2214 Sewer Vanderbuilt Add PETITION For _Sanitary sewers ip V(a!'lderbullt @Jld.'_~~n- ~4dition ------ ----~-- - ------ ---~---- Presented to the Board of Commissioners and reed -Apr. 28t.h.-_- -- _19--59 and referred to ---_CllX-)i~~g'!r- - --- REPORT ------------ - -- - ------ ----- - - - - --- ----- ----- ---------- ----- -- -------- --~ ThE within Petition was filed in my office this __28tb_- ----- -- --- - - _day of ---J\pri~ -- - - --~- --- 19-----59 --- --}l.J:.~ Pe_teJ'so1L_.----- City Clerk """""" co- -.' --".. ,2,3,h, Vanderbni1t. Rolland Vanderbuilt t-.7-R" J"hn 1.1 ~........-" ll..!!. n..' Harold Fulton 1hùO ""verIv ¡n.¡ve G"n ~L . ¡¡"..i.. R. VI - 1.?1. M '- T\~,u~ T~ð ,I.?{) D~-"~-'.. n.,.,u,," James "'erth 1h21. Bever'", Drive \ I ! I I , i . , I ¡ Salina, :Cansas TO THE HCNOOABLB BOARD OP COIUl1SSIONERS CITY OP SALINA, I~SAS Filed: April 22, 1959 Pg'l'ITION IM'lJER ~ GEi'iTLÐIEN: I~C, the undersigned, residents and property owners in the City of Salina, Kansas, do hereby petition your honorable body tor the Sanitary sewer to serve 8 lots i~ the Vanderbuilt Addition, Salina, Saline County, Kansas and to serve Haven Addition. Trusting that the prayers ot the petitioners will be granted, we are, Respecttully, FILED BY: Rolland Vanderbuilt. NAlIE ADDRESS LOr BLOC:~ ADDITION