2313 Imp Greeley Street ~ TO TilE 1I0000llllBLE OOillW OF COIIIIJSSIOIlERS CI1Y or SliLW.\, IJli':SI\S GENTLEI'IEN: ~ Salina, :~ansas Dale Filed: December 7. 1959 PETlTION NO. 2313 '~c, the undersi[:ncd, rcsidcnts and property ouners in the City of Salina, Kansas, do hcreby petition your honorable body for the curbing. guttering and paving of Greeley street ft'OJI Ohio, west to center line of Smoky Hill River. Trusting that the prayers of the petitioners will be granted, we are, Respec tfully I FILED BY: Floyd P. Hjzelwood NNIE ADDRESS LOT BLOCK ADDITION