2195 Amend Zoning Surveyors
For rezoning a tra.t. of laud~.u
_..aLBrOAdxð¥ Blvd.
& N. pi..tie-
IJQj,~'t wher..e- ;>_outh_St, iDt&r~
t he...b.<nù.eD.l'Ù
'1ted to the Board of Commissioners
and read -Apr. lhth- -
and referred to
--------Cit.y--~13nning, ,eo-i~~-
----------,.,---- -- ------
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-1 ~ ,\----'- --
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The within Petition was filed in my office
this - _.JJtb -- -
----, __day of
___-..---ApriL~--- -- 19--.-52
---H.E.Pet-e-rs 'on -, ___--_n_-
City Clerk
«"O'_;O"" "-'
Parcel No.1:
A tract of land in the NW~, Section 14, T 14 S, R 3 W, of
the 6th Principal Meridian, more particularly described as follows:
Beginning at a point on the West right-of-way line of u.s. High-
way No. 81, which point is 821 feet South of the centerline of
Walnut Street; thence southerly along the West right-of-way line
of U. S. Highway No. 81, 120 feet; thence Westerly parallel with
the centerline of Walnut Street 150.5 feet to the East line of
Smither Street; thence Northerly along the East line of Smither
Street 120 feet; thence Easterly parallel with the centerline of
Walnut Street 150.6 feet, more or less to the point of beginning;
and containing 0.41 acres, more or less.
Parcel No.2:
The North 120 feet of Tract NO.4, Surveyors Plat No. 51,
Saline County, Kansas, containing 0.61 Acres, more or less.
Parcel No.1:
A trdct 01 i_II\(; in the ~;W,~, S¡:ction 14, T 14 S, R 3 W, of
the 6th principö.l Meridian, rJore i'articularly described as follows:
Beginning at a point on the We:~t right-of-\Jay line of U. S. High-
way No. 81, which point is 821 feet South of the c~nterline of
Walnut Stre<'t; thence ~outherly along the West right-of-way line
of U. S. Hi[;h.....a:, ~¡o, 81, 120 feet; thence West~rly parallel with
the centerline 0:' Walnut Street L50.5 feet to the East line or
Smither Street; th,>nce Northerly along the East line of Smither
Street 120 feet; thence Easterly parallel with the centerline or
Walnut Street 150.6 feet, more or less to the point of beginning;
,HlcJ co;1taining 0.41 acc~S> !10re or less.
Parcel No, 2:
The ~:;);~!:h ~:':Q fe{'~ ,,1' fr¿,.:t ~(). 4, Surveyors Plat No. 51,
S:lline County, v,dusas, contai::ing 0.61 Acres, more or less.
<3al1na, f.ansas
TO THO: Horœ.>.Br.:: 30A:ill OF COMlUSSSIOIEIt:
Filed: April13, 19~9
PE'!' !TICtI Nlf1oflER 2195
~!e, the undersigned, residents and property owners in the City 01 Salina.
~ansas, do hereby petition your honorable body for the rezoning of the real estate
described as parcel III and parcel #2 on the atlad:ed annex froll Zone nAil to Zone "F",
Light lndustrj~].
Trusting that the prayers of the petitioners will be granted, we ~re.
FILED 9Y Jror,es R. Freeman
'" A ..
Cox: 216 S. FroRdw ay
",...lpv farraI' 126-128 S. Proad ~av
.'~ Fr;;.-.k 2<)2 SI1':ither Stre t
':!ur,P Ynunu 260 S!T!it,her Stre t
'" "'.-~--'" <:?r:: 11 T~nn A",,",
Parcel Ho. 1:
A tract of land in the ~"\o1?t, Section 14, T 14 S, R 3 W, of
the 6th Principal Meridian, rnorp particularly described as follows:
Beginning at a point on the Wc.;t right-of-way Hne of U.S. High-
way No. 81, which point i8 821 feet South of the centerline of
Walnut Street; thence southerly along the West right-of-way line
of U. S. Highway No. 81, 120 feet; thence Westerly parallel with
the centerline of Walnut Street 150.5 feet to the East line of
Smither Street; thence Northerly along the East line of Smither
Street 120 feet; thence Easterly parallel with the centerline of
Walnut Street 150.6 fEet, more or less to th~ point of beginning;
and containing 0.41 acres, more or less.
Parcel No.2:
The North 120 feet of ~ract No.4, Surveyors Plat No. 51,
Saline County, Kansas, containing 0.61 Acres, more or less.