued the use of the two existing treatment facilities, Plant 1 and Plant 2. However, the existing flows from the southern por- tion of the City were rerouted to Plant 2. The evaluation of each complete plan of treatment and interceptors indi- cates that Plan 1 is the most cost-effective. The opinion of project cost indicates a total cost of $17,931,000. The evaluation of the existing interceptor sewer system indicates most portions of the system are adequate for planned growth after considering diversion of flows from the southern area. However, several of the older pumping stations are in need of rehabilitation, one of the older interceptors, Front Street, requires some pipeline replacement and an additional interceptor is required in the Schilling area to provide for growth in the new industrial area to the south. Plant 1 requires rehabilitation of a number of existing facilities to replace obsolete equipment, replace the existing headworks structure, make needed repairs and initiate an odor control program. The total project costs include the following principal items: Existing Collection System Rehabilitation $ 585,000 Proposed Interceptor Sewers1 6,500,000 Plant 1 Rehabilitation 3,600,000 Plant 1 Advanced Treatment 7,246~000 TOTAL $17,931,000 1The estimated project cost of an interceptor sewer system serving only the East Dry Creek drainage basin is $2,448,000. This amount could be assessed to property to be served within the drainage basin. ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS 1. A detailed engineering analysis and cost-effective analysis should be conducted to determine the process to be used to remove ammonia at Plant 1 and to develop strategies to meet proposed sludge management regulations. 2. A financial analysis should be conducted to determine the impact of the project on the sewer service charges. 3. The City may desire to file a request to the Kansas Department of Health and Environment ~o place the project on the priority list for VIII-2 funding for a Federal Grant and/or the State Revolving Loan Fund. State loans may be available at an interest rate of approximately 4.5 percent. 4. The City may desire to establish a method of assessing interceptor sewer costs to property served in the East Dry Creek drainage basin. VIII-3 APPENDIX A STATE OF KANSAS DEPABTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIItONMENT Forbes Field Topeka, Kansas 66620-0(X)1 Phone (91,3) 296-1500 Mike Hayden, Governor Sta,~ley C. Grant, Ph.D., Seeretar!! Gary K. lhdett, Ph.D., Under Secretar!! June 6, 1989 Beth Huning Wilson & Company 9831S. 51st Street, Suite C-119 Phoenix, Arizona 85040 Re: Salina, Kansas Sewage Treatment Facilities Effluent Limitations Dear Ms. Hurting: This follows our conversation of April 28, 1989 on the issue of effluent ammonia criteria to comply with present KDHE Water Quality Standards for the Main Plant and Schilling Plant discharges. As requested and as discussed, we have developed effluent limitations criteria for three different scenarios being considered by the City in the City-wide study of wastewater facilities needs. The effluent limitations for each of these three scenario's would be as follows: Scenario No. 1 - Main Plant (No. 1) at 7.Smgd Time of Year CBOD November through April 25 May through October 20 The CBOD requirements are presented as monthly averages. As discussed in our phone conversation we believe 20 CBOD is adequate for the period May through October, however this results in an in-stream dissolved oxygen violation in the month of July. 20 CBOD is acceptable in July if a minimum DO concentration in the effluent of 9.0 can be obtained. If not, a 15 mg/1 CBOD limit within July would result in compliance with the 5.0 mg/1 dissolved oxygen water quality standard. A-1 -- Beth Huning, Wilson & Co. June 6, 1989 Page 2 Time of Year Effluent Ammonia November through March No Limit April 15.5 -- May 10 June 7.5 July 5.5 -- August 7 September 9 October 13.5 As we discussed, the determination there would be "nolimit" from November through March is based on the water quality analysis computer model that sewage treatment plant effluent ammonia would not exceed 20 -- mg/1. ' These numbers are presented as weekly averages with a not-to- exceed concentration of 1 1/2 times the weekly average. Past monitoring data for the main plant in Salina have resulted in effluent ammonia -- values in excess of 30 mg/1 (1.5 times 20) and if the resulting recommended design can not assure instantaneous effluent ammonia concentrations will not exceed 30 mg/1, we should discuss this particular issue further. Disinfection of the effluent is not required. Scenario No. 2 Salina - Schilling Plant (No. 2) at 1.65 mgd -- Time of Year CBOD October through April 25 May through September 15 Time of Year Effluent Ammonia December through February 12 March - April and October - November 8 May through September 3 Disinfection is not required. Scenario No. 3 Salina - Schilling Plant (No. 2) at 3.4 mgd Time of Year CBOD November through April 25 May - June and September - October 15 July through August 10 A-2 Beth Huning, Wilson & Co. June 6, 1989 Page 3 Time of Year Effluent Ammonia December through February 10 Ma~ch and November 7 April and October 4 May through September 2 Disinfection is not required. During our telephone conversation we were very interested to learn the City may be experiencing high influent ammonia concentrations due to a very high ammonia discharge from a industrial facility into the City's collection system. This issue must be fully investigated to assess the cost- effectiveness of pre-treatment as an alternative to result in compliance with water quality standards. We hope the above information is helpful and if you have any questions, please contact me at 913-296-5527. Sincerely yours, Ro~~er, P.E., Chief Municipal ~rograms Section Bureau of Water Protection Enclosures RRG:eam pc: City of Salina North Central District Rod Geisler Salina 2.1 File