2307 Vac Alley E Lincoln I"".,;...;, ,-" .. ~~, Me,,".,," ,." c. ~,", XlV' , "j ,.."'" " 1 , 5alina, ::ansas TO TIlE H()¡>;OIli\DLE IJOiúlD OP (:OIlIIiSSIOIIERS ClTY or S:\LI n.\, IJ\I':SAS Date Filed: Noveœber 9th. 1959 PET[TION NO. 2)07 GEl'ITLE~lEN : '~e, the undersil:ncd, residents and property OImers in the City of Snlina, Kansas, do hereby petition your honorable body for the vacation of alley that abuts the proper ty of 90) and 905 East Lincoln. Said alley runs north frOfll Lincoln SIS shown on attached engineering survey, marked Exhihi.t "A" hereto and nade a part hereof. T<lat no pri vaw rights will be injured or endangered by' such vacation and exclusion, a nd the public will not suffer loss or inconvenience. thereby. Trusting that the prayers of the petitioners will be gral1ted, we are, Respectfully. FILED BY: I<TNr'." '>'1' OIŒ::; NIU lE ADDRESS Lar BLOCK ADD1Tlo;~ Paul J 90'; 3. Lincoln 1 -"::: 2-21. In .,~-{ ð On", ß- T oM"ð- onl 10' -. IÌraham 10 " T^h" T- a/)'> ^ .. - -- M In " - \ ! I \ I